Licence No. 542444

Approved by Order–in–Council O.C. 1424/98 dated June 10, 1998
And as amended as set out in Appendix G
And as most recently amended by Order in Council O.C. 1470/2018
Dated December 12, 2018

Subject to the Crown Forest Sustainability Act and the regulations thereto, and the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, a licence is granted to Dryden Forest Management Company Limited (herein called “the Company”) located at Dryden, Ontario to harvest the following species of forest resources from the Licence Area in the Dryden Forest, which Licence Area is described in Appendix A hereto, for the term of this licence; and the Company is required to carry out renewal and maintenance activities in the Licence Area, on behalf of the Minister, which are necessary to provide for the sustainability of the Crown forest.

Tree species

All species

Terms and conditions

1.0 Definitions

2.0 Area, term and pricing

3.0 Wood supply commitments and overlapping licences

4.0 Manuals

5.0 Deleted

6.0 Natural disturbances and salvage

7.0 Forest protection

8.0 Compensation for withdrawals

9.0 Periodic review of licensee’s performance

10.0 Forest Renewal Trust

11.0 Subaccounts of Forest Renewal Trust

12.0 Forest renewal charges and minimum balance

13.0 Record keeping and audit (Forest Renewal Trust)

14.0 Effect of transfer, assignment, or other disposition of licence on forest renewal trust

16.0 Silvicultural standards

17.0 Termination of Forest Renewal Trust

18.0 Construction liens

19.0 Herbicides

20.0 Aboriginal opportunities

21.0 Compliance planning and monitoring

22.0 Forestry operations on mining claims

23.0 Miscellaneous

24.0 General

This Licence has been executed and delivered by the Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry this 18th day of January, 2019. Original Signed by the Honourable John Yakabuski Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry for the Province of Ontario

Appendix A

Legal description of licence area

All that parcel or tract of land in the Territorial District of Kenora, in the Province of Ontario, the boundaries of Appendix A are shown on the map dated the 26th day of November 2015, prepared by Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, a print of which said map is attached and forms part of this Appendix.

Saving and excepting thereout and therefrom all those lands which have been alienated from the Crown, Ontario and all areas identified as First Nations, other Federal land and parks and conservation reserves as shown for illustration purposes on the attached map.

Appendix B

Procedure for the periodic review of a company’s obligations with respect to a sustainable forest licence

  1. An independent review team will conduct a review of the Company’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this licence for the period April 1, 2004 to March 31, 2009, and every five–year period thereafter.
  2. The Minister will appoint a review team of no less than three persons, one of whom must be a professional forester as defined in the Crown Forest Sustainability Act. The review team will possess qualifications and experience in at least the following areas:
    1. business management science, and evaluation,
    2. recent and relevant experience in forest management planning and operations in forest ecosystems similar to that in which the audit is being conducted
    3. biology with specialization in terrestrial ecosystems.
  3. Prior to the formalization of the review team, the Company shall be given the opportunity to identify to the Minister any material conflict of interest that a review team member may have in relation to the Company. Where the Minister is satisfied that such material conflict may exist, the Minister may replace that review team member.
  4. The Minister will issue the review team with terms of reference that require the review team to review, at a minimum, the performance of the Company in respect of its obligations on the Dryden Forest as described in the following paragraphs of this licence:

    4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 7.1, 7.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10.1, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5,
    11.1, 11.4, 12.3, 12.5, 12.6, 13.1, 16.2, 16.6, 16.7, 16.8, 20.1, 21.1, 21.2 and 21.3.

  5. The review team will select and inspect harvest cuts, silvicultural projects and road construction projects which are typical of the techniques employed on the management unit for conformity with the approved Forest Management Plans and the field application of implementation manuals and silvicultural ground rules, and the records that support them.
  6. The review team will consult with management staff of the Company to identify and address problem areas or concerns on the part of the Company with respect to this licence, its administration and the working relationship with Ministry staff.
  7. The review team will consult with district Ministry staff to identify and address problem areas or concerns on the part of the Ministry with respect to this licence, its administration and the working relationship with the Company’s staff.
  8. The review team will consult with the public and the Local Citizens Committee for the Dryden Forest to identify and address problem areas or concerns on the part of the public or that committee with respect to the Company’s performance in the preparation and implementation of the Forest Management Plan for the management unit.
  9. The review team will:
    1. prepare a written report setting out both positive and negative observations, together with conclusions and recommendations resulting from the review;
    2. publish its report no later than four months after the initiation of the review;
    3. submit the report to the Minister; and
    4. recommend to the Minister whether the term of this licence should be extended for five years.
  10. After the review team submits its report to the Minister, the Company will have an opportunity to review the review team’s report, and to provide its response thereto to the Minister. The Company’s response shall be provided to the Minister in writing within 30 days of the review report being provided to the Company.
  11. After receipt by the Minister of the Company’s response to the report of the review team or the expiration of the 30 day period for providing such response, the Minister shall take whatever action the Minister deems appropriate in relation to that report, and the Company shall take such action as is prescribed by the Minister.

Appendix C

List of eligible silviculture work for the forest renewal trust

  • Cone Collection and Transport
  • Seed Extraction, Storage, Testing and Transport
  • Tree Improvement
  • Stock Purchase and Delivery
    • Bareroot
    • Container
    • Cuttings
    • Other
  • Tree Planting:
    • Bareroot
    • Container
    • Cuttings
    • Other
  • Seeding:
    • Direct
    • With Site Preparation
  • Scarification (for natural seeding)
  • Site Preparation:
  • Tending:
  • Tree Markingfootnote 3
  • Modified Harvest Cutting
  • FTG/NSR surveys
  • Other Silvicultural Work as set out in writing by the Minister

Appendix D

Minimum balances

Management unit account

Dryden Forest $522,000
(Licence No. 542444)

  1. April 1, 1994 – March 31, 1995 $0
  2. April 1, 1995 – March 31, 1996 $149,100
  3. April 1, 1996 – March 31, 1997 $110,400
  4. April 1, 1997 – March 31, 1998 $110,400
  5. April 1, 1998 – March 31, 1999 $152,100

Total transitional funding $522,000

Note: Minimum balance is the balance as of March 31, 1999 and each March 31 thereafter. This balance equals the amount of the total transitional funding paid to the Account by the Crown to ensure that there are adequate funds to perform forest renewal on the unit. Where there are Subaccounts, the minimum balance for the Management Unit Account will be the total minimum balance required for all Subaccounts.

Appendix E

Wood supply commitments

The Company shall comply with the following wood supply commitments pertaining to the

Dryden Forest:

  1. To make wood fibre available to Domtar Inc.’s pulpmill in Dryden, Ontario, through a long term memorandum of agreement in accordance and consistent with Supply Agreement No. 536276 dated April 1, 2017. The Company must enter into and execute a memorandum of agreement within six months of the amendment of this licence for the inclusion of this condition. A copy of the executed memorandum of agreement must be provided by the Company to the Ministry upon request. The requirements for a memorandum of agreement are not applicable where Domtar Inc. is a shareholder of the Company and where the shareholders agree that the shareholder’s agreement constitutes a memorandum of agreement for the purposes of Supply Agreement No. 536276.
  2. To make wood fibre available to Weyerhaeuser Company Limited’s TimberStrand® Lumber facility in Kenora, Ontario, through a long term memorandum of agreement in accordance and consistent with Supply Agreement No. 536277 dated February 22, 2018. The Company must enter into and execute a memorandum of agreement within six months of the amendment of this licence for the inclusion of this condition. A copy of the executed memorandum of agreement must be provided by the Company to the Ministry upon request. The requirements for a memorandum of agreement are not applicable where Weyerhaeuser Company Limited is a shareholder of the Company and where the shareholders agree that the shareholder’s agreement constitutes a memorandum of agreement for the purposes of Supply Agreement No. 536277.
  3. To make available annually to Oxdrift Tractor Sales Ltd., through a long term memorandum of agreement, all sawlogs from the Oxdrift Tractor Sales Ltd. annual harvest area and/or an opportunity to purchase sawlogs, up to a total aggregate volume of 7,000 cubic metres per year, for use in the Oxdrift Tractor Sales Ltd. sawmill in Oxdrift, Ontario. A copy of the executed memorandum of agreement must be provided by the Company to the Ministry upon request.

Appendix F

Special conditions

  1. The Company shall provide opportunity, through memoranda of agreement, for the operators listed below to conduct harvesting operations on the Dryden Forest in accordance with an approved Forest Management Plan. The Company shall provide those operators with an annual harvest supply (all species) equivalent to the percentage of the Available Harvest Area (also listed below) as calculated in the approved Forest Management Plan for the Dryden Forest:
Operators AHA %
Noopiming Anokeewin Inc. 3.74
Eagle Lake First Nation 4.37
Aboriginal Peoples of Wabigoon 5.00

The harvest areas to be made available to the above operators will be determined through the Forest Management Planning process and documented in the Forest Management Plan for the Dryden Forest.

This condition is intended to be consistent with the arrangement to provide opportunities to the above–mentioned traditional operators and to provide for a new Aboriginal harvest opportunity as outlined in the business plan submitted by Dryden Forest Management Company Limited and approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources in a letter dated February 17, 1998. The 5% Aboriginal Harvest opportunity was granted to the Aboriginal Peoples of Wabigoon in a letter dated February 14, 2000.

A copy of the memorandum of agreement negotiated as a result of this condition of the SFL must be provided by the Company to the Ministry upon request.

Appendix G

Summary of sustainable forest licence amendments

Purpose Mechanism Approval OIC Date Date Licence Amended Reference
OLL sites and wording update to SFL Order in Council OIC 1091/2003 May 14, 2003 May 21, 2003 Dryden –1
Updated Compliance clause Minister’s Approval     May 24, 2005 N/A
Appendix E revised, Levesque supply agreement, NAD 83 map, Extension of term Order in Council OIC 533/2006 March 1, 2006 May 5, 2006 Dryden –2
Appendix E updates to: update Domtar commitment and remove Devlin commitment Amendment did not proceed Amendment did not proceed Amendment did not proceed Amendment did not proceed Dryden–3
Amend para 2.1; Remove Appendix E commitments to Levesque, Weyerhaeuser and Devlin; Add Domtar Inc. Supply Agreement to Appendix E; Update SFL map; Update definitions, admin changes. Order in Council O.C. 1030/2017 May 18, 2017 December 20, 2017 Dryden–4
Add Weyerhaeuser Supply Agreement to Appendix E Order in Council O.C. 2252/2017 November 22, 2017 Februray 22, 2018 Completion of Dryden–4
Extension of SFL term from 2023 to 2038 Order in Council O.C. 1470/2018 December 12, 2018 January 18, 2019 SFL Extension