It is important to learn strategies and techniques for adjusting to the way your brain works, and for adjusting your behaviours so that you don't get into trouble anymore (i.e. make you a safe high-speed driver!). In this service, you will learn about ‘leaky brakes’ and be introduced to an evidence-based model for solving problem created by Dr. Ross Greene called Collaborative & Proactive Solutions.

Who is this service for?

  • Children and adolescents experiencing significant, intermittent explosive episodes (‘rage’). We refer to this as having a full frustration beaker. “Full Beakers” are how we describe feelings of being overloaded with too many pressures, demands or stresses unique to having leaky brakes. When a beaker overflows this can take the form of unmanageable anxiety, tearful “meltdowns”, or rage.
  • Symptoms targeted for treatment: reactive anger borne of skill deficits.

What happens in this service and how this service can help?

  • Children and their guardians will become more aware of how ‘Leaky Brakes’, rather than intentional choice, contribute to the client’s meltdowns.
  • Through teaching, modeling, practice, and feedback, this service focuses on the development of three main skills:
    • “What fills my beaker?” (making rage episodes predictable)
    • “How do I know my beaker is filling?” (making rage episodes preventable)
    • “How do I empty my beaker?” (decreasing the intensity and frequency of rage episodes)
  • Improving problem-solving between the children & guardians will be a major component of this service

Where is the service held?

  • CPRI campus (Crombie Building; check in at switchboard and go to waiting room) or via video-conferencing using a local Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) site
  • For families travelling long distances, ‘virtual’ options (e.g. participating via teleconference or webcam) can be explored

Who will participate in this service?

  • Brake Shop Club Members & Caregivers
  • With the caregiver consent and client agreement, significant others invested in supporting the client (e.g. a sibling, a grandparent, school staff, a residential worker) are welcome to attend
  • Session 5 (an adult-only component) would be an excellent opportunity for guardians to bring other involved parties (e.g. teachers, Educational Assistants, Learning Support Teachers, Community Case Managers, Extended Family Members, etc)

What if I decline this service?

  • Various books and DVDs are available in the Family Resource Centre
  • Staff can refer you to specific websites containing resource materials
  • Various medications may also be tried to manage ADHD and mood symptoms
  • Left untreated Intermittent Explosive Disorder or rage may worsen over time

What are the requirements to be in this service?

  • Significant problems stemming from difficulties in self-regulation of behaviours and emotional reactions (that result in rage), as opposed to volitional problems with conduct
  • A motivation to change (in both children and guardians)
  • A reasonably stable life situation for both child & guardian (e.g. stable placement, no acute psychosocial stress or hostility due to recent grief, abuse, loss, etc.)
  • Guardians with mental health issues (e.g. OCD, ADHD, depression) are pursuing treatment themselves.
  • Overall cognitive functioning within the broad range of Average (IQ score > 80).
  • Processing skills, communication skills, & a mental age of at least 8 years (wait times will be extended until this criterion is met).
  • Guardians can commit to attend all sessions, to support the client in treatment, and to read/watch various educational materials provided.
  • ADHD symptomatology effectively treated (medically).

* Medications are to remain stable for the duration of treatment. If this creates a problem, please notify the Self Management Clinician to discuss.

Referrals to all Brake Shop treatment services are requested & arranged through your Brake Shop Case Coordinator.

For more information on ‘rage’ and/or our Self Management please visit our website.

Important Telephone Numbers:

CPRI519-858-2774 or Toll-free: 1-877-494-2774

CPRI Brake Shop Case Management Coordinator – Karen Martin (519-858-2774 ext. 2362)

CPRI Brake Shop Administrative Assistant – Stacy Dowden (519-858-2774 ext. 2025)