How to use Fish ON-Line
Learn how you can easily plan a fishing trip, check fishing rules, and catch and identify Ontario sport fish by using the Fish ON-Line tool.
What is it
Fish ON-Line is a mobile fishing tool with maps and information on fishing in Ontario.
You can use Fish ON-Line to:
- plan your fishing trip
- check fishing regulations
- learn about Ontario sport fish
If you need any of the information in an alternate format, please contact the Natural Resource Information Centre.
Who is it for
Fish ON-Line is for anyone who enjoys fishing:
- novices who want to learn the basics
- experienced anglers
- visitors to Ontario
Try Fish ON-Line
Check it at home or use your phone or mobile device.
Plan your fishing trip
You can get directions from anywhere in North America to:
- over 18,000 waterbodies
- fishing licence vendors
Fish ON-Line uses maps to search for fishing spots:
- by the name of the lake or river
- by the type of fish you want to catch
- by location and type of sport fish stocked
- by GPS coordinates
You can zoom in to discover:
- access points
- shoreline fishing spots
- lake depth contours
Check fishing regulations
Fish ON-Line is always up-to-date. You can check:
- fishing zones
- size and catch limits
- open seasons
- sanctuaries
- specific rules for the lake or the zone
Read the Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary
Learn about fish
Fish ON-line also helps anglers catch and identify Ontario sport fish by linking them to:
- a description and picture
- favourite baits
- fishing tips
- preferred habitat
- eating guide