
The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services' vision is of a social services system that strengthens communities and supports everyone in achieving their full potential. The ministry is helping build an Ontario where children, youth, women and families feel safe, supported and set up for success; where Indigenous peoples have improved outcomes; where all people with disabilities have equal opportunities; and where gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty are priorities.

Ministry Program Summary

Vote Program





  Operating expense        
701 Ministry Administration Program $100,733,300 $106,294,500 ($5,561,200) $119,903,359
702 Children and Adult Services Program $17,869,824,200 $17,745,311,200 $124,513,000 $17,061,751,278
703 Poverty Reduction Strategy Program - $1,700,000 ($1,700,000) $7,300,000
  Total operating expense to be voted $17,970,557,500 $17,853,305,700 $117,251,800 $17,188,954,637
  Statutory appropriations $63,643,065 $80,662,965 ($17,019,900) $40,931,812
  Ministry total operating expense $18,034,200,565 $17,933,968,665 $100,231,900 $17,229,886,449
  Consolidation adjustment - Hospitals ($134,369,200) ($127,474,500) ($6,894,700) ($139,401,881)
  Consolidation adjustment - School Board ($1,609,500) ($1,894,100) $284,600 ($1,829,348)
  Consolidation adjustment - Local Health Integration Networks - - - ($2,089,490)
  Consolidation adjustment - Ontario Trillium Foundation ($16,826,000) ($18,526,000) $1,700,000 ($24,126,000)
  Consolidation adjustment - Colleges ($2,105,100) ($2,139,700) $34,600 ($3,055,047)
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($38,658,700) ($41,243,100) $2,584,400 ($56,177,307)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $17,840,632,065 $17,742,691,265 $97,940,800 $17,003,207,376
  Operating assets        
701 Ministry Administration Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
702 Children and Adult Services Program $66,706,000 $43,707,000 $22,999,000 $38,740,114
703 Poverty Reduction Strategy Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
704 Children, Community and Social Services Capital Program $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $66,709,000 $43,710,000 $22,999,000 $38,740,114
  Ministry total operating assets $66,709,000 $43,710,000 $22,999,000 $38,740,114
  Capital expense        
704 Children, Community and Social Services Capital Program $34,527,000 $22,978,200 $11,548,800 $28,730,551
  Total capital expense to be voted $34,527,000 $22,978,200 $11,548,800 $28,730,551
  Statutory appropriations $39,327,500 $39,633,700 ($306,200) $38,543,870
  Ministry total capital expense $73,854,500 $62,611,900 $11,242,600 $67,274,421
  Consolidation adjustment - Hospitals ($2,088,800) ($4,750,000) $2,661,200 ($703,657)
  Consolidation adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio ($1,804,400) ($1,754,300) ($50,100) -
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $69,961,300 $56,107,600 $13,853,700 $66,570,764
  Capital assets        
704 Children, Community and Social Services Capital Program $18,254,400 $22,807,400 ($4,553,000) $15,094,733
  Total capital assets to be voted $18,254,400 $22,807,400 ($4,553,000) $15,094,733
  Ministry total capital assets $18,254,400 $22,807,400 ($4,553,000) $15,094,733
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $17,910,593,365 $17,798,798,865 $111,794,500 $17,069,778,140

Reconciliation to previously published data

Operating expense



Total operating expense previously published footnote 1 $17,881,131,387 $17,323,647,898
Government reorganization    

Transfer of functions from other Ministries

$632,300 $5,060,970

Transfer of functions to other Ministries

($83,704,800) ($98,822,419)
Supplementary Estimates    

2020-21 Supplementary Estimates

$135,909,800 -
Restated total operating expense $17,933,968,687 $17,229,886,449

Ministry Administration Program - vote 701

The Ministry Administration Program supports the development and implementation of the ministry's priorities by providing senior management, corporate offices and field staff with policy and program direction, strategic financial and resource planning and management, legal and communication services as well as administrative and operational support services.

Strategic Policy drives the ministry’s mandate by providing leadership, strategic analysis and expertise that cut across or underlie ministry programs and span ministries, governments, partnerships and commitments.

Business Intelligence and Practice leads innovation in the application and integration of data, business intelligence, information management and evidence-based metrics with ministry partners to support organizational effectiveness and demonstrate improved outcomes for Ontarians.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
1 Ministry Administration $74,963,000 $78,789,800 ($3,826,800) $99,303,640
2 Strategic Policy $25,770,300 $27,504,700 ($1,734,400) $20,599,719
  Total operating expense to be voted $100,733,300 $106,294,500 ($5,561,200) $119,903,359
S Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Minister without Portfolio’s Salary, the Executive Council Act $22,378 $22,378 - $17,467
S Parliamentary Assistants' Salaries, the Executive Council Act $32,346 $32,346 - $33,334
S Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - $959,756
  Total statutory appropriations $103,565 $103,565 - $1,059,858
  Total operating expense $100,836,865 $106,398,065 ($5,561,200) $120,963,217
  Operating assets        
10 Accounts Receivable $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating expense    
701-1 Ministry Administration    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $74,963,000
  Executive Offices    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$74,500 $5,447,200
  Business Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$494,000 $25,595,700
  Human Resources    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$61,000 $3,139,200
  Communications Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$66,000 $7,868,000
  Legal Services    

Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$21,200 $8,994,100
  Accommodation Services    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

$165,200 $23,918,800
  Total operating expense to be voted   $74,963,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act


Minister without Portfolio’s Salary, the Executive Council Act


Parliamentary Assistants' Salaries, the Executive Council Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act

701-2 Strategic Policy    

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted   $25,770,300
  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration Program   $100,836,865
  Operating assets    
701-10 Accounts Receivable    

Advances and recoverable amounts


Advances and Recoverable - In-year Recoveries

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Ministry Administration Program   $1,000

Children and Adult Services Program - vote 702

The Children and Adult Services program provides effective and accountable community-based services for individuals needing financial and employment supports, adults with developmental disabilities, children with developmental or physical disabilities and/or special needs, children and youth at risk, youth in conflict with law, and victims of violence.

Social Assistance programs help people return to work by providing financial and employment supports to eligible individuals who are in need, including people with disabilities and their families. The Family Responsibility Office improves the financial security of families by collecting and distributing child and spousal support payments.

The Children and Youth at Risk program include child protection services delivered by Children's Aid Societies and Indigenous societies to protect children and youth at risk of abuse or neglect; youth justice services to reduce reoffending and provide prevention, rehabilitation and reintegration services and other culturally appropriate services for Francophone and Indigenous communities and adoption information disclosure services.

Supports to Individuals and Families include services for children and youth with developmental and/or physical disabilities; culturally appropriate health and wellness programs for Indigenous peoples; community-based supports for at-risk youth or women and children experiencing violence; and specialized services for children and youth including autism services, rehabilitation services, and supports for those with complex special needs.

The Ontario Child Benefit provides direct non-taxable financial support for low to moderate income families. The Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent provides children and youth in the care of Children's Aid Societies with access to social, educational and recreational opportunities and a savings program for older youth in care.

The Children, Youth and Social Services Information & Information Technology Cluster provides strategic advice and operations of information technology solutions to support the business and mandate of the ministry.

The Office of Women's Issues works across government to promote women's economic and social empowerment and security and raise awareness of violence against women and human trafficking.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
3 Financial and Employment Supports $9,861,302,000 $9,877,765,600 ($16,463,600) $9,726,956,098
7 Family Responsibility Office $40,221,100 $44,680,400 ($4,459,300) $42,334,570
20 Children and Youth at Risk $2,049,765,200 $2,063,505,500 ($13,740,300) $2,012,334,097
21 Supports to Individuals and Families $4,617,384,300 $4,466,508,100 $150,876,200 $4,019,085,542
22 Ontario Child Benefit $1,203,194,700 $1,179,194,700 $24,000,000 $1,146,764,715
26 Children, Youth and Social Services Information and Information Technology Cluster $76,562,700 $92,260,000 ($15,697,300) $94,289,441
28 Women's Issues $21,394,200 $21,396,900 ($2,700) $19,986,815
  Total operating expense to be voted $17,869,824,200 $17,745,311,200 $124,513,000 $17,061,751,278
S Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act $63,538,500 $80,558,400 ($17,019,900) $39,871,954
  Total statutory appropriations $63,538,500 $80,558,400 ($17,019,900) $39,871,954
  Total operating expense $17,933,362,700 $17,825,869,600 $107,493,100 $17,101,623,232
  Operating assets        
9 Children and Adult Services $66,706,000 $43,707,000 $22,999,000 $38,740,114
  Total operating assets to be voted $66,706,000 $43,707,000 $22,999,000 $38,740,114
  Total operating assets $66,706,000 $43,707,000 $22,999,000 $38,740,114

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount Amount
  Operating expense      
702-3 Financial and Employment Supports      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Ontario Disability Support Program - Financial Assistance


Ontario Disability Support Program - Employment Assistance


Ontario Works - Financial Assistance


Ontario Works - Employment Assistance


Ontario Drug Benefit Plan

  $1,256,196,500 $9,641,552,600
  Total operating expense to be voted     $9,861,302,000
  Statutory appropriations      

Other transactions


Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act

702-7 Family Responsibility Office      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Total operating expense to be voted     $40,221,100
702-20 Children and Youth at Risk      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Child Welfare - Community and Prevention Supports


Child Welfare - Indigenous Community and Prevention Supports


Youth Justice Services


Child Protection Services

  $1,612,191,000 $1,889,037,500
  Total operating expense to be voted     $2,049,765,200
  Child Protection Services      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Child Welfare - Community and Prevention Supports


Child Welfare - Indigenous Community and Prevention Supports


Child Protection Services

$1,612,191,000 $1,769,320,000 $1,788,864,800
  Youth Justice Services      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Youth Justice Services

  $119,717,500 $260,900,400
  Total operating expense to be voted     $2,049,765,200
702-21 Supports to Individuals and Families      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Child and Youth Community Supports




Children's Treatment and Rehabilitation Services


Complex Special Needs


Children's Activity Tax Credit


Residential Services


Supportive Services


Youth Initiatives


Supports to Community Living


Supports to Victims of Violence


Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy


Healthy Families

  $86,683,500 $4,508,185,200
  Total operating expense to be voted     $4,617,384,300
  Developmental Services      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Supportive Services


Residential Services

$1,850,204,500 $2,890,013,700 $2,900,360,400
  Vulnerable Populations      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Supports to Community Living


Supports to Victims of Violence


Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy


Youth Initiatives

$48,928,700 $357,394,600 $364,559,700
  Children and Youth Services      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Child and Youth Community Supports




Children's Treatment and Rehabilitation Services


Complex Special Needs


Children's Activity Tax Credit


Healthy Families

$86,683,500 $1,260,776,900 $1,300,639,700
  Regional Delivery      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  $454,500 $51,824,500
  Total operating expense to be voted     $4,617,384,300
702-22 Ontario Child Benefit      

Transfer payments


Ontario Child Benefit Equivalent


Ontario Child Benefit

  $1,189,000,000 $1,203,194,700
  Total operating expense to be voted     $1,203,194,700
702-26 Children, Youth and Social Services Information and Information Technology Cluster      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment

  Subtotal     $98,487,900
  Less: recoveries     $21,925,200
  Total operating expense to be voted     $76,562,700
702-28 Women's Issues      

Salaries and wages


Employee benefits


Transportation and communication




Supplies and equipment


Transfer payments


Economic Empowerment Initiatives


Violence Prevention Initiatives

  $11,235,100 $17,955,200
  Total operating expense to be voted     $21,394,200
  Total operating expense for Children and Adult Services Program     $17,933,362,700
  Operating assets      
702-9 Children and Adult Services      

Advances and recoverable amounts


Ontario Child Benefit


Family Responsibility Office


Children and Youth at Risk


Children, Community and Social Services Information and Information Technology Cluster


Women's Issues


Supports to Individuals and Families


Financial Employment Supports

  $66,700,000 $66,706,000
  Total operating assets to be voted     $66,706,000
  Total operating assets for Children and Adult Services Program     $66,706,000

Poverty Reduction Strategy Program - vote 703

The Poverty Reduction Strategy addresses responsibilities under the Poverty Reduction Act, 2009.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating expense        
- Poverty Reduction Strategy Office - $1,700,000 ($1,700,000) $7,300,000
  Total operating expense to be voted - $1,700,000 ($1,700,000) $7,300,000
S Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating expense $1,000 $1,701,000 ($1,700,000) $7,300,000
  Operating assets        
2 Poverty Reduction Strategy $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount
  Operating expense  
  Statutory appropriations  

Other transactions


Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act

  Total operating expense for Poverty Reduction Strategy Program $1,000
  Operating assets  
703-2 Poverty Reduction Strategy  

Advances and recoverable amounts


Poverty Reduction Strategy

  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000
  Total operating assets for Poverty Reduction Strategy Program $1,000

Children, Community and Social Services Capital Program - vote 704

The Children, Community and Social Services Capital program provides funding for the ministry’s major and minor infrastructure projects as well as business application software.

Infrastructure funding is provided to community transfer payment recipients and the ministry's directly-operated facilities to acquire, construct, renew and renovate capital assets to support the effective delivery of the ministry's programs and management of core businesses.

Business application software acquired/constructed/developed are capitalized and expensed over the useful life of the asset.

Vote summary

Item number Item





  Operating assets        
9 Children, Community and Social Services Infrastructure Capital Program Operating Asset $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets to be voted $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total operating assets $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Capital expense        
1 Children, Community and Social Services Infrastructure $34,526,000 $22,977,200 $11,548,800 $28,730,551
2 Children, Community and Social Services Business Applications and Software $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $34,527,000 $22,978,200 $11,548,800 $28,730,551
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $39,326,500 $39,632,700 ($306,200) $38,543,870
S Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $39,327,500 $39,633,700 ($306,200) $38,543,870
  Total capital expense $73,854,500 $62,611,900 $11,242,600 $67,274,421
  Capital assets        
3 Children, Community and Social Services Infrastructure Capital Asset $1,000 $510,500 ($509,500) $262,458
4 Children, Community and Social Services Business Applications and Software Capital Asset $18,253,400 $22,296,900 ($4,043,500) $14,832,275
  Total capital assets to be voted $18,254,400 $22,807,400 ($4,553,000) $15,094,733
  Total capital assets $18,254,400 $22,807,400 ($4,553,000) $15,094,733

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount
  Operating assets    
704-9 Children, Community and Social Services Infrastructure Capital Program Operating Asset    

Advances and recoverable amounts


Capital Program

  Total operating assets to be voted   $1,000
  Total operating assets for Children, Community and Social Services Capital Program   $1,000
  Capital expense    
704-1 Children, Community and Social Services Infrastructure    

Transfer payments


Partner Facility Renewal


Capital Grants

$10,847,100 $29,745,700

Other transactions


Provision for Impairment/Loss/Write-down on assets


Capital Investment

$4,779,300 $4,780,300
  Total capital expense to be voted   $34,526,000
704-2 Children, Community and Social Services Business Applications and Software    

Other transactions

  Total capital expense to be voted   $1,000
  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Amortization, the Financial Administration Act

  Statutory appropriations    

Other transactions


Bad Debt Expense, the Financial Administration Act

  Total capital expense for Children, Community and Social Services Capital Program   $73,854,500
  Capital assets    
704-3 Children, Community and Social Services Infrastructure Capital Asset    

Investments in Tangible Capital Asset

  Total capital assets to be voted   $1,000
704-4 Children, Community and Social Services Business Applications and Software Capital Asset    

Business application software - salaries and wages


Business application software - employee benefits


Business application software - asset costs

  Total capital assets to be voted   $18,253,400
  Total capital assets for Children, Community and Social Services Capital Program   $18,254,400