How fishing and hunting fees are used
Learn how your fees are invested to improve fishing and hunting in the province.
How it works
The province spends 100% of hunting and fishing revenue on fish and wildlife management. This includes revenue from:
- commercial and recreational licence fees
- royalties
- fines and penalties
The funds go into a fish and wildlife special purpose account, which invests more than $71 million a year in fish and wildlife management.
Where your fees go
Breakdown by category:
- 25% - planning, policy and regulatory (purple)
- 19% - conservation officers and enforcement (green)
- 21% - species and ecosystem science (red)
- 14% - population health, rehabilitation and enhancement (brown)
- 13% - Outdoors cards and licensing (blue)
- 8% - safety, education and promotion (yellow)
*Planned Special Purpose Account expenditures, 2015-2016 fiscal year
How your fees improve fishing
Revenue collected supports:
- stocking 8 million fish a year in 1,200 lakes and rivers
- development of Fish ON-Line, a mobile fishing tool
- the Learn to Fish program
Find a stocked lake with Fish ON-Line
Ontario’s fish stocking program
How your fees improve hunting
Revenue collected supports:
- the reintroduction of elk and elk hunting in Ontario
- the hunter apprentice program and hunter education
- the creation of hundreds of thousands of hunting opportunities for deer, moose, elk, bear, small game and wild turkey
Learn about the hunter apprentice program
How your fees support enforcement and safety
Revenue collected supports:
- safety and education blitzes for hunting and fishing
- charges for poaching and unsafe hunting
- conservation officers on duty over 90,000 hours a year
Conservation Officer Powers and Authorities
How your fees support conservation
Your fees also support conservation efforts, such as:
- protecting native fish from invasive species (e.g., invasive carp, formerly known as Asian carp, round goby)
- improving habitat for fish and wildlife
- monitoring for diseases that affect fish and wildlife
- operating 9 fish culture stations to stock and re-establish fish species
- surveying fish and wildlife populations (e.g., size, age, numbers, general health)
Protecting fish and wildlife health
Annual reports
You can learn more about how fish and wildlife special purpose account dollars are spent by reading these reports:
- Special Purpose Account Annual Report 2016–2017
- Special Purpose Account Annual Report 2015–2016
- Special Purpose Account Annual Report 2014–2015
- Special Purpose Account Annual Report 2013–2014
- Special Purpose Account Annual Report 2012–2013
- Special Purpose Account Annual Report 2011–2012
- Special Purpose Account Annual Report 2010–2011
- Special Purpose Account Annual Report 2009–2010
- Special Purpose Account Annual Reports for Fiscal Years 1999–2008