Trustee determination and distribution guide
Learn about the trustee determination and distribution process which determines the number of trustee positions in each school board.
Executive summary
School board trustees are the members of a district school board. All publicly funded school boards in Ontario are governed by boards of trustees.
Trustees are locally-elected representatives of the public and are their community’s advocate for public education.
Before each general municipal election, every board of trustees determines the number of trustee positions required for their board and distributes these positions across the board’s area of jurisdiction. This process is known as trustee determination and distribution. By March 31 of an election year, school boards are required to complete a report showing their determination and distribution calculations. By April 3 of the election year, school boards need to submit their report to:
- the Ministry of Education
- the election clerks for all municipalities within the board’s jurisdiction
- the secretary of every other board that is wholly or partially within the board’s area of jurisdiction
The determination and distribution process plays an important role in ensuring that representation on school boards is democratic and fair. It also allows trustee candidates to identify and select an electoral ward in which to run.
This guide offers two options to help school boards complete the trustee determination and distribution calculations:
- an online calculator, located on the Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC) website
- a manual approach using the steps and templates provided in this guide
The guide has three sections:
- section one provides information and steps for completing the determination and distribution report
- section two sets out key dates for the 2022 election
- section three contains frequently asked questions
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