Sudbury Regional Nickel Centre Landfill (SUDB-RG-3)
Project information about this declaration order.
Regional Municipality of Sudbury
The Township of Garson, Regional Municipality of Sudbury
Reference Number
Environmental Approvals Branch, 416-314-8001
Toll free 1-800-461-6290
Current Status
Declaration order: expired, March 5, 2002
Project Summary
The expansion, operation and closure of the existing Nickel Centre Landfill.
Project History
- Declaration order: expired
- Expiry of public comment period: December 08, 1996
- Decision date: March 5, 1997
- Date expired: March 5, 2002
Declaration Order
On March 5, 1997, the Minister, with the concurrence of Cabinet, approved the declaration order providing for the expansion, operation and closure of the existing Nickel Centre Landfill. This undertaking, located on part of Lots 1 and 2, Concession 2, in the Township of Garson, will allow for the disposal of non-hazardous municipal, commercial and solid industrial non-hazardous wastes from the Town of Nickel Centre for a five year interim period. The order also provided that a mandatory public meeting under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act be held for the approval of the continued operation and interim expansion of the facility, thereby permitting that the public and government agencies have an opportunity to review the proposed changes to the site to protect the environment. The declaration order is now expired and the landfill is closed.