Welcome to the Brakeshop
Waiting For A Call? You're Missing It All!
"There's so much out there for you to do, starting right now! So - what are you waiting for? Get started on your road trip today…"
Brake Shop Website
- listing of support and self-help groups with locations all over Ontario
- listing of websites that have lots of information for kids and teens
- strategy sheets
- answers to many common questions about tic disorders and other "leaky brakes"
- lists of helpful movies to watch & books to read
- no internet access? Contact the Brake Shop for a copy of our "Driver's Manual"
CPRI family resource centre
- will loan resources to anyone who lives within CPRI's catchment
Leaky Brakes 101
- for parents, teachers, community professionals, teens, and others
- slides and audio podcasts from this course available online through our website
Community presentations
- booking forms, existing bookings, slides & samples available on our website
Being really involved
"The more involved you are in your own leaky brake service, the more the Brake Shop approach will help…and that's the trick…"
Being really involved means… the entire family reads and watches materials found on our website and in our library.
Being really involved means… family members come to appointments and treatment groups when invited and practice new skills along with club members.
Being really involved means… attending our Leaky Brakes 101 course and inviting others along as well.
Finally, being really involved means… sharing Brake Shop information with your school and community support system by giving them handouts on how to support treatment, inviting school staff to appointments, asking the school to book a Brake Shop Assembly, or asking community partners to book a Brake Shop Training Workshop.