
The ministry seeks patients’ perspectives to strengthen the review process for drug products being considered for funding under Ontario’s public drug programs.

Patient input can provide valuable insights about many issues, including:

  • the impact (both positive and negative) that a drug has on those taking it and on those caring for people with the disease
  • health outcomes that are most important to patients
  • challenges and unmet needs with current therapies
  • potential problems accessing treatments

Our goal is that patient input be systematically included and considered during the drug funding review process.

Eligible drug products

Patient input submissions are being accepted for the drug products listed in the table below. These products will be evaluated by the Committee to Evaluate Drugs (CED) according to the standard drug funding review process.

Drug products eligible for patient input submissions

Generic nameBrand nameManufacturer
(or review initiator)
(or issue being addressed)
Submission deadline
CaptoprilNoyadaEthypharm Inc.Various (request to fund new oral solution formulations of captopril; tablets currently funded)August 7, 2024

Most drugs currently reviewed by the CED comprise line-extension products (for example, new format or strength of a drug that’s already funded) and those associated with formulary modernization projects (such as, new reimbursement criteria being considered for a drug or drug class).

Drug products that are undergoing a reconsideration (for example, second review, etc.) by the CED will not be considered for patient submissions.

Drug products eligible for review through the national reimbursement review process at the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) are not routinely reviewed by the CED. Since patient input submissions for drugs undergoing a CADTH review will continue to be considered through the national review mechanism, registered patient groups should follow the CADTH patient input process for these drug products.

Becoming a registered patient group

Only patient groups registered with the ministry can submit patient input that will be considered during the drug funding review process. This helps ensure that perspectives from many patients and caregivers are captured collectively.

To register as a patient group with the ministry:

Learn which patient groups are already registered with the ministry.

Making a submission

Registered patient groups wanting to submit patient input for a drug product undergoing review must:

Registered patient groups are encouraged to check the table of eligible drug products on a regular basis to determine if there are any drugs relevant to the patient populations they represent. The table is updated on a weekly basis, as applicable.

Individual patients who wish to provide feedback for consideration during the drug funding review process are encouraged to contact one of the registered patient groups to do so.

How submissions are considered

The information submitted by registered patient groups will be collated and presented to the CED by one of the committee’s patient members during discussions of patient values related to the drug product.

Submitted patient input is considered by the CED — along with evidence related to effectiveness, safety, value for money and affordability — when the committee makes a recommendation as to whether a drug product should be funded.