School board trustee elections
Find information about trustee elections for school boards and candidates.
Information for candidates
Find out how to run as a candidate in Ontario municipal council and school board elections. Read the candidate's guide.
You can also visit the Ontario municipal and school board elections website. This site has information about school board trustees and the school board elections. Read the guides about:
School board associations
There are associations for each of Ontario’s 4 school boards:
- Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association (OCSTA)
- Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA)
- Association des conseils scolaires des écoles publiques de l'Ontario
- Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques
Information for school boards
Get to know your municipality.
Learn about the trustee determination and distribution process. This process determines the number of trustee positions in each school board.
Trustee determination and distribution
Before each regular election, the board of trustees of each district school board must distribute the positions of the members to be elected across the board's area of jurisdiction. The steps are set out in O. Reg. :412/00 and the process is referred to as trustee determination and distribution.
The Trustee determination and distribution guide provides information to help boards with this process, including answers to frequently asked questions about election rules.
Trustee determination and distribution calculator
The Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC) provides a calculator to assist school boards with the determination and distribution of their elected trustee positions.
If you would like to do the calculation manually, please refer to the steps and templates in the Trustee determination and distribution guide.
Contact us
Education Equity Secretariat
Governance – Operations & Board Supports Unit
315 Front Street West, 13th Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 0B8