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Instruction and training
The control of asbestos exposure is to be achieved by following the procedures prescribed by the Regulation. But these procedures can only be as effective as the person carrying them out. It is therefore essential that everyone involved in doing the work, both workers and supervisors, be properly trained. Instruction and training requirements are outlined in sections 8, 19, and 20 of the Regulation.
An owner is obligated to institute and maintain a training program for those workers who may work with or who may disturb friable or non-friable ACM in the course of their work. An occupier who receives a written notice of the presence of ACM in the area they occupy must develop and maintain a similar training program for his or her workers.
Every worker and supervisor of a worker involved in a Type 3 operation must successfully complete asbestos abatement training as set out in section 20, or have successfully completed equivalent training in another province or territory before performing or supervising the work to which the program relates.
Any person who enters a Type 3 work area but does not perform Type 3 work is not required to complete the MTCU approved Asbestos Abatement Programs but employers are required by the Ministry of Labour to provide such individuals with asbestos hazard awareness training.
For detailed information regarding the mandatory Asbestos Abatement Worker Training Program approved by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities please contact MTCU at