Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) caseload

ODSP provides income support and health-related benefits to people with disabilities who are in financial need.

ODSP caseload and beneficiaries


Notes about this table

A case refers to a single individual or a family unit on social assistance.

The number of beneficiaries refers to the total number of single individuals and heads of family units on social assistance plus all their dependents (that is, spouses, dependent children and dependent adults).

Numbers may not add up due to rounding.

Bar graph of ODSP caseload statistics for February 2024

Bar graph of ODSP beneficiaries statistics for February 2024

Ontario Works caseload

Ontario Works provides financial and employment assistance to people who are in temporary financial need.

Ontario Works caseload and beneficiaries


Notes about this table

A case refers to a single individual or a family unit on social assistance.

The number of beneficiaries refers to the total number of single individuals and heads of family units on social assistance plus all their dependents (i.e., spouses, dependent children and dependent adults).

Numbers may not add up due to rounding.

Bar graph of Ontario Works caseload statistics for February 2024

Bar graph of Ontario Works beneficiaries statistics for February 2024

Temporary Care Assistance caseload

Temporary Care Assistance (TCA) provides support for children in financial need while in the temporary care of an adult who does not have a legal obligation to support the child.

In September 2024, there were 6,639 TCA cases receiving social assistance on behalf of 9,662 children.
