Jury duty in Ontario
What you need to know about the jury duty process and what to do if you’re selected.
Jury summons by email or phone
Effective December 17, 2024, Canada Post has restarted operations to pick up, process, and deliver mail, which has been on hold since November 15, 2024. Canada Post advises that customers should expect delivery delays into January 2025.
At this time, we will continue to send jury summons to prospective jurors by email from juryduty@ontario.ca. If there is no email address available, Provincial Jury Centre staff will call prospective jurors from a Government of Ontario phone number.
If you have any questions email or call the Provincial Jury Centre at juryduty@ontario.ca or
A jury is a group of people randomly selected to make decisions at a trial in a court of law. A judge guides a jury through a trial by explaining the law and legal terms. You don’t need to know anything about the law to serve on a jury. Jurors also participate in coroner’s inquests.
It is the civic duty of all Ontario residents who are Canadian citizens 18 years of age and older to serve as a juror if selected.
Contact the location listed on your summons if you have questions.
How the jury process works
- Each year, the Mandatory Jury Eligibility Form (jury questionnaire) is mailed to about 800,000 people living in Ontario to determine if they are eligible for jury duty. The jury questionnaire can be completed using the form received in the mail or using the new online version (not both).
- People who submit the questionnaire and qualify to serve as jurors may then receive a letter in the mail (a summons), the following year, asking them to go to an Ontario courthouse or other location to participate in the jury selection process. Being summoned to jury duty does not mean you will be selected to be part of a jury.
- To get important updates about your jury duty after you are summoned, sign up for digital notifications. If you do not sign up, court staff will call or send you a letter with these updates.
- At the location on the summons, people are randomly selected to participate on a jury. Some people may not be selected and may be asked to come back the next day or they could be dismissed.
- If you are selected to be a juror, a judge will provide information about what to do next. If you’re not selected, you might be asked to return the next day to repeat the process.
If you receive a jury questionnaire
The jury questionnaire determines if you qualify for jury duty.
If you receive a jury questionnaire in the mail, you must fill out the paper form or complete it online (not both).
Paper forms
Paper questionnaires must be mailed within 30 days of receipt using the prepaid, self-addressed envelope included. The mailing address is:
Provincial Jury Centre
P.O. Box 666, Station A
Oshawa, Ontario
L1H 9Z9
Do not drop off the questionnaires in person. Do not mail anything else with the jury questionnaire.
Online questionnaire
If you fill out the jury questionnaire online, follow the instructions on the letter you have received. Scanning the QR code on the letter using your mobile phone camera will take you directly to the online form or you can access the questionnaire here.
You must complete the form online within 30 days of receiving the letter. Please do not fill out and mail the paper form if you have completed the questionnaire online
Accessible format
To request the an accessible version of the jury questionnaire within 10 days of receiving the letter, contact the Provincial Jury Centre at
If you can’t fill out the jury questionnaire yourself, you can have someone help you complete and sign it on your behalf. The person helping you must write their relationship to you at the bottom of the jury questionnaire.
If your address has changed
If you have moved and someone forwards you the questionnaire, write your new address at the top of the questionnaire, fill it out and mail it back using the prepaid self-addressed envelope.
The names and addresses of potential jurors are pulled from Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) registration records by the Ministry of Health. You can update your health card online, or in-person at a ServiceOntario centre.
If you receive a jury questionnaire for someone who no longer lives at your address (for example, they are away at school or moved), please send the questionnaire to that person. If you can’t send the questionnaire to that person, write “moved” on the envelope or on the space next to the address. Return the questionnaire by mail in the original envelope or, if opened, in the prepaid envelope provided.
If the questionnaire recipient has died
We apologize for any distress receiving this document may cause. You don’t need to return a jury questionnaire sent to a deceased person.
Potential jurors are pulled from Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) registration records. You can cancel a family member’s health card following their death.
Privacy legislation does not allow us to make any updates on your behalf.
If you have a disability
The jury questionnaire asks if you are physically or mentally unable to serve as a juror.
You will not be required to provide medical documentation with your jury questionnaire.
If you are summoned for jury duty, and you require an accommodation, you will be able to ask the court for one.
If you have been convicted of a more serious criminal offence
The jury questionnaire asks if you have been convicted of a certain type of criminal offence.
Answer “Yes” if:
- you’ve been convicted of an offence under the Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act or Cannabis Act
- you have not received a pardon or record suspension
- the offence is not on the list of less serious summary offences below
Answer “No” if you have:
- not been convicted of a criminal offence
- been found guilty of a criminal offence but were granted a discharge or a pardon or record suspension (criminal offences do not include violations of provincial statutes, such as traffic law offences, including speeding or parking tickets)
- been convicted of a “straight” summary offence, including an offence listed below
Criminal Code Offences – Straight Summary Offences
- Assisting deserter [Canadian Forces] — Section 54
- Attempting to commit, or being an accessory after the fact to, an offence punishable on summary conviction — Section 463(c)
- Being found in a common gaming house or betting house, or being an owner, landlord, lessor, tenant, occupier or agent who permits the use of a place as a common gaming house or betting house — Section 201(2)
- Breaching a court prohibition order related to a bestiality offence — Section 160(5)
- Breaching a prohibition or restitution order with respect to animal ownership — Section 447.1(2)
- Breeding a cetacean, except for licensed scientific research – Section 445.2(2)(b)
- Buying, taking or receiving a lot, ticket or other device in relation to lotteries and games of chance — Section 206(4)
- Carrying a weapon while attending a public meeting — Section 89
- Causing disturbance in public place; indecent exhibition or exposure; loitering; or disturbing peace and quiet of occupants of a dwelling-house — Section 175
- Communicating with any person for purpose of offering sexual services near or in view of school ground, playground or daycare — Section 213(1.1)
- Conspiracy to commit offence punishable on summary conviction — Section 465(1)(d)
- Counselling an offence punishable on summary conviction that is not committed — Section 464(b)
- Dealing in marked timber or lumbering equipment of another person — Section 339(2)
- Defacing a current coin — Section 456
- Disclosure of information relating to jury proceedings — Section 649
- Disturbing or interrupting assemblage met for religious worship or moral, social or benevolent purpose — Section 176(2),(3)
- Engaging in prize fight — Section 83
- Failure to comply with an order directing that a matter not be published — Section 517
- Failure to comply with an order restricting publication of evidence taken at a preliminary inquiry — Section 539(3)
- Failure to comply with an order restricting publication of information that could identify victim or witness — Section 672.501(11)
- Failure to comply with preservation demand made under section 487.012 — Section 487.0197
- Failure to comply with preservation or production order made under sections 487.013 to 487.018 — Section 487.0198
- Failure to comply with publication bans — Section 486.6
- Failure to comply with record keeping requirements associated with automobile master keys — Section 353(4)
- Failure to comply with subsections 490.02911(1) or (2) – i.e. failure to advise police service of verdict of NCR for an offence committed outside Canada upon entry into Canada or, if already in Canada, to advise police service of a change of address — Section 490.0312
- Failure to destroy data in accordance with section 487.0194 — Section 487.0199
- Failure to perform duty to safeguard opening in ice or excavation on land where no death or bodily harm results — Section 263(3) (c)
- Falsifying an employment record — Section 398
- Fraudulently obtaining food, beverage or accommodation — Section 364
- Fraudulently obtaining transportation — Section 393(3)
- Improper use of bodily substances taken under warrant — Section 487.08(3)
- Improper use or disclosure of bodily substance or results of test provided under a probation order — Section 732.11
- Improper use or disclosure of bodily substance or results of test provided under a conditional sentence order — Section 742.31
- Improper use or disclosure of bodily substance or results of test provided under a recognizance under sections 810, 810.01, 810.011, 810.1 or 810.2 — Section 810.4
- Interference with boundary lines on land — Section 442
- Interference with marine signal — Section 439(1)
- Interference with the saving of wreck — Section 438(2)
- Make a statement under oath or solemn affirmation by affidavit knowing that statement to be false — Section 134
- Making, publishing, printing, executing, issuing, distributing or circulating a likeness of a current bank-note or a government or bank obligation or security — Section 457
- Manufacture, production, sale or possession of slugs and tokens intended to be fraudulently used as substitutes for tokens in a token-operated device — Section 454
- Member of an unlawful assembly without concealing identity — Section 66(1)
- Nudity in public place or in public view — Section 174
- Obtaining carriage by false billing — Section 401
- Offences by employers with respect to trade unions — Section 425
- Offences in relation to members of R.C.M.P. — Section 56
- Operation with low blood drug concentration — Section 320.14(4)
- Owning a cetacean that is kept in captivity, except for enumerated purposes, including care, rehabilitation, or licensed scientific research – Section 445.2(2)(a)
- Participating in an unlawful lottery scheme — Section 207(3)(b)
- Participating in an unlawful lottery scheme on an international cruise ship — Section 207.1(3)(b)
- Possessing reproductive materials of cetaceans, except for licensed scientific research – Section 445.2(2)(c)
- Promoting or assisting in any event in which captive cetaceans are used for unauthorized entertainment – Section 445.2(4)
- Publication of document pertaining to a “production of a record” application — Section 278.9
- Publication of document with information with respect to search warrant without consent of persons referenced in warrant — Section 487.2
- Publish or broadcast any part of a trial where the jury was not present before jury retires to consider verdict — Section 648
- Publish or report an admission or confession tendered in evidence at a preliminary inquiry — Section 542(2)
- Publishing, broadcasting, or transmitting various documents related to a hearing on the admissibility of evidence in a criminal trial — Section 278.95
- Stopping or impeding traffic for purpose of offering, providing or obtaining sexual services for consideration — Section 213(1)
- Taking motor vehicle or vessel or being an occupant without consent — Section 335
- Trespass at night — Section 177
- Unauthorized use of bodily substance — Section 320.36(1)
- Unauthorized use or disclosure of results — Section 320.36(2)
- Unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates — Section 419
- Using or authorizing the use of an application for federal employment that contravenes subsection 672.37(2) by including a section that requires disclosure of NCR material — Section 672.37(3)
Administrators of Long-Term Care Facilities and Power of Attorney
Residents of long-term care facilities and persons under a power of attorney may need help to complete and submit the jury questionnaire within 30 days of receiving the initial letter.
If a physical or mental condition prevents a resident of a long-term care home or a person under a power of attorney from being able to be a juror, even with an accommodation, the answer to the health question on the jury questionnaire would be "yes".
If you think you can’t do jury duty
It is your civic duty to serve as a juror but you may not be able to because of:
- sickness
- serving as a juror may cause serious hardship or loss to you or others
- serving as a juror is against your religion
- you do not live within a reasonable distance of the court (e.g., due to a move)
You can request to have your jury service rescheduled to a later date or to be fully excused from jury duty for this year in advance of the court date.
To request a deferral or excusal, please visit Ontario.ca/juryduty-summoned.
Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis by a judge or, in the case of some deferral requests, by the local sheriff. You may need to provide any available documentation by email supporting your request. For example, receipts for booked travel, or a driver’s license, utility bills, or a purchase or lease agreement with a new address.
The judge may:
- excuse you
- ask you to participate at a later date
- • require you to fulfill your jury duty
Professions that can’t do jury duty
You can’t be a juror if you are employed as or licensed as a:
- legally qualified medical practitioner (member of College of Physicians and Surgeons) who is actively engaged in practice
- veterinary surgeon who is actively engaged in practice
- coroner
- police officer
- firefighter regularly employed by a fire department
- superintendent, jailer or keeper of a prison, correctional institution or lock-up
- warden of a penitentiary
- sheriff or a sheriff’s officer
- member of the regular and special armed forces and members of the reserve forces on active service
- lawyer (barrister or solicitor) or student-at-law (articling student or Law Practice Program student during work term)
- officer of a court of justice
- judge or a justice of the peace
- member of the Privy Council of Canada, the Executive Council of Ontario, the Senate, the House of Commons or the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
If you are employed in one of the above professions, you are still required to fill out the jury questionnaire and return it.
Being summoned for jury duty
If you complete the questionnaire and are eligible for jury duty, you may receive a summons in the mail up to three years after completing the questionnaire.
If you receive a summons for jury duty you are legally required to attend at the time and place on your summons.
The location, date and time on your summons may change. If there is a change, you will be notified by the court.
To get important updates about your jury duty, sign up for digital notifications now and select your notification preference (via email or text message):
Being summoned to jury duty does not mean you are a juror. People summoned to jury duty are part of what’s called a jury panel and may or may not be selected to be part of a jury. If you are summoned to jury duty, it’s important to know that:
- you should bring your summons and government-issued identification with you (your health card is not considered government-issued identification)
- jury panel members go home at the end of each day
- people going to jury duty are required to attend as a jury panel member for a minimum of one day or up to a maximum of one week
- your employer is required by law to give you time off for jury duty (employers are not legally required to pay employees when they’re on jury duty)
If you have questions, contact your local court office using the information provided on your summons.
If you have a disability and need an accommodation to attend jury duty
If you receive a summons, and require an accommodation, you can request one at ontario.ca/juryduty-summoned, or you can call the courthouse directly or you can call the courthouse directly before the court date.
Every effort will be made to provide accommodation, including:
- assistive devices
- sign language interpreters
- other supports
Travel expenses
If you are summoned to jury duty and you live more than 40 kilometres from the courthouse, you are:
- eligible to receive a travel allowance (please refer to the bottom right section of your summons for instructions about how to ask for a travel allowance)
- responsible for paying your own parking fees
If you are selected to serve as a juror, a travel allowance is payable:
- if you do not live in the same city or town as the courthouse where the trial is being held
- once jury duty begins
How juries are selected
People summoned to jury duty meet at the location, date and time on their summons. At the location, each potential juror is given a number that appears on a ballot card. Court staff randomly select ballot cards.
If you are selected, you’ll be provided with instructions about what to do next.
If you’re not selected
People who are not selected may be asked to return the next day.
Whether you are selected or not, you aren’t eligible for jury duty for the next three years. However, you may receive another jury questionnaire. If you receive a jury questionnaire within three years of your service, you still need to complete and return it.
Serving as a juror
If you are selected to serve on a jury:
- a judge will instruct you on what to do next
- trials may begin on the same day the jury is selected and last between a couple of days and a few weeks
- you will be told the estimated length of the trial
- you will likely go home each day by about 4:30 p.m. or earlier
- you would only stay in a hotel (expenses paid for you) if deliberations have begun but the jury has not reached a decision by late in the evening
Jurors must adhere to some restrictions to help ensure a fair trial. Instructions will be provided to jurors. For example, jurors are not allowed to:
- have any transmitting or receiving devices, such as a cell phone, laptop or tablet
- post information relating to the trial on social media
- read or watch the news related to the trial
Payment and time off work
Employers are required by law to give employees time off for jury duty and for people selected to serve as a juror. The law does not require employers to pay an employee’s salary during this time.
Jurors receive the following payment for serving on a jury:
- Day one to ten: No fee.
- Day 11 to 49: $40 per day.
- Day 50 to the last day of trial: $100 per day. Trials of this length are rare.
If you’re serving as a juror and the trial lasts longer than 10 days, the court where the trial is taking place will arrange payment.
There is no allowance for childcare expenses or parking.
If you are on Employment Insurance benefits (E.I.), you can attend jury duty and continue to receive benefits.
Free counselling for jurors
While jury duty is a meaningful and rewarding civic duty, it can also be challenging.
Talking to a qualified counsellor can help ease stress after a trial or inquest.
Ontario offers free counselling to jurors. The Juror Support Program is confidential and available to jurors after they complete jury duty on a criminal trial, a civil trial or a Coroner’s inquest.
You can speak with a qualified and experienced counsellor, toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling:
You only need to provide the access code found on the Telus Health brochure you receive at the end of jury duty.
Jurors are provided up to four one-hour counselling sessions. You can choose to receive counselling services over the phone, in-person, via email or videoconference and in English or French. Disability accommodation is available.
Video about jury duty
This video explains the role of the juror and what to expect if you’re selected:
Contact us
If you need help filling out a jury questionnaire, have lost the prepaid, self-addressed envelope, or have further questions about jury duty, please contact the Provincial Jury Centre: