During the Canada Post labour disruption:

  • we will not be able to send your cheque by mail
  • we will not receive documents that you send by mail
  • payments made by direct bank deposit will continue

If you do not have direct bank deposit, contact the Central Resource Team or AccessOAP for help setting it up.

About the Ontario Autism Program

The Ontario Autism Program (OAP) offers support to families of children and youth on the autism spectrum.

Children and youth who have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by a qualified professional are eligible for the program. Children receive services and supports until the age of 18.


AccessOAP is the Ontario Autism Program’s Independent Intake Organization that supports everyone registered in the Ontario Autism Program.

AccessOAP care coordinators are available to:

  • answer your questions
  • help you understand your service options
  • help you access needs-based services and supports in your community

Creating an AccessOAP account

If you are new to the OAP, please create an AccessOAP account to register for the program and get support.

If you previously registered for the OAP through the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, please create an account with AccessOAP and give consent to transfer your OAP record to AccessOAP as soon as possible.

Create an AccessOAP account

Everyone who registered for the OAP through the ministry has been sent an email or letter about creating an AccessOAP account. For more details, please watch our video.

If you can’t find your email or letter, please email or call the ministry’s Central Resource Team:


To register for the Ontario Autism Program, your child must:

  • be under age 18
  • currently live in Ontario
  • have a written diagnosis of autism from a qualified professional

Your child’s written diagnosis must include:

  • your child’s full name and date of birth
  • the date of your child’s assessment
  • a statement indicating that the child meets the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder
  • the qualified professional’s name and credentials

Resources about diagnosis

Register your child

Register for the Ontario Autism Program through AccessOAP and provide all supporting documentation that they ask for.

Register online

You do not need to register again if you:

  • have previously registered your child for the Ontario Autism Program
  • already submitted a registration form and supporting documents to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services

If you have questions about registering your child, you can email or call AccessOAP:

Your child with autism may also be eligible for other government programs for children with special needs.

Types of services and supports

Foundational family services

Learn about foundational family services for everyone registered in the Ontario Autism Program and how to find services.

Caregiver-mediated early years programs

Learn about programs for children who are between 12 and 48 months old and registered in the Ontario Autism Program.

Core clinical services

Learn about core clinical services for children and youth registered in the Ontario Autism Program and find out when more children will enter these services.

Entry to school program

Learn about the entry to school program for children who are registered in the OAP and starting kindergarten or Grade 1.

Urgent response services

Learn how to access support if your child or youth has an urgent need. Find out who is eligible, how to get services and contact your area’s lead organization.

If you registered for the program before April 2021

Interim one-time funding

Learn about interim one-time funding for children and youth who registered in the Ontario Autism Program before April 2021, including eligibility, how to apply and how to report expenses.

Childhood budgets

Learn about childhood budgets for children and youth who registered in the Ontario Autism Program before April 2021, including what services are eligible and how to report your expenses.

Behaviour plans

Behaviour plans are no longer offered as part of the Ontario Autism Program. They have been replaced by other types of services and supports.

Other government services and supports

Your child or youth with autism may be eligible for other government programs for children with special needs, such as:

Supports in schools

Your child may be eligible for school-based supports for students with autism.

Learn about supports for students who are entering or attending a school in the publicly funded system.

Information for practitioners

Contact information

Direct your questions and find more information about the Ontario Autism Program. There are different teams to contact depending on the topic you’d like to discuss.



  • about registering for the OAP
  • how to create an account with AccessOAP
  • general questions about the OAP
  • about your situation if you have created an account with AccessOAP and given consent to the ministry to transfer your OAP record to AccessOAP

Email: info@AccessOAP.ca 
Toll-free: 1-833-425-2445

Central Resource Team

Ask about:

  • your situation if you’re registered with the OAP, but not yet connected with AccessOAP
  • a registration form you submitted to the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
  • childhood budgets
  • interim one-time funding

Email: oap@ontario.ca 
Toll-free: 1-888-444-4530

Autism Ontario


  • access to more autism services
  • answers to your questions about Autism Spectrum Disorder

Toll-free: 1-800-472-7789
