Overview of food safety for sprouts and microgreens
Learn about food safety and regulatory requirements related to sprouted seeds and microgreens.
Sprouts and microgreens
Sprouts and microgreens are agricultural crops that are sprouted, grown and harvested at the immature stage. Microgreens are typically grown in soil or substrate, while sprouts are more commonly germinated in a soilless medium including drums, trays, bins or racks.
Food safety
Sprouts and microgreens can become contaminated during their production, resulting in an increased risk to food safety. Microbiological pathogens found on sprouted seeds (such as mung bean or alfalfa sprouts) and microgreens (such as broccoli, pea shoots, sunflower, wheatgrass or arugula) have caused numerous product recalls and outbreaks in Canada. Most often, the contamination originated from pathogens such as Salmonella or E. coli on the seeds.
To prevent bacterial contamination of sprouted seeds and microgreens, producers and vendors should use good agricultural practices and antimicrobial treatments that include:
- a certificate from the seed supplier confirming analysis for microbial pathogens for each lot of sourced seeds
- handling and storing seeds in a way that prevents damage and contamination
- applying an antimicrobial treatment to seeds that can achieve a three-log reduction of pathogens of concern
- rinsing and agitating seeds in potable water both prior to and after applying an antimicrobial seed treatment
- avoiding re-use of any water or antimicrobial treatments on seeds
- soaking seeds in potable water to improve germination
- if applicable, pasteurizing the soil or growing medium to remove bacteria,
- using sanitized containers for all steps in the process
- keeping the environment and equipment clean
- cooling germinated sprouts with cold, potable water or cooling microgreens to further reduce microbial growth
- if applicable, sending spent irrigation water samples to an accredited laboratory to test for indicator microorganisms (such as coliforms and E. coli), and pathogens that may have contacted the produce
Regulatory requirements in Ontario
If you produce and/or sell sprouts or microgreens in Ontario, then you must adhere to the requirements under Ontario Regulation 119/11 of the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001. This regulation includes packaging, labeling and food safety standards as well as requirements for retail display signs and advertisements. It applies to anyone in Ontario who packs, labels, transports, sells or advertises for sale of any produce (including sprouts or microgreens) and who is not federally licensed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for those activities (some exceptions apply).
You can refer directly to the regulation and the Regulatory requirements for produce in Ontario for more information.
Food businesses may need to comply with various requirements under Ontario Regulation 493/17 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act. Operators of a food premises, including producers, vendors and retailers, should contact their local health unit for more information about these requirements.
Producers should also consult the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for any federal requirements that may apply to them.
Additional resources
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has information about Starting a Food Selling Business and other food and food safety resources. You may contact OMAFRA's Agricultural Information Contact Centre for more information.
Contact us
Please contact the Inspection Programs Unit by email at fpo.omafra@ontario.ca or call