Approval of amendments to the Class EA for Municipal Infrastructure Projects (2015)
Changes to the environmental assessment planning and approval process for municipal infrastructure projects.
Notice of approval of amendments
Proponent: Municipal Engineers Association (MEA)
EA File Number: EA-03-03-02-02
Having considered the purpose of the Environmental Assessment Act, the amendments to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (March 2015), the amending procedures, condition 3 of MEA's October 4, 2000 Notice of Approval and the submissions received, I hereby give approval and amend the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.
The proponent shall provide to the Director of the Environmental Approvals Branch two copies of the consolidated approved amended Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for its public record file and for staff use for monitoring and compliance purposes. The proponent shall also post the amended document on its web site. The consolidated document shall include any necessary formatting or other administrative changes including updates to names of government agencies or legislation as may be applicable as outlined in the amendment.
The proponents authorized to use this Class Environmental Assessment shall comply with the provisions/process as outlined in the amended document which are hereby incorporated into this approval.
My reasons for giving approval are:
- The amendments were prepared in accordance with Condition 3 of its Environmental Assessment Act approval, dated October 3, 2000 and the amendment provisions outlined in section A.1.5.2 of its Class EA.
- On the basis of the proponent’s amended Municipal Class Environmental Assessment and the proponent’s conclusion that, on balance, the advantages of this undertaking outweigh its disadvantages appears to be valid.
- No other beneficial alternative method of implementing the amended undertaking was identified.
- MEA consulted on its amendments and demonstrated that the amendments were consistent with current legislation requirements and planning practices to provide for a more effective planning process to deliver municipal infrastructure and servicing in a more efficient and environmentally sustainable manner.
- The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process has proven to be a successful and efficient process for municipalities to conduct the assessment of municipal infrastructure projects. The Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process is familiar to the ministry, Government Review Team municipalities and members of the public.
- MEA's amendments are consistent with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, the purpose and provisions of the Environmental Assessment Act and are in the public interest.
- The Government Review Team and public review have indicated no outstanding concerns that have not been addressed or considered.
Dated the 7th day of October 2015 at Toronto
Original signed by
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change
77 Wellesley Street West
11th Floor, Ferguson Block
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2T5