Not-for-profit employee rights
Know your employees’ rights and your obligations as a not-for-profit employer.
Uphold employee rights
You can create a fair workplace, where minimum wage, public holidays, overtime pay, termination notice and other minimum standards are upheld. The Employment Standards Act sets out an employer’s obligations and employees’ rights when it comes to minimum standards. The Labour Relations Act covers most unionized workplaces, though certain sectors have more tailored labour relations laws.
Support pay equity
The Pay Equity Act ensures that women and men receive equal pay for performing jobs that might be different, but are of equal value. Use this guide to the Pay Equity Act to make sure your employees are paid equitably, regardless of gender.
Increase accessibility
All organizations, including not-for-profits, must meet standards for supporting staff and serving customers/clients who have a disability. Based on the type and size of your not-for-profit, it must meet the requirements set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. For example, if you employ 20 or more people, you must file an annual compliance report to the government.
Get a police record check
Employees and volunteers (including board members at not-for-profits) may be required to get a police record check to work with vulnerable populations (e.g. seniors, children, persons with a developmental disability). This depends on the nature of the provincial grant program involved. Contact your local police services for the forms. Communities served by the Ontario Provincial Police have their own forms for a basic record check and for work with vulnerable populations.
Protect occupational health and safety
Regarding occupational health and safety, the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers are set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The main purpose of the law is to protect workers from health and safety hazards on the job. Make sure your not-for-profit has the required policies and programs, such as those related to violence and harassment in the workplace, in place.