6 Bibliography
6.1 Essential Reading
The following works are a source of basic information for consultant archaeologists on issues related to Aboriginal history, Aboriginal archaeology and modern Aboriginal communities.
Dickason, Olive Patricia 1992 Canada’s First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times. McLelland Stewart.
Johnston, Basil 2003 Honour Earth Mother, Mino-Audjaudauh Mizzu-Kummik-Quae. Kegedonce Press.
Ministry of Natural Resources 2008 Aboriginal Relations: An Introduction to Aboriginal relations for Ministry of Natural Resources Staff in Ontario. Draft. Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto.
Morris, Alexander 2000 The Treaties of Canada with the Indians. Prospero Canada Collection.
Redbird, Duke 1980 We are Métis: A Métis View of the Development of Native Canadian People. Ontario Métis & Non-Status Indian Association.
Rogers, Edward S. and Smith, Donald B. editors 1994 Aboriginal Ontario: Historical Perspectives on the First Nations. OHSS Dundurn.
6.2 Additional Information
The following reading list for consultant archaeologists seeking supplementary information is meant only as a starting point. Archaeologists are encouraged to undertake independent research as appropriate for their work and to talk to Aboriginal communities directly.
Alison, R. M. 1976 Mammal and Bird Names in the Indian Languages of Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources, Wildlife Branch, Division of Fish and Wildlife. Queen’s Printer.
Cartier, Jacques 1924 The Voyages of Jacques Cartier. Edited By Henry Biggar. F.A. Acland. Ottawa, Ontario.
Champlain, Samuel de 1922 The Works of Samuel de Champlain. Edited by Henry Biggar. University of Toronto Press. Toronto, Ontario.
Clarke, P. D. 1870 Origin and Traditional History of the Wyandotts and Sketches of Other Indian Tribes in North America. Hunter, Rose and Company. Toronto, Ontario.
Copway, G. 1850 The Traditional History and Characteristics Sketches of the Ojibway Nation by G. Copway or Kah-Ge-Ga-Gah-Bowh, Chief of the Ojibway Nation. Facsimile Edition. Coles Publishing Company. Toronto, Ontario.
Ellis, C. J. and N. Ferris editors 1990 The Archaeology of Southern Ontario to A.D. 1650. Special Publication No. 1, London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society. London, Ontario.
Ferris, Neal 2004 Between Colonial and Indigenous Archaeologies: Legal and Extra-Legal Ownership of the Archaeological Past in North America. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 27(2):154-190.
Gehl, Lynn 2005 “Oh Canada! Your Home is Native Land”: The Algonquin Land Claim Process. In Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, Volume 29.2.
Government of Canada 1985 Indian Act (R.S.O., 1985, c. I-5). Available from: http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/I-5/
Government of Ontario
1990 Ontario Heritage Act (R.S.O.).
2004 Ontario Heritage Act - O. Reg. 170/04 Definitions.
2005 Cemeteries Act(Revised) (R.S.O.).
2007 Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry. Available from: www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/inquiries/ipperwash/report/
2007 Forest Management Guide for Cultural Heritage Values. Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto.
2008 Aboriginal Relations: An Introduction to Aboriginal Relations for Ministry of Natural Resources Staff in Ontario. Draft. Queen’s Printer for Ontario, Toronto.
Hickerson, H. 1960 The Feast of the Dead Among the Seventeenth Century Algonkians of the Upper Great Lakes. American Anthropologist 62: 81-107.
Johnston, Basil 1995 The Manitous: The Spiritual World of the Ojibway. Key Porter Books Ltd. 1976 Ojibway Heritage. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto.
Johnston, Charles M. editor 1964 The Valley of the Six Nations: A Collection of Documents on the Indian Lands of the Grand River. Champlain Society/University of Toronto Press. Toronto, Ontario.
Johnston, Darlene n.d Respecting and Protecting the Sacred. Available from: www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/inquiries/ipperwash/policy_part/research/pdf /Johnston_Respecting-and-Protecting-the-Sacred.pdf
Johnston, R. B. 1979 Notes on Ossuary Burial among the Ontario Iroquois. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 3: 91-104.
Joseph, Robert P. C. and Cynthia F. Joseph 2007 Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples. Second Edition. Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., North Vancouver.
Kapches, Mima 1976 The Interment of Infants of the Ontario Iroquois. Ontario Archaeology 27: 29-39.
Keeshig-Tobias, Polly 1996 The Illustrated History of the Chippewas of Nawash. Chippewas of Nawash, KenDassWin Communications.
Kerber, Jordan E. 2007 Archaeology of the Iroquois: Selected Readings and Resource Sources (Iroquois and their Neighbours). Syracuse University Press.
Leclair, Laurie and Neal Ferris 1998 The Authority of the Missing One Tenth: Issues of Archaeological Artifact Ownership. Presented at the OAS Annual Meetings, Brantford Ontario October 17, 1998.
Miller, J. R. 1989 Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens, A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada. University of Toronto Press. Toronto.
Richardson, Boyce editor 1989 Drum Beat: Anger and Renewal in Indian Country. Summerhill Press Ltd. Toronto.
Ross, Rupert 1992 Dancing with a Ghost: Exploring Indian Reality. Octopus Publishing Group. Markham, Ontario.
1996 Returning to the Teachings: Exploring Aboriginal Justice. Penguin Books.
Sagard, Gabriel 1632 The Long Journey to the Country of the Hurons. The Champlain Society. Toronto.
Sioui, Georges E. 1999 Huron/Wendat: The Heritage of the Circle. UBC Press. Vancouver.
Spence, Michael 1994 Mortuary Programmes of the Early Ontario Iroquoians. Ontario Archaeology 58: 2-26.
1986 Band Structure and Interaction in Early Southern Ontario. Canadian Review of Physical Anthropology 5: 83-95.
Squier, E. G. 1848 Historical and Mythological Traditions of the Algonquins. New York Historical Society Proceedings.
Steckley, John L. and Bryan D. Cummins 2008 Full Circle: Canada’s First Nations. Pearson Prentice Hall. Toronto.
Trigger, Bruce 1976 The Children of Aataentsic: A History of the Huron People to 1660. McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal.
Thwaites, R. G. 1897 The Jesuit Relations and Other Allied Documents, 1610-1791. Volumes 1-39. Burrows Brothers. Cleveland, Ohio.
Williamson, Ronald F. and Susan Pfeiffer. 2004 Bones of the Ancestors: The Archaeology and Osteobiography of the Moatfield Ossuary. Mercury Series, Archaeology Paper No. 163, Canadian Museum of Civilisation.