
A Training Delivery Agent (TDA) is an institution, agency or organization approved by the ministry to provide the in-class training component of an apprenticeship program.

The in-class training:

  • provides apprentices with the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to complete their apprenticeships
  • enhances and supports the skills learned on the job
  • prepares apprentices for their Certificate of Qualification (CofQ) examination, if required by their trade
  • is based on the trade-specific curriculum standard developed by Skilled Trades Ontario (STO)

Apprenticeship TDAs are approved by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. We assess and approve applications on a case-by-case basis by program (trade) and location or campus.

Funding for approved TDAs is negotiated annually based on demand during the annual in-class training planning and negotiation process. To maintain TDA status, participants must provide a minimum of one level of training per location or campus, at least once every 5 years.


Types of institutions, agencies and organizations

Applicants must be a recognized training institution under one of the following categories:

  • a public educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)
  • a registered non-profit agency or union having demonstrated training experience
  • a career college registered under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005 with the Career Colleges Branch of MCU

Other private training institutions may be eligible to apply under certain conditions.

Before you apply

Read the Apprenticeship TDA Approval Process Guidelines before you apply. The guidelines provide detailed information about:

  • eligibility
  • mandatory criteria
  • the application and approval process

Contact your apprenticeship office

We strongly recommend that you contact your nearest apprenticeship office before you apply, and tell them you want to submit a TDA application. They will get back to you within 5 business days to arrange a discussion about the feasibility of your application given your specific program and location.

How to apply

If you meet the eligibility criteria and have confirmed the feasibility of your application, complete an application form and submit it to your apprenticeship office.

After you apply

After you apply, we will:

  1. Confirm we received your application within 2 business days.
  2. Process your application. The standard timeline for this is 60 business days. We will notify you within 35 business days if your application is more complex and we require more time.
  3. Notify you of a decision within 60 business days. If we expect a delay of more than 5 business days, we will let you know.

We may require an additional 10 to 15 business days beyond the standard 60 business day timeline to assess applications from new organizations not currently part of the delivery network.

If we require additional information to support your application, we will extend the standard 60 business day timeline.