
A Health and Safety Representative (HSR) is required in most workplaces with 6-19 workers.

The role of the HSR is to support health and safety in the workplace.

An eLearning basic training program has been developed to help HSRs carry out their duties.

Learn more about when an HSR is required.

HSR and employer requirements under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA)

Employers or constructors must ensure that an HSR is selected in workplaces, including construction projects at which:

  • the number of workers regularly employed is 6 or more and
  • no joint health and safety committee is required (JHSCs are required for most workplaces with 20 or more workers regularly employed)

An HSR must be selected by either:

  • their fellow workers who do not exercise managerial functions
  • the union, if the workplace is unionized

Key responsibilities

Key responsibilities and powers of HSRs under the OHSA include:

  • identifying actual and potential workplace hazards
  • inspecting the workplace regularly
  • being consulted about and being present at the beginning of health and safety related testing in the workplace
  • making recommendations to the employer about health and safety in the workplace
  • participating in investigation of work refusals
  • inspecting the site of a critical injury or fatality at a workplace
  • obtaining health and safety related information from the employer

Employers have a general duty under the OHSA to co-operate with the HSR to carry out their legislative functions. Employers are required to:

  • provide any information that the HSR has the power to obtain from the employer
  • respond to HSR recommendations in writing
  • give the HSR copies of all written orders and reports issued by the MLITSD inspector
  • report any workplace deaths, injuries and illnesses to the HSR
  • pay the HSR while they are performing their HSR duties

Learn more about HSRs in the MLITSD guide on health and safety representatives and joint health and safety committees.

HSR basic training

Health and Safety Representatives should have a broad foundational occupational health and safety knowledge.

A one-day, eLearning basic training program to help HSRs perform their legislative functions has been developed through collaboration between the Ministry and health and safety partners.

The eLearning training is available from the following providers:

Two-day in-person or virtual classroom, worker HSR training is also available from the Workers Health & Safety Centre (WHSC).

Course content

The HSR eLearning basic training program covers the following topics:

  • occupational health and safety law
  • rights, duties and responsibilities of the workplace parties
  • duties and responsibilities of the HSR under the OHSA
  • common workplace hazards
  • hazard recognition, assessment, control, and evaluation (RACE methodology) of hazard controls
  • applying the RACE methodology (recognize, assess, control and evaluate) to a workplace hazard
  • health and safety resources available to the workplace parties

This basic training program is useful for workplaces that require an HSR, regardless of sector.

Training providers and employers who wish to design their own basic training for HSRs should follow the program guideline and provider guideline for health and safety representative basic training.

In addition to HSR basic training, specialized sector-specific HSR training programs are available through various training providers.

Health and safety resources for small businesses