Not all wheelchairs are made of metal - philosophy handout
‘Leaky Brakes' (TS, OCD, ADHD) are Neurodevelopmental Disorders requiring ongoing management, as detailed in our many clinic materials.
No one would ever think the following about people whose legs don't work…
- "In a perfect world we'd have unlimited resources, but since we don't then I'm afraid Johnny will just have to make do with access to his wheelchair on Mondays and Thursdays only; the rest of the week he can share his wheelchair half-days with Sally…"
- "I'm concerned that this won't be fair to others in the classroom – if Brandon gets a wheelchair then everyone will want a wheelchair…"
- "I didn't appreciate Sarah's tone with me, so in consequence I took away her wheelchair for the rest of the day…."
- "Nick is about to enter Grade 10 for crying out loud – don't you think he's getting a little old to still be using that wheelchair?"
- "I was uncomfortable with how much Kyle was beginning to rely on his wheelchair, so we've decided to take it away during math class…"
- "Everyone is expected to run 5 laps at the beginning of gym class – no exceptions. Thomas' non-compliance in this regard is a problem. Furthermore, his increased absenteeism from gym class and growing hostility towards his gym teacher as a result suggests a considerable attitude problem…"
….so why would we say these things about people whose brakes don't work?!!!
Not all 'wheelchairs' are made of metal…
Updated: February 02, 2024
Published: May 04, 2021