Search land property records
Search land ownership documents, including deeds, mortgages and plans of survey for title. This is Ontario’s official record of land property (or land registration system).
How to search
Online land registry services
Land registration services, including self-service options, are only accessible online.
Please visit the ONLAND application to complete your transactions.
Fees depend on the type of search you need.
If you would like to search for additional land registration records on Teranet Express, you will need to set up an account with Teranet; the company that supports the delivery of land registration services in partnership with the government.
Register property documents
You must be authorized by the Director of Land Registration to submit land documents to the electronic land registration system.
Your authorization is valid for at least 5 years.
You will be notified when your authorization is due to expire. You must renew the authorization at least 30 days before it expires.
Notices of Security Interest (NOSIs)
If you enter a contract with a business to finance or lease certain goods that are installed in your home, and once installed they become fixtures (e.g., water heater, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) unit or a furnace), the business may put a Notice of Security Interest (NOSI) on the title to your property. This notice is registered on the Land Registry System and signals to other parties that the business has an interest in a fixture on the land.
A business may put a NOSI in place to protect its priority in order to allow it to remove its leased or financed fixture if a consumer defaults on payment. It is a common business practice – permitted under the Personal Property Security Act – that is often inaccurately referred to as a lien.
The Homeowners Protection Act, passed on June 6, 2024, reduces harm caused to consumers by the misuse of NOSIs. It bans the registration of consumer NOSIs on the Land Registry and deems consumer NOSIs currently registered on title to be expired. This does not impact commercial NOSIs.
Apply to be authorized
To apply for authorization:
- read the detailed application guide
- download and complete the correct application form:
- complete and sign the Electronic Land Registration Agreement
- submit the completed application
- by email:
- by mail to:
Electronic Land Registration System Authorization
4th Floor
20 Dundas St W
Toronto ON M5G 2C2
Processing time
Applications are generally processed within 1 week of arriving at the head office in Toronto.
If your application has not been granted authorization, you may submit a written request for review within 30 days of the date of the decision. During the review process your account will continue to be authorized on a search-only basis.
Renew your authorization
To apply for renewal of an existing Electronic Land Registration Agreement that is due to expire:
- download and complete the correct renewal form:
- complete and sign to confirm that you still meet the requirements as set out in the current version of the agreement
- submit the completed renewal application
- by email:
- by mail to:
Electronic Land Registration System Authorization
4th Floor
20 Dundas St W
Toronto ON M5G 2C2
Please see Bulletin 2013-03 for additional details regarding the renewal process.
Related forms and documents
Inform the Director of Land Registration of changes to your account | Information Change Form |
Order of the Director of Land Registration (outlining the rules and process related to authorization) | Order of Director of Land Registration DLRO-08-01 |
Registration rules for transfers and Powers of Attorney | Bulletin 2009-01 - Access Requirements for ELRS; Registration Requirements for Transfers and Powers of Attorney |
Applying when out of province
Application details for out-of-province applicants will be provided in the application packages that are sent to them.
They will not be required to have anyone attend in Ontario to complete their applications.
If they are in Ontario for some reason, however, they are not precluded from attending at any land registry office and completing their application.