Private schools: Notice of intention to operate a private school
Find resources to help private school administrators complete a notice of intention (NOI) to operate. Your notice of intention is due by September 1, every year.
Operators of private schools must notify the Ministry of Education annually of their intention to operate by submitting a notice of intention to operate a private school. This applies to both new and existing private schools.
The notice of intention to operate a private school must:
- be submitted by September 1 of each year
- set out Ontario’s policy requirements regarding the criteria for private schools
- collects information, such as the school’s owner, principal, address and hours of instruction
New school operators
To establish a private school, you must:
- request access to the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS) by emailing the helpdesk at and request a new school notice of intention (NOI) to operate a private school account
- submit your NOI form electronically through OnSIS by September 1.
- pay a non-refundable fee of $300, in the form of a cheque or money order, payable to the Minister of Finance (this fee is required only for your first year of operation)
- on the back of the cheque clearly indicate the name of the school
cheques should be submitted by mail to:
Ministry of Education
Private School and International Education Unit
315 Front Street West, 12th floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 0B8
Please include a money order or certified/bank cheque (not a personal cheque) payable to the “Minister of Finance” in the amount of $300. If you are sending your payment from outside Canada, please use an international money order made out in Canadian funds (CAD).
Schools with no access to the internet can submit hard copy NOI forms.
Pre-inspection materials
The pre-inspection materials must be submitted by the following dates:
- For credit courses starting in September, the materials must be submitted by September 1.
- For credit courses starting in February, the materials must be submitted by December 1.
- For credit courses starting in July, the materials must be submitted by May 1.
Download pre-inspection materials.
Please note that the authority to grant credits is given to the principal of the school and may only granted to students of that school.
Existing school operators
The electronic NOI will be available in June. You will be able to find the NOI in your OnSIS account.
Read the private schools policy and procedures manual.
Instructions to determine school’s longitude and latitude
Executive summary
This resource provides instructions on how to determine school’s longitude and latitude. This information is required on the notice of intention to operate a private school (NOI).
Inspected private schools
Below are additional resources and pre-inspection materials for private schools seeking authority to grant OSSD credits:
- pre-inspection materials overview
- pre-inspection report
- inspection report
- checklist for school course calendar
- checklist for courses of study
- Timetable template and example
- preparation for classroom visit
- pre-inspection report addendum for online schools
The Ministry of Education will inspect a private secondary school that has requested inspection in order to authorize the principal to grant credits in subjects leading to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
The inspection relates to the standard of instruction. The ministry does not inspect health equipment nor practices related to safety and staffing issues.