General legal/process syllabus
The Building Code Act
The exam covers the following sections of the Building Code Act:
- Interpretation all,
- Enforcement Authorities, all:
- except 3.(9) Records, all
- except 3.1(7) Records, all
- except 4.1(8) Notice to the Director, all
- except 6.(2) Delegation, all
- except 6.1(8) Transition, Plumbing, all
- except 6.1(10) Interpretation, all
- Construction and Demolition, all:
- except 14.(5) Referral to Chief Building Official, all
- except 14.(6) Same, all
- except 14.(7) Effect of Referral, all
- Unsafe Buildings, all
- Maintenance Inspection Programs, all
- Qualifications, all:
- except 15.11(4) Qualifications for Registered Code Agencies, all
- except 15.13(3) Prohibition, all
- except 15.13(4) Qualification or Requirement,
- Powers and Duties of Registered Code Agencies, only:
- 15.15 Functions of Registered Code Agencies,
- 15.17 Persons Acting on Behalf of an Agency,
- General Powers of Inspection and Enforcement, all:
- except 17.1 Recovery of Expenditures for Repairs, all
- Dispute Resolution, Reviews and Appeals, all:
- except 24.(8) Restriction, all
- except 24.(9) Idem, all
- except 26.(2) Minister Represented, all
- Authorizations and Rulings, all:
- except 28.1(3) Legislation Act, 2006, Part III, all
- except 28.1(4) Delegation, all
- except 29.(2) Delegation, all
- except 29.(3) Status, all
- except 29.(8) Restriction, all
- General, all:
- except 34.(2) Standards for Existing Buildings, all
- except 34.(3) Application, all
- except 34.(4) Limited Application, all
- except 35.(3) Interpretation, all
- except 35.1 Status of Conservation Authority Regulations, all
The Building Code
The exam covers the following parts of the Building Code.
A - Compliance, Objectives and Functional Statements, all.
B - Acceptable Solutions:
- Part 1 - General, only the following subsection:
- 1.3. Referenced Documents and Organizations, all
- Part 3 - Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility, only the following subsections:
- Radon, all
- Building in Flood Plains, all
- Part 5 - Environmental Separation, only the following subsections:
- 5.10.1. Applicable Standards, all
- Applicable Standards, all
- Part 7 - Plumbing, only the following subsection:
- 7.1.3. Definitions, all
- Part 8 - Sewage Systems, only the following subsection:
- Definitions, all
- Part 9 - Housing and Small Buildings, only the following subsections:
- 9.1. General, all
- 9.10. Fire Protection, only the following subsection:
- Sloped Roofs, all
- Residential Suites, Live/Work Units and Industrial Buildings, all
- Part 10 - Change of Use, all
- Part 11 - Renovation, all
C - Administrative Provisions:
- Part 1 - Administrative Provisions, all except the following sub-sections:
- Design, all
- 1.5. Designated Persons and Powers, all
- 1.6. Prescribed Person, all
- 1.9. Fees, all
- Part 2 - Alternative Solutions, Disputes, Rulings and Interpretations, all except the following sub-sections:
- Divisions, all
- Single Member, all
- 2.3. Building Materials Evaluation Commission, all
- Part 3 - Qualifications, only:
- 3.1. Qualifications for Chief Building Officials and Inspectors, all except the following sub-sections:
- 3.1.2. Chief Building Official, all
- 3.2. Qualifications for Designers, only the following subsections:
- 3.2.1. Scope, all
- 3.2.2. General, all
- 3.2.3. Definitions, all
- General, all
- General, all
- & (3) Public Register
- 3.2.7. Classes of Registration and Categories of Qualifications, all
- 3.3. Qualifications for Persons Engaged in the Business of Constructing On Site, Installing, Repairing, Servicing, Cleaning or Emptying Sewage Systems, only subsections:
- Scope, all
- Definition, all
- & (3) General
- 3.3.4. Public Register, all
- 3.4. Qualifications for Registered Code Agencies, only the following subsection:
- 3.4.4. Public Register, all
- 3.5. Classes of Registration and Categories of Qualifications, all except the following sub-sections:
- Registered Code Agencies, all
- 3.7. Registered Code Agencies, only the following subsection:
- 3.7.3. Additional Functions that Registered Code Agencies may be Appointed to Perform, all
- Issuance of Orders by Registered Code Agencies, all
- Authorized Persons, all
- Prohibition, all
- Information and Records, all.
- 3.1. Qualifications for Chief Building Officials and Inspectors, all except the following sub-sections:
Updated: May 25, 2022
Published: July 12, 2019