
The Ministry supports economic growth and job creation focussed on delivering value for money, enhanced accountability, and improved transparency for all Ontarians by:

  • Helping companies launch, grow, scale up and harness the right talent
  • Providing programs and services that help increase Ontario's overall productivity and competitiveness
  • Developing and implementing cross-cutting policies and strategies to reduce burdens on Ontario businesses in the areas of regulatory innovation, compliance modernization and regulatory reform
  • Partnering with ministries and other levels of government to develop policies, strategies, and solutions in support of small and medium-sized businesses
  • Developing and implementing strategies, policies and programs that help small businesses to start, grow and drive the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Ministry also ensures Ontario's interests are represented in domestic and federally led international trade negotiations and disputes, and in the implementation of trade agreements. It promotes Ontario as a top-tier investment destination, showing the world how we are making it easier to invest and do business in the province.

Ministry Program Summary

Vote Program





Operating expense

901 Ministry Administration Program $23,118,500 $23,118,500 - $18,432,699
902 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program $919,453,100 $862,985,100 $56,468,000 $3,663,722,064
  Total operating expense to be voted $942,571,600 $886,103,600 $56,468,000 $3,682,154,763
  Statutory appropriations $829,565 $529,565 $300,000 $211,324,236
  Ministry total operating expense $943,401,165 $886,633,165 $56,768,000 $3,893,478,999
  Consolidation Adjustment - Venture Ontario ($1,278,800) ($1,335,000) $56,200 $2,162,915
  Consolidation Adjustment - General Real Estate Portfolio - - - ($116,388)
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $942,122,365 $885,298,165 $56,824,200 $3,895,525,526

Operating assets

902 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program $143,000,000 $65,000,000 $78,000,000 $9,538,923
  Total operating assets to be voted $143,000,000 $65,000,000 $78,000,000 $9,538,923
  Ministry total operating assets $143,000,000 $65,000,000 $78,000,000 $9,538,923

Capital expense

902 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program $3,000 $3,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $3,000 $3,000 - -
  Statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Ministry total capital expense $4,000 $4,000 - -
  Total including consolidation & other adjustments $4,000 $4,000 - -

Capital assets

902 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Ministry total capital assets $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Ministry total operating and capital including consolidation and other adjustments (not including assets) $942,126,365 $885,302,165 $56,824,200 $3,895,525,526

Reconciliation to Previously Published Data

Operating expense



Total operating expense previously publishedfootnote 1 $886,633,165 $3,894,721,399
Government reorganization    
Transfer of functions to other ministries - ($1,242,400)
Restated total operating expense $886,633,165 $3,893,478,999

Ministry Administration Program - Vote 901

This program provides financial, human resources, planning, legal, and other corporate services for the operational programs and certain agencies of the Ministry.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

1 Ministry Administration $23,118,500 $23,118,500 - $18,432,699
  Total operating expense to be voted $23,118,500 $23,118,500 - $18,432,699
S Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act $47,841 $47,841 - $49,301
S Minister without Portfolio’s Salary, the Executive Council Act $22,378 $22,378 - $22,378
S Parliamentary Assistants' Salaries, the Executive Council Act $32,346 $32,346 - $33,334
S Bad Debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $103,565 $103,565 - $105,013
  Total operating expense $23,222,065 $23,222,065 - $18,537,712

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount

Operating expense

901-1 Ministry Administration    
  Salaries and wages   $14,014,400
  Employee benefits   $1,430,000
  Transportation and communication   $630,000
  Services   $6,590,000
  Supplies and equipment   $454,100
  Other transactions   $100,000
  Subtotal   $23,218,500
  Less: Recoveries   $100,000
  Total operating expense to be voted   $23,118,500
  Main Office    
  Salaries and wages $6,082,200  
  Employee benefits $562,300  
  Transportation and communication $185,000  
  Services $1,761,900  
  Supplies and equipment $75,000 $8,666,400
  Planning and Finance    
  Salaries and wages $3,673,100  
  Employee benefits $428,300  
  Transportation and communication $350,000  
  Services $1,680,100  
  Supplies and equipment $192,500  
  Other transactions $100,000  
  Subtotal $6,424,000  
  Less: Recoveries $100,000 $6,324,000
  Human Resources    
  Salaries and wages $1,069,400  
  Employee benefits $105,400  
  Transportation and communication $40,000  
  Services $183,000  
  Supplies and equipment $20,000 $1,417,800
  Communications Services    
  Salaries and wages $3,154,700  
  Employee benefits $332,000  
  Transportation and communication $35,000  
  Services $700,000  
  Supplies and equipment $40,000 $4,261,700
  Legal Services    
  Salaries and wages $35,000  
  Employee benefits $2,000  
  Transportation and communication $20,000  
  Services $2,265,000  
  Supplies and equipment $126,600 $2,448,600
  Total operating expense to be voted   $23,118,500
  Statutory appropriations    
Statutory Minister's Salary, the Executive Council Act   $47,841
Statutory Minister without Portfolio’s Salary, the Executive Council Act   $22,378
Statutory Parliamentary Assistants' Salaries, the Executive Council Act   $32,346
  Statutory appropriations    
  Other transactions    
Statutory Bad Debt expense, the Financial Administration Act   $1,000
  Total operating expense for Ministry Administration Program   $23,222,065

Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program - Vote 902

This program supports economic growth and job creation in Ontario by:

  • Attracting and growing investment in key business clusters, regions, and sectors
  • Delivering and managing related funding and business support programs
  • Engaging with industry to support Ontario priorities and issues management
  • Collaborating with partner ministries to develop policies and strategies to improve business competitiveness
  • Ensuring Ontario's interests are well-represented in all trade matters and negotiations; developing investment and trade strategies to increase Ontario's competitiveness domestically and internationally
  • Identifying potential sites well suited for major industrial investments and working with partners to make these sites investment ready
  • Attracting, promoting, and facilitating exports and investment through Ontario’s international network of 15 Trade and Investment Offices
  • Delivering export support programs and services to enhance the profile of Ontario SMEs around the world
  • Providing broader investment services and valuable connections for investors looking to establish their businesses in the province.

Ontario’s new investment attraction agency, Invest Ontario, will play a pivotal role in the province’s economic recovery and growth. It will help secure anchor investments that will create jobs, diversify our economy, and create new opportunities across value chains.

The Ministry is developing strategies for priority industries in Ontario to ensure long-term competitiveness, job growth and investment; advancing Foreign Direct Investment in Ontario; and building strategic partnerships with leading companies and stakeholders within key sectors of Ontario's economy.

The Ministry is delivering technology adoption and talent programs that build strong relationships with members of the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem and to provide them with access to capital and services to scale-up their businesses and create jobs.

The Ministry also supports IPON, a new go-to resource that will help researchers and companies maximize the value of their intellectual property (IP) and strengthen their capacity to grow and compete in the global market.

The Ministry supports the development of regulatory compliance modernization initiatives as well as small business strategy and policy. The aim is to make government work better for businesses, including for-profits, not-for-profits and the broader public sector.

Vote summary

Item number Item





Operating expense

13 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $919,453,100 $862,985,100 $56,468,000 $3,663,722,064
  Total operating expense to be voted $919,453,100 $862,985,100 $56,468,000 $3,663,722,064
S Bad Debt expense, the Financial Administration Act $726,000 $426,000 $300,000 $211,219,223
  Total statutory appropriations $726,000 $426,000 $300,000 $211,219,223
  Total operating expense $920,179,100 $863,411,100 $56,768,000 $3,874,941,287

Operating assets

14 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $143,000,000 $65,000,000 $78,000,000 $9,538,923
  Total operating assets to be voted $143,000,000 $65,000,000 $78,000,000 $9,538,923
  Total operating assets $143,000,000 $65,000,000 $78,000,000 $9,538,923

Capital expense

21 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $3,000 $3,000 - -
  Total capital expense to be voted $3,000 $3,000 - -
S Amortization, the Financial Administration Act $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total statutory appropriations $1,000 $1,000 - -
  Total capital expense $4,000 $4,000 - -

Capital assets

22 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total capital assets to be voted $2,000 $2,000 - -
  Total capital assets $2,000 $2,000 - -

Standard account by item and sub-items

Standard account by item and sub-items Amount Amount Amount

Operating expense

902-13 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade      
  Salaries and wages     $48,291,700
  Employee benefits     $5,782,100
  Transportation and communication     $4,283,700
  Services     $25,831,200
  Supplies and equipment     $2,075,400
  Transfer payments      
  5G Wireless and Next Generation Networks   $6,976,000  
  Auto Assemblers Investments   $1,300,000  
  Automotive Plan   $7,050,000  
  Business Research Institution Tax Credit   $25,974,300  
  Commercialization and Innovation Network Support   $17,304,200  
  Communitech Hub   $3,900,000  
  Critical Technologies Initiative   $32,200,000  
  Enhanced Digital Mainstreet   $20,000,000  
  Futurpreneur   $2,000,000  
  Industrial Land Development   $85,950,000  
  Intellectual Property Ontario   $7,188,200  
  Invest Ontario Fund   $100,000,000  
  Invest Ontario Fund - operating   $7,310,000  
  Jobs and Prosperity Fund and other Business Support Programs   $165,819,700  
  Life Sciences Strategy   $5,000,000  
  Ontario Centre of Innovation   $16,532,900  
  Ontario Innovation Tax Credit   $181,795,900  
  Ontario Together Fund   $18,000,000  
  Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network   $16,770,000  
  Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit   $75,338,300  
  Sector Support Grants   $12,593,900  
  Small Business Digitization Competence Centre   $5,000,000  
  Small Business Enterprise Centres Entrepreneurship Programs   $10,901,000  
  Strategic Investments   $3,487,500  
  Toronto Global   $2,500,000  
  Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing   $500,000  
  Venture Ontario - operating   $2,000,000 $833,391,900
  Subtotal     $919,656,000
  Less: Recoveries     $202,900
  Total operating expense to be voted     $919,453,100
  Economic Development and Investment      
  Salaries and wages   $18,840,200  
  Employee benefits   $2,403,600  
  Transportation and communication   $2,131,000  
  Services   $7,567,400  
  Supplies and equipment   $1,390,600  
  Transfer payments      
  5G Wireless and Next Generation Networks $6,976,000    
  Auto Assemblers Investments $1,300,000    
  Automotive Plan $7,050,000    
  Critical Technologies Initiative $32,200,000    
  Enhanced Digital Mainstreet $20,000,000    
  Industrial Land Development $85,950,000    
  Invest Ontario Fund $100,000,000    
  Invest Ontario Fund - operating $7,310,000    
  Jobs and Prosperity Fund and other Business Support Programs $165,819,700    
  Life Sciences Strategy $5,000,000    
  Ontario Together Fund $18,000,000    
  Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network $16,770,000    
  Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit $75,338,300    
  Sector Support Grants $12,593,900    
  Small Business Digitization Competence Centre $5,000,000    
  Strategic Investments $3,487,500    
  Toronto Global $2,500,000    
  Trillium Network for Advanced Manufacturing $500,000 $565,795,400 $598,128,200
  Strategy and Policy      
  Salaries and wages   $7,534,700  
  Employee benefits   $916,900  
  Transportation and communication   $137,100  
  Services   $2,123,800  
  Supplies and equipment   $76,900  
  Subtotal   $10,789,400  
  Less: Recoveries   $202,900 $10,586,500
  Start-ups and Scale-ups      
  Salaries and wages   $6,800,000  
  Employee benefits   $885,000  
  Transportation and communication   $415,600  
  Services   $2,502,700  
  Supplies and equipment   $229,000  
  Transfer payments      
  Futurpreneur $2,000,000    
  Small Business Enterprise Centres Entrepreneurship Programs $10,901,000 $12,901,000 $23,733,300
  International Trade      
  Salaries and wages   $15,116,800  
  Employee benefits   $1,576,600  
  Transportation and communication   $1,600,000  
  Services   $13,637,300  
  Supplies and equipment   $378,900 $32,309,600
  Transfer payments      
  Business Research Institution Tax Credit $25,974,300    
  Commercialization and Innovation Network Support $17,304,200    
  Communitech Hub $3,900,000    
  Intellectual Property Ontario $7,188,200    
  Ontario Centre of Innovation $16,532,900    
  Ontario Innovation Tax Credit $181,795,900    
  Venture Ontario - operating $2,000,000 $254,695,500 $254,695,500
  Total operating expense to be voted     $919,453,100
  Statutory appropriations      
  Other transactions      
Statutory Bad Debt expense, the Financial Administration Act     $726,000
  Total operating expense for Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program     $920,179,100

Operating assets

902-14 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade      
  Loans and Investments      
  Invest Ontario   $100,000,000  
  Ontario Together Fund   $10,000,000  
  Strategic Investments   $3,000,000  
  Jobs and Prosperity Fund and other Business Support Programs   $30,000,000 $143,000,000
  Total operating assets to be voted     $143,000,000
  Total operating assets for Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program     $143,000,000

Capital expense

902-21 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade      
  Other transactions     $3,000
  Total capital expense to be voted     $3,000
  Statutory appropriations      
  Other transactions      
Statutory Amortization, the Financial Administration Act     $1,000
  Total capital expense for Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program     $4,000

Capital assets

902-22 Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade      
  Investments in Tangible capital asset     $1,000
  Land and marine fleet - asset costs     $1,000
  Total capital assets to be voted     $2,000
  Total capital assets for Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade Program     $2,000