Important update about the MVIS program

DriveON is the new digital platform for Ontario’s vehicle safety and emissions inspections program. It replaces the paper-based Motor Vehicle Inspection Stations (MVIS) program.

The MVIS program will end on March 31, 2025. MVIS stations that want to continue conducting vehicle safety inspections must join the DriveON program.

Once you join DriveON:

  • you can no longer operate under the MVIS inspection program
  • you will not receive any MVIS certificates or stickers
  • you can not attach or affix MVIS stickers. If you do, you can face charges and your enrollment into the new DriveON program may be revoked or refused

As of October 1, 2024, all Annual and Semi-Annual Inspections must be performed under the DriveON program.

Join DriveON


Emissions and safety inspections for heavy-duty diesel commercial, light-duty and passenger motor vehicles have been combined into a single digital program called DriveON.

driveon logo

The new DriveON program will:

  • save commercial motor vehicle owners time and money
  • reduce fraud
  • reduce harmful emissions
  • ensure vehicles are safe for our roads
  • move to a single digital inspections program

The DriveON program has been rolled out to facilities that previously tested emissions only and is now being rolled out to other facilities in phases.

  • existing MVIS facilities and new stations that want to perform annual inspections, semi-annual inspections and safety inspections on light duty/passenger vehicles can now apply to the new DriveON program.
  • existing MVIS facilities and new stations that want to perform structural inspections can submit their application to join the DriveON program as of early 2025.

To guarantee the receipt of inspection equipment for DriveON before the MVIS program ends on December 31, 2024, please complete the DriveON enrollment process and purchase your equipment by October 30, 2024.

If you have questions, you can:

Emissions tests not required for light-duty and passenger vehicles

DriveON will not include new testing requirements or fees for light-duty and passenger vehicles. There will be no changes to the existing safety inspection requirements. Emissions tests will only be required for the same types of heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicles that currently require tests.

Get an emissions test for a heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicle

Emissions tests for heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicles must be performed by a certified technician at a vehicle inspection centre that has entered into an agreement with the Ontario government. These private operators:

  • set their own fees
  • perform the emissions test
  • provide an emissions test report

If you need an emissions test for your heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicle, there are vehicle inspection centres located across Ontario that can perform this inspection.

Find a facility to get an emissions test for your heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicle or call the DriveON Contact Centre (for the public) toll-free at 1-833-420-2103.

Get a safety inspection

The MVIS program ends on March 31, 2025. The table below shows where you can get vehicle inspections.

Vehicle Inspection Type DriveON MVIS
Emissions Yes No
Annual and Semi-annual Yes No
Light-Duty/ Passenger Safety Yes Yes (until March 31, 2025, and only if station has applied to DriveON and approval is pending)
Structural Starting early 2025 Yes (until March 31, 2025)
  • See a list of motor vehicle inspection stations
  • See a list of DriveON vehicle inspection centres

Annual and semi-annual inspections

As of October 1, 2024, annual and semi-annual inspections can only be performed by facilities that are participating in the DriveON program. They cannot be performed by facilities in the MVIS program.

MVIS facilities must return all annual or semi-annual stickers and certificates to Ministry of Transportation. Affixing or issuing annual or semi-annual inspection stickers under the MVIS program is now prohibited. The maximum fine is $1,000 for each offence, and the facility’s enrollment into the new DriveON program may be revoked or refused.

Safety and structural inspections

Until it becomes “active” in DriveON, an MVIS station can continue performing safety standards and structural inspections under the MVIS program until March 31, 2025. Once a station becomes Active under DriveON, its MVIS license will be terminated automatically.

Unused MVIS certificates and stickers can be returned to the Ministry of Transportation for a refund.

Motor vehicle inspection stations must stop performing inspections by March 31, 2025.

Vehicles that need an emissions test

Your vehicle needs an emissions test, if it is a heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicle with a registered gross weight over 4,500 kilograms, such as a large truck or bus, and the vehicle is either:

  • at least seven model years old and you are renewing your licence plate sticker
  • older than the current model year and you are registering the vehicle as a new owner

You will receive a registration renewal notice in the mail that will indicate if your vehicle needs an emissions test.

Your vehicle does not need an emissions test if it is a:

  • light-duty or passenger vehicle (motor vehicles with a registered gross weight less than or equal to 4,500 kilograms), including motorcycles and motorhomes
  • heavy non-diesel vehicle (vehicles with a registered gross weight over 4,500 kilograms that does not run on diesel)

All vehicles driven on Ontario’s roads are subject to Ontario’s emissions standards. If your vehicle is found to be in contravention of these standards, you may be subject to compliance or enforcement action such as verbal warnings and/or fines.

Ministry of Transportation enforcement officers and police anywhere in Ontario are authorized to stop and inspect your vehicle if they believe, among other things, that:

  • your vehicle is emitting excessive exhaust emissions
  • emissions control equipment has been tampered with or removed

Maintain your vehicle

Avoid costly repairs and reduce pollution by maintaining your vehicle according to the manufacturer’s recommended service schedules. It is illegal to drive with your malfunction indicator light (the check engine light) on if it is emissions control-related. Have your vehicle looked at by a qualified repair technician as soon as possible if this light comes on.

If you are buying a used vehicle, you should ensure that it complies with emissions standards and does not have any tampered or faulty emissions controls.

Motor replacements and assembled vehicles

If you are replacing a motor in a vehicle or building an assembled vehicle, please note the following rules:

  • the emissions standard for a motor replacement must be at least as stringent as those met by the original motor and must have all the emissions control equipment attached and functioning
  • the motor of an assembled vehicle must have all the emissions control equipment of that motor attached and functioning

If you have questions, please contact the DriveON Contact Centre (for the public) toll free at 1-833-420-2103.

When a vehicle needs an emissions test

Heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicles are required to be emissions tested annually. If you own a heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicle that requires an emissions test, you will receive a registration renewal notice in the mail indicating that an emissions test is required to renew your vehicle registration.

If you are due for an emissions test while outside Ontario

If you plan to be out of the province for 6–12 months when your registration renewal is due, please contact the DriveON Contact Centre (for the public) toll-free at 1-833-420-2103  to discuss your options.

What happens during an emissions test

An emissions test for a heavy diesel commercial motor vehicle involves:

  1. a pre-test check
  2. an opacity test
  3. an on-board diagnostic system test for 2007 and newer vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of up to 6,350 kilograms

There are measures in place to ensure emissions tests are fair, such as:

  • vehicle inspection centres must have computerized, tamper-proof equipment approved for the program
  • your test results are compared with emissions standards set for all vehicles of the same particular year and model. All results are recorded in a central database, to facilitate monitoring and auditing of test results
  • all technicians performing the tests are monitored continuously for expected pass/fail rates and irregularities
  • all vehicle inspection centres are audited to ensure they follow proper testing procedures

Every registered technician and vehicle inspection centre must follow the inspection procedures and apply the equipment and performance standards set out in Ontario’s DriveON inspection directive (PDF).

Pre-test check

Before performing the emissions test, the technician should do a visual check of the vehicle.

The technician may find issues with the vehicle that must be corrected before they can continue with the emissions test.

Issues can include:

  • the vehicle has visible emissions for more than five seconds in any one-minute period
  • the vehicle has a missing fuel cap or fuel cap that fits improperly
  • the vehicle’s exhaust system leaks
  • the motor governor fails, malfunctions or is maladjusted
  • the vehicle identification number (VIN) is missing or does not match the vehicle permit
  • there is an inability to connect to the data link connector, when or if there is another device attached to the data link connector
  • the testing may cause a risk to health or safety
  • the testing may cause damage to equipment, property or the vehicle

Opacity test

An opacity test measures the opacity of the emissions from a vehicle’s exhaust. To pass the opacity test, a vehicle’s test result must not exceed the corresponding opacity percentage for its model year.

Vehicle Model Year Opacity Standard Vehicle Passes inspection Opacity Standard Vehicle Fails inspection
1990 and older, not a school bus 0 - 40% > 40%
1990 and older school bus 0 - 30% > 30%
1991 to 2007 0 - 30% > 30%
2008 to 2010 0 - 20% > 20%
2011 and newer (Started July 1, 2023) 0 - 10% > 10%

On-board diagnostic system test for model year 2007 and newer diesel vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating up to 6,350 kilograms

This test identifies if emissions control systems are operating as intended.

A vehicle that fails the on-board diagnostic test will not pass the emissions test.

Some vehicles may be exempt from the on-board diagnostic test. Find the exemption list for:

Emissions test results

After completing the emissions test for a heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicle you may receive a:

  • pass report
  • fail report


If your vehicle passes the emissions test:

  • you will get an emailed PDF electronic emissions inspection report indicating a pass
  • you may print and keep the pass report with your vehicle’s maintenance information

The pass report is valid for 12 months.


Vehicles fail the emissions test because the vehicle has an emissions system problem.

The inspector can explain the emissions results on the emissions inspection certificate.

You need to have your vehicle’s emissions problem repaired before you can:

  • take a retest
  • renew your vehicle registration

Search a vehicle’s inspection test history

If you did not receive a paper vehicle inspection report and you have received a new DriveON digital inspection report, you may search for your digital DriveON vehicle’ inspection report.

For help finding vehicle inspection reports, call the DriveON Contact Centre (for the public) toll- free at 1-833-420-2103

In order to search your vehicle’s inspection history, you will need your vehicle identification number (VIN). You can find your VIN on the:

  • green ownership certificate — issued by the Ministry of Transportation
  • vehicle insurance certificate (pink form) — issued by your insurance company
  • Statement of Compliance label, located inside the vehicle, on the driver’s-side door opening
  • vehicle’s dashboard

Report a smoking or tampered heavy-duty diesel commercial vehicle

If you see a smoking or tampered heavy-duty diesel commercial vehicle you can fill out an online form or call the DriveON contact centre (for the public) toll- free at 1-833-420-2103.

A heavy-duty diesel commercial vehicle operates on diesel fuel and has a registered gross weight, an actual weight or a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating of more than 4,500 kilograms such as a large truck or bus.

Tampering refers to removing or rendering inoperative all or part of a system or device used to prevent or lessen the discharge of any contaminant.

Please have the following information available, if possible/applicable:

  • the licence plate of the vehicle
  • a description of the vehicle
  • the location, date and time you saw the vehicle
  • business name and location

Report a complaint about a vehicle inspection centre or technician

We have zero-tolerance for fraud or consumer abuse within the DriveON program.

If you have any concerns, please contact the DriveON contact centre toll-free at 1-833-420-2103 and by email to

We are serious about protecting vehicle owners and will investigate your complaints.

Become a DriveON centre

The DriveON program started on July 1, 2022, with facilities that previously tested emissions only and were followed by motor vehicle inspection stations. Existing MVIS facilities and new stations that want to perform annual, semi-annual inspections and safety inspections on light duty or passenger vehicles can apply to the new DriveON program through the DriveON portal.

Existing MVIS facilities and new stations whose applications are approved will be onboarded into the DriveON program. This will allow the purchase of the necessary equipment through the DriveON portal.

Existing MVIS facilities and new stations that perform structural inspections can submit their application to join the DriveON program as of January 13, 2025.

What you need to register

To register to become an accredited DriveON Vehicle Inspection Centre, you will need:

  • current MVIS station number (for existing MVIS facilities)
  • tax Compliance Verification (TCV) certificate and number
  • business number
  • one of the following:
    • certificate of registration
    • profile report
    • articles of incorporation
    • master business licence
  • banking information (account, transit, branch numbers)
  • business insurance certificate with listed coverages

For more information on registration please review the DriveON program enrolment information on the DriveON portal.

You can watch instructional videos about DriveON enrolment and performing inspections using the equipment on YouTube.

Check the status of your application

Below are the descriptions of statuses:

Application preparation in progress: Your application requires updates. Please login to the DriveON portal and complete all required fields of your application and submit.

Waiting for Ministry to approve the contract: Your application has been submitted and is awaiting review. We are currently experiencing a large volume of applications and are working on processing them as quickly as possible.

Application is MTO user approved: Your application has been conditionally approved and is awaiting final approvals. We are currently experiencing a large volume of applications and are working on processing them as quickly as possible.

VIC is in readiness process: Your application has been approved by the Ministry of Transportation and is awaiting readiness approval by the DriveON program vendor (Parsons).

Active: Your application has been approved and you must now conduct all inspections using your DriveON equipment.


The Vehicle Inspection Centre Owner requires the following coverage on their Certificate of Insurance:

  1. commercial general liability of not less than $3 million per occurrence on property damage, bodily injury, and personal injury.
  2. standard garage liability of not less than $3 million per occurrence on property damage and bodily injury (not required by stations with test class of “fleet”, certificate must specifically list “garage” for this coverage).
  3. legal liability for damage to customer vehicles while in custody and control of not less than $200,000 for collision and not less than $300,000 for specified perils or comprehensive coverage,
  4. for a Mobile VIC, only if applicable, the additional automobile insurance for any vehicle used to transport the emissions testing equipment, with a limit of not less than $3 million for third party property damage and bodily injury.
  5. Add "His Majesty the King in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Transportation, 87 Sir William Hearst Avenue, Suite 211, Toronto, ON M3M 0B4”.

This statement must show in both the certificate holder and additional insured on the insurance certificate as an Additional Insured in respect of the commercial general liability coverage described in (a) above, and shall provide to the ministry upon request, certificates of insurance evidencing the types and amounts of insurance required by this Article and a copy of the insurance policy(s).

Note: If any required coverage is covered by the umbrella form, it must be specifically stated by relating it to the required coverage.

Become a DriveON technician

To be a technician at a DriveON facility, you must:

  • Have a valid Certificate of Qualification with Skilled Trades Ontario that is active and ensures all fees have been paid. To verify this information, you can:
  • Register as a technician on the DriveON portal.
  • Complete the mandatory online training available on the portal free of charge and available 24/7.

DriveON vehicle inspection centres and technicians must follow the inspection procedures and apply the equipment and performance standards set out in Ontario’s DriveON inspection directive.

  • Directive Schedule 1 – Emissions Inspections Procedures and Emissions Equipment & Performance Standards for Commercial Heavy Diesel Vehicles
  • Directive Schedule 2 - Inspection Procedures and Equipment & Performance Standards for Issuance of SSCs, AIC with Stickers, and SAICs with Stickers For Heavy Duty Vehicles
  • Directive Schedule 3 - Inspection Procedures and Equipment & Performance Standards for Issuance of Safety Standards Certificates For Passenger / Light Duty Vehicles
  • Directive Schedule 4 - Inspection Procedures and Equipment & Performance Standards for Issuance of Safety Standards Certificates For Motorcycles including Motor Tricycles

If you have questions, please contact the Vehicle Inspection Centre Assistance Line (for VICs), by:

Heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicle on-board diagnostic non-communication exemption list

A small number of heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicles are expected to be identified with unique testing characteristics that prevent them from communicating with an on-board diagnostic (OBD) test unit. These vehicles cannot be OBD-tested to determine if the OBD system has an active emission-related Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC).

A technician may issue an emissions inspection certificate that indicates a pass without testing the vehicle to determine whether the OBD system has an active emissions-related DTC, if MTO has identified the vehicle as being exempt from the testing. The vehicle would still need to show compliance with the opacity standards to be issued a vehicle emissions report indicating a pass.

The OBD monitor readiness exemption table below will be updated regularly as heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicles that cannot be OBD-tested are identified.

On-board diagnostic monitor readiness exemption list

A small number of heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicles are expected to be identified with unique testing characteristics that require exceptions to diagnostic monitor checks that are part of the on-board diagnostic test.

The on-board diagnostic test will exclude the check of monitor status for Monitor IDs that are listed in the table below for the specific vehicles identified in the table below. All other aspects of the on-board diagnostic test will apply.

This table will be updated as heavy-duty diesel commercial motor vehicles that have unique testing characteristics for the on-board diagnostic test are identified.

OBD monitor readiness exemption table
Item Column 1:
Start model year
Column 2:
End model year
Column 3:
Column 4:
Column 5:
VIN mask
Column 6:
Monitor IDs excluded
1 2007 2007 Dodge Ram Pickup N/A Exhaust gas sensor, PM filter
Monitor name and ID table
OBD monitor ID number Diesel monitor name
1 Comprehensive components
2 Misfire
3 Fuel control
4 NMHC catalyst
5 NOx SCR aftertreatment
6 Exhaust gas sensor
7 PM filter
9 Not applicable
10 Boost pressure system
11 Readiness result of A/C refrigerant
12 Readiness result of thermostat
13 Readiness result of PCV

This table relates to column six of the OBD monitor readiness exemption table.