G.1. General

Ontario Regulation 380/04 describes the requirement for each minister, agency, board and commission or branch of government to prepare:

  • An emergency plan describing how services and the continuity of operations will be provided during an emergency.
  • As applicable, an emergency plan in respect of the type of emergency assigned under OIC 1157/2009.

The remainder of this appendix deals with those ministries assigned responsibilities for types of emergencies under OIC 1157/2009 with respect to the assistance they provide to a PEOC coordinated emergency response.

All Ministries


In order to ensure that ministries have the capabilities in place to implement the responsibilities detailed in their plans, the following preparedness measures should be put in place:

  • A ministry action group which can be activated at short notice to guide the ministry emergency response.
  • Designated staff to form membership on the ministry action group.
  • A 24/7 emergency response contact point.
  • A designated location and emergency operations centre for use by the ministry action group.
  • A designated ministry emergency information officer.
  • Plans, procedures, resource lists and arrangements to carry out emergency responsibilities.


Depending upon the nature of the emergency and the role of the ministry, provincial ministers may have the following emergency response responsibilities:

  • Provide ministry representative(s) in the PEOC as requested or as required, as determined by the ministry.
  • Provide on-site personnel to advise and assist local authorities, where appropriate, as determined by the ministry.
  • Provide services, resources and personnel to support the emergency operations of other ministries, if required, as determined by the ministry.
  • Provide Ministry staff to be part of any provincial liaison team assembled and deployed to an emergency area if required, as determined by the ministry.

G.1.1. Specific ministry emergency response

Each minister has detailed responsibilities consistent with those assigned by OIC 1157/2009, under Section 6 of the EMCPA.

Specific responsibilities for Ministers that have types of emergencies assigned to them under OIC 1157/2009 are defined in the following annexes:

  1. G.2  Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
  2. G.3  The Attorney General
  3. G.4  Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
  4. G.5  Minister of the Solicitor General
  5. G.6  Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines
  6. G.7  Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
  7. G.8  Minister of Health and Minister of Long-Term Care
  8. G.9  Minister of Labour
  9. G.10  Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
  10. G.11  Minister of Natural Resources
  11. G.12  Minister of Transportation
  12. G.13  President of the Treasury Board

G.2  Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Farm Animal Disease.
  • Food Contamination.
  • Agricultural Plant Disease.
  • Pest Infestation.


In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Establishment of contact and maintenance of liaison with agricultural and food facilities, producers, marketing organizations, etc. who are involved in emergency response.
  • Coordination with private organizations and other government agencies including the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to provide available information on the location and status of farms, food crops, food processors and distributors, and other agricultural data.
  • Coordination with industry to provide information and advice to food producers and other livestock owners, including the preparation of advisories covering different situations and status of government response efforts, sharing recovery opportunities.
  • Collection and delivery of food and agricultural samples, if required, according to current procedures.
  • In coordination with other agencies, provide inspection services within processing and distribution areas, during an emergency, to support safety of farm products, and other commodities.
  • In coordination with other agencies and local jurisdictions, act as provincial lead to ensure public protection from contaminated food through the implementation of food and agriculture control measures (less water control).
  • Provision of animal and plant science specialties.
  • Provision of veterinary expertise and inspection services.
  • In coordination with other agencies, support emergency livestock feeding services.
  • Provision of current information on the disposal of contaminated crops and dead livestock.
  • Provision of technical advice and assistance in the use and disposal of pesticides.

G.3  Attorney General

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Attorney General has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Any emergency related to the administration of justice including operation of the courts; and provision of legal services to government in any emergency.


In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Ensure that the administration of public affairs is in accordance with the law, regardless of the nature of the emergency.
  • Ensure the continuation of the administration of the courts during an emergency.
  • Ensure judicial independence is respected even under emergency situations.
  • Oversee that all emergency legislative enactments made with respect to the emergency response are in accordance with principles of natural justice and civil rights.
  • Advise on the constitutionality and legality of emergency response emergency legislation.
  • Ensure that the administration of Ontario's public affairs is in accordance with the law.
  • Superintend all Government legislative matters.
  • Ensure the administration of the courts in partnership with the constitutionally independent judiciary and superintend all matters connected with judicial offices.
  • Support the Attorney General's mandate and role as Chief Law Officer of the Crown and member of the Cabinet Committee on Emergency Management.
  • Conduct all Provincial Crown prosecutions.
  • Conduct and regulate all litigation for and against the Crown or any provincial ministry or agency of Government in respect of any subject within the authority or jurisdiction of the Legislature.
  • Advise Government upon all matters of law referred to it, including the constitutionality and legality of emergency response emergency issues.
  • Represent the personal and property rights and obligations of children in the civil justice system.
  • Provide court-based assistance services to the most vulnerable victims and witnesses of crime.
  • Provide guardianship services to vulnerable and incapable adults.
  • Provide legislative drafting services to Ministers of the Crown, Members of the Legislature and applicants for private bills and drafting services for regulations.
  • Coordinate the response to legal issues that arise.

G.4  Minister of Children, Community and Social Services

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister Children, Community and Social Services has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Any emergency that requires emergency shelter, clothing and food; victim registration and inquiry services; personal services.


MCCSS emergency plans describe how the ministry supports the provision of the above Emergency Social Services (ESS) in support of an emergency. This includes:

  • Receive and assess request(s) from PEOC for the coordination and provision of Emergency Social Services (ESS)
  • Authorize the provision of ESS via the MCCSS/Canadian Red Cross Society (CRCS) contract to affected community/communities
  • Authorize and assist in the coordination of ESS supplies available via the National Emergency Strategic Stockpile (NESS) to affected community/communities
  • As required by response and other operational needs, liaise with the PEOC and the CRCS to support the provision of ESS

G.5  Solicitor General

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Solicitor General has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Any emergency that requires the coordination of provincial emergency management.
  • Nuclear and radiological.
  • Severe weather.
  • War and international.
  • Any other peacetime emergency not listed herein.
  • Building structural collapse.
  • Explosion and structural fire.
  • Space object crash.
  • Terrorism.
  • Civil disorder.
  • Any emergency that requires the continuity of provincial government services.


In collaboration with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders, the Solicitor General shall coordinate the provision of resources as follows:

Office of the Fire Marshal

  • Coordinate disaster firefighting and suppression resources available through the Provincial Mutual Aid Plan under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c. 4.
  • Coordinate the provision of provincial chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) / hazardous materials (HazMat) teams.
  • Coordinate the provision of provincial urban search and rescue teams (USAR).
  • Coordinate provision of CBRNE resources in the province

Public Safety Division

  • Facilitate communication between the Ministry and municipal police services in the event of an emergency as well as to provide policy direction, advice and support to police services in Ontario.

Ontario Provincial Police

  • Coordinate with law enforcement and assist with traffic control throughout the province including participation in any joint traffic control plans and border incident traffic management plans.
  • On the request of municipal police services (subject to the approval of the OPP Commissioner) provide additional personnel to reinforce police services of municipalities.
  • Provide technical advice to the SOLGEN MEOC and the PEOC.

Correctional Services Division

  • Ensure continuity of care and protective measures for correctional institutions and persons under custody of the division.

Office of the Chief Coroner / Ontario Forensic Pathology Service

  • Conduct death investigations and inquests.

Ministry Communications Branch

  • Provide, in conjunction with a primary ministry, a coordinated emergency information plan for the government response to an emergency.
  • Coordinate the release of information on response activities from all involved ministries and agencies to the public, media and elected officials.
  • Establish and operate a Joint Information Centre, as required.
  • Support emergency public information activities in the PEOC.
  • Assist local authorities to prepare and plan emergency communications.
  • Assist local authorities to communicate messages to the public and media.

G.6  Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Energy supply.
  • Abandoned mine hazards.
  • Any emergency that requires the support of provincial emergency management in Northern Ontario.

Responsibilities - Energy

In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Serve as primary contact for energy availability and distribution issues during an emergency.
  • Provide professional expertise in all matters related to energy sources and energy.
  • Ensure and maintain coordination with the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), electricity transmission and local distribution companies, and petroleum and natural gas utility companies to ensure the safety, reliability and security of Ontario's energy supply.
  • Ensure and maintain coordination with the Ontario Energy Board especially with respect to any necessary emergency deviations from established regulatory policies or guidelines.
  • Maintain liaison with the IESO, petroleum and natural gas utility companies to ensure coordination of emergency public information with the PEOC.
  • Advise the PEOC when conditions exist which may warrant the declaration of a provincial energy supply emergency.
  • Provide advice and assistance regarding control of the distribution of energy supplies.
  • Assist the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks in the management of pollution problems related to the petroleum-producing industry.

Responsibilities – Northern Development and Mines

  • Support emergency response operations in Northern Ontario, whether coordinated by the PEOC or another ministry that has been assigned lead responsibility.
  • Provide technical information on the emergency, including geo-science information and data, to the PEOC and other ministries, as appropriate.
  • Assist in communicating information and government messages to northern communities.
  • Assist with communications between local emergency response units, the PEOC and other ministries, as appropriate.
  • Provide personnel, equipment and material to support emergency response operations in Northern Ontario, as required and available.
  • Provide scientific information in geology in the PEOC; including geological factors on a local to regional scale that affect earthquakes, natural concentrations of metal concentrations, sources of groundwater, buffering capacity of rocks and near surface geological materials.
  • Provide emergency inorganic material analysis; supervise the design and quality assessment of third-party laboratory tests of inorganic materials, and other laboratory support services to local authorities or the PEOC.
  • Provide expert scientific information on the nature of the surficial materials and their geochemistry to help determine impact on groundwater, anthropogenic or natural sources of possible inorganic elements contaminants, or transport and migration of groundwater and inorganic elements contaminants through the near surface and subsurface geological environment.
  • Supervise the application of 3rd party remote sensed (geophysical) techniques capable of detecting location of contaminated groundwater, hydrocarbon leaks, and weak, water-filled faults subject to earthquakes, and distribution of radioactive plumes (natural, reactor or "dirty bomb"-related).
  • Develop an appropriate emergency response plan(s) that provides guidance for abandoned mine hazard emergencies that present an immediate threat to human health, the environment and/or public safety.
  • Facilitate or initiate rehabilitation of mine hazards, including where appropriate issuing Orders or giving direction under the Mining Act R.S.O. 1990, c. M.14.
  • Lead and coordinate emergency communications activities including contacting affected communities, developing briefing notes and press releases pertaining to the emergency mine hazard on an abandoned mine site.

G.7  Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister the Environment, Conservation and Parks has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Spills of pollutants to the natural environment, including fixed site and transportation spills.
  • Drinking water.


In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Monitor, investigate and manage environmental issues, as appropriate, as part of the larger, coordinated PEOC response:
    • Releases of hazardous materials, or other pollutants to the environment.
    • Contamination of provincial waters.
    • Groundwater, hydrology and sewage issues.
    • Management of hazardous materials or wastes, including suspect substances.
    • Drinking water measures.
    • Air, water and land pollution and clean-up activities.
    • Environmental damage assessments.
  • Provide meteorological and hydrological data and forecasts.
  • Coordinate with Ontario Parks to evacuate and close Provincial Parks as required or if requested by the PEOC or other lead ministry.

G.8  Minister of Health and Minister of Long-Term Care

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister of Health and Minister of Long-Term Care have been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Human health, disease and epidemics.
  • Health services during an emergency.
  • Ministry continuity of operations planning.


  • MOH/MLTC plans detail how these responsibilities are met and describe how the ministries manage human health emergencies and ensure continued access to health services regardless of disruption, emergency or disaster through:
    • Continued engagement with the PEOC, other ministries, federal and other provincial/territorial health authorities.
    • Coordination of the health system with partners including:
      • Paramedic services.
      • Regional health system entities (i.e. Local Health Integration Networks and Ontario Health).
      • Public health units.
      • Long-term care facilities.
      • Hospitals.
      • Primary, home, community, and dental care.
      • Health system associations, colleges, unions and agencies (i.e. Public Health Ontario, Ornge Air Ambulance, Emergency Medical Assistance Team, Critical Care Services Ontario).
      • Community laboratories.

G.9  Minister of Labour

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister of Labour has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Any emergency that affects worker health and safety.


In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Ensure that employers meet their obligations concerning health and safety of workers.
  • Provide emergency worker safety support.
  • Provide occupational health and safety advice for workers deployed to emergency sites.
  • Provide radiation analyses of samples, interpretations and recommendations for public safety actions in support of other Ministries and to local agencies through the Ministry's Radiation Protection Service.

G.10  Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Any emergency that requires the coordination of extraordinary provincial expenditures.


In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Provide recommendations regarding assistance to individuals or municipalities affected by an emergency and the sharing of costs.
  • Assist individuals and municipalities by providing early emergency financial assistance to meet immediate needs incurred in responding to an emergency.
  • Coordinate and monitor extraordinary provincial expenditures related to the emergency.
  • Facilitate liaison with local authorities and, if required, recommend the appointment of an official administrator to act as council.
  • Coordinate a Provincial Disaster Assessment Team to assess level and nature of impacts and make recommendations about the types of assistance required.
  • If called upon, support the provision of shelter and accommodation for evacuated people who cannot return to their homes for some time due to radiological contamination, etc., by supporting:
    • Municipalities, in providing short and long-term shelter and housing.
    • MCCSS, having the lead role in arranging shelter.
    • Provision of advice to assist in the determination of appropriate options for longer-term emergency housing, when required.

G.11  Minister of Natural Resources

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister of Natural Resources has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Forest fires.
  • Floods.
  • Drought/low water.
  • Dam failures.
  • Crude oil and natural gas exploration and production, natural gas and hydrocarbon underground storage and salt solution mining emergencies.
  • Erosion.
  • Soil and bedrock instability.


In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Provide ministry facilities to be used as assembly, relocation, and dispatch areas for emergency response operations, and temporary emergency care and accommodation.
  • Manage and coordinate operations for control and suppression of wildfires
  • Coordinate or conduct debris removal, land reclamation, and road reconstruction necessary to support emergency response operations on Crown lands in respect of the types of emergency assigned.
  • Coordinate the acquisition of bulldozers, trucks, and other heavy equipment, for its assigned hazard responsibilities or if requested by the PEOC.
  • Coordinate the provision of air transportation for emergency personnel and equipment, for its assigned hazard responsibilities or if requested by the PEOC.
  • Provide surface water monitoring services and management of flood control operations with Conservation Authorities where they exist.
  • Implement water control measures as required or if requested by the PEOC.
  • Provide aircraft, telecommunications, and other resources, if requested by the PEOC.
  • Provide aerial reconnaissance for its assigned hazard responsibilities or if requested by the PEOC.
  • Advise on the restriction of consumption of contaminated food from fisheries or wildlife habitats.
  • Provide Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) support if requested by the PEOC.
  • Where an emergency is within an unincorporated community and that community is unable to respond, the ministry will respond to the emergency as outlined in the ministry emergency response plan, for its assigned emergency responsibilities.
  • Provide emergency response to First Nations communities as outlined in the ministry emergency response plan, primarily for incidents related to forest fire and flood.

G.12  Minister of Transportation

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the Minister of Transportation has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Transportation.


In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Assist in traffic control and evacuation planning that may be undertaken by ministries assigned special responsibility and/or communities, if required.
  • Coordinate transportation activities on provincially controlled routes, assisting with the implementation of emergency highway traffic control measures in conjunction with the Ontario Provincial Police.
  • Conduct damage assessment to the provincial transportation system and facilities.
  • Inform the PEOC immediately upon the closing of any provincial roadways (and municipal roads if known) that are necessary for emergency response operations, such as evacuation routes, and suggested alternative reroutes.
  • Give priority to maintaining and keeping open provincially controlled roads, and assisting in keeping open municipal roads if possible that are necessary to support emergency operations.
  • Coordinate the mobilization of contractor equipment/personnel and engineering expertise to keep open provincial roadways, and to assist the OPP in traffic management issues in an emergency.
  • Provide assistance to expedite issuing permits for transportation companies to engage in common or contract carrier operations related to the emergency.
  • Coordinate the response to and recovery from an emergency at any of MTO's 29 remote airports.

G.13  President of the Treasury Board

OIC assigned emergency:

Under OIC 1157/2009, the President of the Treasury Board has been assigned the responsibility for the formulation of emergency plans in respect of:

  • Any emergency that affects labour relations and human resource management in the provincial government.


In coordination with the PEOC and other ministries and stakeholders:

  • Ensure the Corporate Response Centre (CRC) is activated which fulfills a coordinating function for emergencies that have human resources and labour relations implications. This is comprised of Executive Group and Operational Group.
  • Maintain communications with Ministry Action Groups to receive & provide information and provide direction on labour relations and human resources issues.