
The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) uses an expression of interest system to manage its applications for the following streams:

Before you can apply to these streams, you must register an expression of interest to let the OINP know you wish to be invited to apply.

You can only apply to these streams if you are invited. Registering an expression of interest is not the same as applying to the OINP or applying for permanent residency.

Registering allows the OINP to gather important information about you in order to rank and select those who are most likely to meet Ontario’s economic and labour market needs, based on one or more of the following attributes:

  • education – level and field of education and where completed
  • language – English or French
  • regional immigration – intention to settle outside of the Greater Toronto Area
  • skill and work experience level
  • earnings history
  • other factors relevant to employment prospects – job offer in Ontario, Canadian work experience
  • strategic priorities – attributes that would address immediate labour market needs in Ontario or a region of Ontario

Before you apply

How to register an expression of interest

Read the stream requirements to ensure you are eligible.

The information you provide in your expression of interest must be accurate at the time you register or update your expression of interest.

You can only register one expression of interest per OINP stream at any given time.


There is no fee to register an expression of interest. If you are invited to apply to the program, you will be required to pay an application fee at that time. Application fees differ by stream.

Updating your information

You can update your expression of interest in the OINP e-filing portal with new information at any time up until the time you receive an invitation to apply or your expression of interested is deleted.

Validity period

Your expression of interest registration will remain valid for up to 12 months until you receive an invitation to apply or until you withdraw your registration. After 12 months, your expression of interest will automatically be deleted. If you are still interested in applying to the program, you must register a new expression of interest.

Physicians under the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream

If you are a physician who is eligible to apply without a job offer, please contact the program using one of the methods listed in the Contact us section below to obtain special instructions before registering an Expression of Interest.

Register an expression of interest

After you register an expression of interest

Once you have registered an expression of interest, please do not contact the program.

If you are invited to apply, you will receive a notification in the OINP e-Filing Portal. It is important to note that:

  • a registration does not guarantee that you will be invited to apply to the OINP
  • an invitation to apply does not guarantee you will receive a certificate of nomination

You must demonstrate that you meet all stream requirements at the time of your application, including that you had the qualifications that you claimed in your expression of interest registration.

If it is determined that any information provided in your expression of interest registration is not accurate, is incorrect, or misleading, your application may be denied, and you may be subject to penalties or prosecution.

Please consult the expression of interest system invitation to apply page for more information about expression of interest draw results.

Invitations and how to apply

If you receive an invitation to apply

From time to time the OINP will rank candidates in one or more of the OINP stream selection pools, either on a general basis (rank all candidates who registered an expression of interest) or on a targeted basis (rank only those candidates who have one or more targeted labour market or human capital attributes) and invite the highest ranking candidates to apply.

If you are invited to apply, your application must be submitted within 14 calendar days from the date you receive the invitation.

Please consult the Applying to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) page for instructions on how to apply after you receive an invitation to apply.

If you receive an invitation but do not apply

If you receive an invitation to apply but do not submit an application or fail to apply within the required timeline, your expression of interest will be removed from the stream selection pool (expressions of interest you may have registered for other streams will not be removed).

You will receive an email notification that your expression of interest has been removed from the selection pool. You may register a new expression of interest at any time.

Using a representative to apply

Authorizing a paid representative to assist you can be helpful but is not necessary. If you choose to use a representative, please follow the steps on how to appoint one. This will ensure you retain access to, and control of, your online application and allow you to change or end your authorization if need be. Applications submitted by self-appointed representatives are invalid and will be withdrawn by the OINP. Your application will be returned as incomplete and your application fee will be refunded.

How we choose candidates to invite

The answers you provide to each question in your expression of interest registration will be scored based on several scoring factors. Once submitted, your expression of interest registration will then be entered into a selection pool. Each OINP stream has its own selection pool. All candidates registering for the same stream will be placed in the same selection pool.

Scoring factors

We will score your answers using the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system to assign points to your job offer and Canadian work experience.

Find your job's NOC to determine its skill level and type.

If you are invited to apply, you will be required to submit specific documents to support each scoring factor for which you received points. Scoring factors are not the same as stream criteria. You must meet all the criteria for the stream you wish to apply and provide the mandatory documents with your application. Refer to the document checklist for each stream.

Employment / labour market factors

Job offer: NOC TEER
  • NOC TEER category 0 or 1 – 10 Points
  • NOC TEER category 2 or 3 – 8 Points
  • NOC TEER category 4 – 0 Points
  • NOC TEER category 5 – 0 Points
Job offer: broad occupational category
  • Occupational Category 0,2,3 – 10 points
  • Occupational Category 7 – 7 points
  • Occupational Category 1,9 – 5 points
  • Occupational Category 4,8 – 4 points
  • Occupational Category 5,6 – 3 points
Job offer: wage
  • $40 per hour or higher – 10 points
  • $35 to $39.99 per hour – 8 points
  • $30 to $34.99 per hour – 7 points
  • $25 to $29.99 per hour – 6 points
  • $20 to $24.99 per hour – 5 points
  • Less than $20 per hour – 0 points
Work or study permit status
  • With valid work or study permit – 10 points
  • Without valid work or study permit – 0 points

The work or study permit must confer legal status.

Job tenure with job offer employer
  • 6 months or more working in job offer position – 3 points
  • Less than 6 months working in job offer position or not currently working in position – 0 points

The work in the job offer position must have occurred within Ontario.

Canadian work experience: earnings history

Based on a Notice of Assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency in the last five years.

  • $40k or more earnings in a year – 3 points
  • Less than $40k earnings in a year – 0 points


Highest level of education

Canadian credential or Educational Credential Assessment required.

  • PhD or M.D. – 10 points
  • Masters – 8 points
  • Bachelors or equivalent – 6 points
  • Graduate diploma or certificate – 6 points
  • Undergraduate diploma or certificate – 5 points
  • Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma – 5 points
  • Less than college or trade certificate – 0 points
Field of study

Points are awarded based on the field of study of the eligible education credential being used for the OINP application.

  • STEM/health (engineering, health, math, computer science) and trades (agriculture and natural resources operations and management, mechanics and repair, architecture, construction and precision production) - 12 points
  • Business and administration, social, legal, education, behavioral science, personal, security and transport services, social work and related programs - 6 points
  • Arts and humanities, business, humanities, arts, social science and education (BHASE) programs, not elsewhere classified (n.e.c) - 0 points

For more information about Fields of Study please review the Statistics Canada website.

Canadian education experience

Credential must be for a post-secondary education credential from an eligible Canadian institution that takes at least one year to complete on a full-time basis.

  • More than one Canadian credential – 10 points
  • One Canadian credential – 5 points


Official language ability
  • CLB 9 or higher – 10 points
  • CLB 8 – 6 points
  • CLB 7 – 4 points
  • CLB 6 or lower – 0 points
Knowledge of official languages
  • 2 Official Languages – 10 points (a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) score of 7 in one official language and a minimum CLB 6 in the second official language)
  • 1 Official Language – 5 points


Regional immigration: location of job offer
  • Northern Ontario – 10 points
  • Other areas outside GTA (except Northern Ontario) – 8 points
  • Inside GTA (except Toronto) – 3 points
  • Toronto – 0 points
Regional immigration: location of study (where you physically attended classes)
  • Northern Ontario – 10 points
  • Other areas outside GTA (except Northern Ontario) – 8 points
  • Inside GTA (except Toronto) – 3 points
  • Toronto – 0 points
  • Credential was completed without physically attending (in-person) classes – 0 points

For Regionalization scoring factors, the regions are defined as follows:

  • Northern Ontario – includes the following Census Divisions: Muskoka Haliburton, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Manitoulin, Sudbury, Greater Sudbury/Grand Sudbury, Timiskaming, Cochrane, Algoma, Thunder Bay, Rainy River and Kenora
  • Other areas outside of Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), except Northern Ontario – includes all Ontario regions except those listed as part of Toronto, the Greater Toronto Area and Northern Ontario
  • Greater Toronto Area (except Toronto) – includes the regional municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel and York
  • Toronto – includes the City of Toronto

How the EOI scoring is applied to each stream

Scoring factorEmployer Job Offer: Foreign WorkerEmployer Job Offer: In-Demand SkillsEmployer
Job Offer: International Student
Masters GraduatePhD Graduate
Job offer: NOC TEER categoryScored*Not appliedScoredNot appliedNot applied
Job offer: NOC broad occupational categoryScored*ScoredScoredNot appliedNot applied
Job offer: wageScored*ScoredScoredNot appliedNot applied
Work permit statusScored*ScoredScoredScoredScored
Job tenure with job offer employerScored*ScoredScoredNot appliedNot applied
Earnings historyScored*ScoredScoredScoredScored
Highest level of educationNot appliedNot appliedScoredScoredScored
Field of studyNot appliedNot appliedScoredScoredScored
Canadian education experienceNot appliedNot appliedScoredScoredScored
Official language abilityScored*Not appliedScoredScoredScored
Knowledge of official languagesScored*Not appliedScoredScoredScored
Regional immigration: location of job offerScored*ScoredScoredNot appliedNot applied
Regional immigration: location of studyNot appliedNot appliedScoredScoredScored

* Not applied to physicians who are eligible to apply without a job offer

After you apply to the OINP

After you (or your representative) submits your application, you will get an email to confirm that we have received it.

You can check the status of your application through your account in the OINP e-Filing Portal at any time.

For regular updates on processing times, read OINP Application processing times and nominations issued.

If you are nominated, your next step is to apply to the federal government through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for permanent residence. IRCC makes the final decision on who becomes a permanent resident.

Withdrawing your application

To withdraw your application, click on the Withdraw button next to your file number on your main page of the OINP e-Filing Portal.

Please note: We will only refund the application fee if you withdraw your application before we start processing it.

Changes in personal information

You must notify us if there are any changes to the information provided in your application, including (but not limited to) changes in:

  • contact information
  • immigration status (expiration or change in work permit)
  • family composition due to:
    • marriage or common-law relationship
    • birth of a child
    • change of custody of a child
    • divorce/separation
    • death

You can make changes to your telephone number, email address and country of residence by logging into the OINP e-Filing Portal and clicking on “My Profile” on your main page. After the change has been made, click “Save”.

For all other changes, or to correct a data entry error (for example if you misspelled your name):

  • complete and save a Change of Personal Information form
  • send the completed form as an attachment via our webform
  • if you are requesting a correction to your name or date of birth, please also include a copy of the personal details page of your passport to validate your request

Please note: We will not accept requests to completely change a name or date of birth.

If you do not notify us of changes to your personal information it could impact the outcome of your application.

If you are nominated

If your application is successful, you will receive a nomination approval letter, a work permit support letter (if applicable) and a nomination certificate by email.

Once we notify you, your next step is to apply for permanent residence to IRCC within six months.

You will need to include your nomination approval letter and nomination certificate.

A nomination does not guarantee approval of your application for permanent residence with IRCC.

You may request an extension of your nomination certificate if you applied to IRCC but your application for permanent residence was returned due to being incomplete, or you were delayed in gathering supporting documents (for example, police criminal record check) for your application for permanent residence.

Only requests that comply with the above requirements will be granted.

You can request an extension via our webform. Please include the following documents:

  • a letter of explanation describing the reason to extend your nomination certificate
  • a copy of the incomplete letter from IRCC (if applicable)

For streams that require a job offer, refer to the applicable stream page for conditions of nomination and details about the work permit support letter.

If you are not nominated

If your application is unsuccessful, we will let you know by email.

If you think we made an error in our decision that led to your application being refused, you may ask for an internal review. You must request an internal request within 30 calendar days after receiving a notice of decision.

To request an internal review:

  1. Log into the OINP e-Filing Portal through your My Ontario account.
  2. Under the column labelled “Action” on your main page, click the “Internal Review (IR)” button.
  3. Carefully follow the instructions provided on the webpage and ensure that the online Notice of Request form is properly completed, and the relevant documents uploaded.
  4. Submit the online Notice of Request form.

Be sure to clearly indicate the error you identified in the decision or order that, if not made, would have resulted in a different outcome.

Do not include any new information that you did not include in your original application unless that information was not reasonably available to you at the time the decision or order was made.

The internal reviewer will only consider your request based on the above requirements and the decision of the internal reviewer is final.

Internal review requests from individual applicants and their authorized representatives must be sent via the OINP e-Filing Portal. We will not accept requests by email, mail, fax, or in person.

The status of internal review requests can be checked online through the OINP e-Filing Portal.

Contact us

Ask us a question via webform or by phone from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at:

Use our Stream Selector Tool to identify which OINP stream you may be eligible for.

Technical problems

If you are experiencing technical issues with applying online, please notify us via our webform and include:

  • your file number
  • description of the problem
  • screenshots

We will review your inquiry and respond to you as soon as possible.