7. Plan administration and maintenance
7.1. Training
Under the provisions of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) and Order in Council (OIC) 1157/2009, every minister is responsible for conducting emergency management training programs and exercises to ensure the readiness of Crown employees and other persons to act under their respective ministry emergency plans.
Similarly, under the EMCPA all municipalities are responsible for conducting emergency management training programs and exercises to ensure the readiness of employees of the municipality and other persons to act under their municipal emergency response plan.
Members of each ministry action group and municipal emergency control group (MECG) shall complete the annual training determined by the Chief of Emergency Management Ontario (Chief, EMO).
The Chief, EMO shall develop and deliver PEOC-specific training for OFMEM staff and other provincial representatives who are expected to be deployed in the PEOC. The Chief, EMO may provide advice and assistance to ministers and municipalities for the development of their emergency management training programs.
Indigenous Services Canada is responsible for the development and delivery of training for First Nations on the development of emergency plans and other emergency preparedness activities.
7.2. Exercises
The Provincial Emergency Response Plan (PERP) should be tested in an exercise on an annual basis.
The Chief, EMO is responsible for coordinating a risk-based comprehensive provincial exercise program, consisting of:
- Both doctrine and policy for developing an exercise program.
- Processes for programming, planning, conducting, evaluating, and reporting on exercises, as well as a corrective action program.
- A range of exercise activities of varying degrees of complexity and interaction.
Ministry action groups and municipal emergency control groups shall conduct an annual exercise for a simulated emergency incident in order to evaluate respective ministry and municipal emergency plans and procedures. (Section 3 (7), Ontario Regulation 380/04). If deemed necessary by the applicable ministry or municipality, following an exercise, ministries and municipalities should revise their procedures and emergency plans accordingly to incorporate post-exercise evaluations and after-action review feedback (Section 3 (8), Ontario Regulation 380/04).
7.3. After-action reviews
7.3.1. Provincial after-action reviews
The Chief, EMO shall conduct a provincial after-action review after any emergency that has the provincial response level raised to activation. Additionally, the Chief, EMO may direct a provincial after-action review be conducted after any emergency. A provincial after-action review should be completed within 6 months of the end of termination of response activities.
The purpose of a provincial-level after-action review is to examine the performance of provincial emergency response organization (provincial ERO) and the effectiveness of the PERP. It will focus on how the organizations worked with each other, rather than the individual performance of each organization. The review should collect information and feedback from every provincial organization that was active in the provincial ERO during the emergency.
The conduct of the after-action report shall be commensurate with the level of complexity and impact of the emergency, but could include any combination of the following:
- Documentation reviews (including logs, information products, emails, etc.).
- Online surveys.
- Workshops / facilitated group discussions with individuals and organizations who were involved during the emergency response.
- Interviews with individuals involved in the emergency response.
- Solicitation of written submissions from partner organizations.
This review should be focused on the whole-of-government response, and should include at a minimum consideration for:
- A timeline of how the emergency progressed.
- Key decisions made at the provincial level.
- An evaluation of the effectiveness of the PERP.
- Major gaps in provincial capabilities and any unaddressed liabilities or risks.
- Any best practices that should be carried forward.
After-action review reports should be shared with pertinent organizations for the purpose of self-improvement. Special consideration should be given to prevention, mitigation, and preparedness measures that can be implemented to improve provincial resilience.
The Chief, EMO, should share any lessons identified through after-action reports with emergency management stakeholders in Ontario to support their continuous improvement.
The Chief, EMO shall develop a corrective action / improvement plan to address gaps, best practices, and opportunities for improvement identified through these after-action reports.
The Chief, EMO shall administer a process to track and report on all corrective action / improvement plans, and report to stakeholders on an annual basis.
7.3.2. Organization-specific after-action reporting
Each organization involved in emergency response should conduct after-action review reports focused on their own organization-specific response and their own emergency plans. All organizations should strive to share lessons from their after-action reviews with others who may benefit from it.
Recommendations specific to the PEOC and associated procedures are the responsibility of the Chief, EMO.
7.4. Government reporting on declared emergencies
The EMCPA has requirements for the Premier and the Commissioner of Emergency Management to make reports based on any emergency orders that were made following the declaration of an emergency.
The Chief, EMO shall support the development of these reports where required, including providing detailed records from the PEOC as required.