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Appendix 3 – Checklists for type 1, type 2 and type 3 operations
The Regulation classifies work involving asbestos on construction projects, buildings and repair operations as either a Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 operation. The checklists that follow address many of the requirements for Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 operations and have been prepared to make it easier to determine if the requirements appropriate to the type of operation are being followed.
Each item in each checklist is followed by a reference to the corresponding section of the Regulation.
The following checklists are intended to facilitate compliance with the requirements of the Regulation regarding Type 1, 2 and 3 operations. These checklists do not specify every regulatory requirement related to Type 1, 2 and 3 operations and should not be exclusively relied upon to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. For the comprehensive requirements, please refer to the Regulation.
Note: Throughout this checklist, the use of the term "Hepa vacuuming" refers to vacuuming with a vacuum equipped with a Hepa filter.
Type 1 Operations
- Visible dust removed from any surface in work area and the thing to be worked on by damp wiping or vacuuming with a HEPA filter-equipped vacuum before beginning work if dust on that surface is likely to be disturbed. [section 14, paragraph 1]
- Specified drop sheets or other measures appropriate to work being done used to stop the spread of dust from the work area [section 14, paragraph 2]
- Wetting agent added to water used to control the spread of dust [section 14, paragraph 4]
- Wetting of less than one square metre of drywall in which drywall compounds containing ACM have been used unless wetting would create a hazard or cause damage [section 14, paragraph 3]
- No eating, drinking, chewing or smoking in work area [section 14, paragraph 11]
- Compressed air not used to clean up or remove dust from any surface [section 14, paragraph 10]
- Dust and waste cleaned up frequently and at regular intervals using vacuum with Hepa filter or by damp mopping or wet sweeping [section 14, paragraph 5]
- Drop sheets placed in dust-tight containers that are suitable for the type of waste, impervious to asbestos and identified as asbestos waste. [section 14, paragraph 5 & section 15, paragraph 5]
- Rigid barriers and portable enclosures that can be cleaned thoroughly may be reused if they are cleaned using a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter or by damp wiping [section 14, paragraphs 8 & 9]
- Drop sheets, polyethylene sheeting and similar materials used for barriers and enclosures shall not be reused and shall be wetted and placed in prescribed asbestos waste containers [section 14, paragraph 5, 6 and 7]
- Facilities for washing the hands and face shall be provided to workers [section 14, paragraph 15]
- Every worker shall use the facilities for washing the hands and face when leaving the work area [section 14, paragraph 15]
- Instruction and training shall be provided by a competent person to every worker working in a Type 1 operation [section 19]
Additional requirements for Type 1 Operations where a worker requests a respirator or protective clothing
- If a worker requests a respirator the employer must provide a NIOSH approved air purifying half-mask respirator with N-100, R-100 or P-100 particulate filter as set out in Table 2, and the worker must wear and use the respirator. [section 14, paragraph 12]
- The respirator must be fitted so that there is an effective seal between the respirator and the worker's face unless the respirator is equipped with a hood or helmet. [subsection 13 (1)(a)]
- The respirator must be assigned to the worker for his or her exclusive use, if practicable. [subsection 13 (1)(b)]
- The respirator must be used and maintained as per the employer's written procedures that comply with the manufacturer's specifications. [subsection 13 (1)(c)]
- A respirator that has been issued for the exclusive use of one worker must be cleaned, disinfected and inspected after use on each shift, or more often if necessary. [subsection 13(1)(d)]
- A respirator that is used by more than one worker must be cleaned, disinfected and inspected after each use. [subsection 13 (1)(d)]
- A respirator must have damaged or deteriorated parts replaced before being used by a worker. [subsection 13(1)(e)]
- A respirator must be stored in a convenient, clean and sanitary location when not in use [subsection 13(1)(f)]
- If respirators are used in the workplace the employer must establish written procedures regarding the selection, care and use of respirators. [subsection 13(3)(a)]
- A copy of the procedures shall be given to and reviewed with each worker who is required to wear a respirator. [subsection 13(3)(b)]
- A worker shall not be assigned to an operation that requires the use of a respirator unless he or she is physically able to perform the operation while wearing the respirator. [section 13 (4)]
- If a worker requests protective clothing the employer must provide clothing as required by section 15, paragraph 12 and the worker must wear it. [section 14, paragraph 13]
- A worker who is provided with protective clothing shall, before leaving the work area, decontaminate the protective clothing using a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter, or by damp wiping, before removing the protective clothing [subsection 14 subparagraph 14 i]
- Protective clothing that will not be reused must be placed in a waste container as described in section 15 paragraph 5 [subsection 14 subparagraph 14 ii]
Type 2 Operations
Preparation of the work area
- Signs warning of an asbestos dust hazard must be posted and must be in sufficient numbers to warn of the hazard [section 15 paragraph 1 & section 15 paragraph 2]
- Clearly visible signs must also say that access to the work area is restricted to persons wearing protective clothing and equipment and that there is an asbestos hazard [section 15 subparagraph 2ii]
- Subject to paragraph 5 of section 16, drop sheets made of polyethylene or other material that is impervious to asbestos or other measures appropriate to the work must be used to control the spread of dust from a work area [section 16 paragraph 4]
Note: The following 5 items apply only to the preparation of the work area for Type 2 operations mentioned subsection 12(3) paragraphs 1 or 2 of the Regulation, i.e., the removal of a false ceiling or the removal or disturbance of one square metre or less of friable ACM.
- When removing all or part of a false ceiling where ACM may be lying on the top surface of the ceiling tiles (paragraph 1 subsection 12(3), friable ACM that is likely to be disturbed must be removed by damp wiping or vacuuming with HEPA filter-equipped vacuum once the space above the false ceiling has been accessed [section 16 paragraph 1]
- Before beginning work that is likely to disturb friable ACM that is crumbled, pulverized or powdered and that is lying on any surface, the friable material must be cleaned up by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming [section 16 paragraph 2]
- If the operation is mentioned subsection 12(3) paragraph 1 or 2 and is carried on indoors the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented, if practicable, using an enclosure made of material that is impervious to asbestos [section 16 sub-subparagraph 5 i]
- If the operation is mentioned subsection 12(3) paragraph 1 or 2 and is carried on indoors the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented, if practicable, by disabling the mechanical ventilation system serving the area [section 16 subparagraph 5ii]
- If the operation is mentioned subsection 12(3) paragraph 1 or 2 and is carried on indoors the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented, if practicable, by sealing the ventilation ducts to and from the work area [section 16 subparagraph 5iii]
Additional requirements for Type 2 Operations
- A wetting agent must be added to water used to control the spread of dust and fibres [section 15 paragraph 3]
- Eating, drinking, chewing or smoking must not be permitted in the work area [section 15 paragraph 4]
- Friable ACM that is not crumbled, pulverized or powdered and that may be disturbed or removed must be thoroughly wetted and kept wet unless wetting would create hazard or cause damage [section 16 paragraph 3]
- Before commencing work on friable ACM that is crumbled, pulverized or powdered and is lying on any surface, the friable material shall be cleaned up and removed by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming [section 16 paragraph 2]
- Compressed air must not be used to clean up and remove dust from any surface [section 15 paragraph 13]
- Containers for dust and waste must be dust tight, suitable for the type of waste, impervious to asbestos and identified as asbestos waste [section 15 paragraph 5]
- Frequently and at regular intervals during the work and immediately upon completion of the work dust and waste must be cleaned up and removed by damp mopping, wet sweeping or HEPA vacuuming and placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container [section 15 subparagraph 6i]
- Prescribed containers for asbestos waste must be cleaned with a damp cloth or by HEPA vacuuming immediately before being removed from the work area [section 15 subparagraph 5v]
- Prescribed containers for asbestos waste must be removed from the workplace frequently and at regular intervals [section 15 subparagraph 5vi]
- When asbestos dust and waste have been cleaned up and removed upon completion of the work drop sheets must be wetted and placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container as soon as practicable [section 15 subparagraph 6ii]
- Drop sheets must not be reused [section 15 paragraph 7]
- After the completion of the work polyethylene sheeting and similar materials used for barriers and enclosures shall not be reused and shall be wetted and placed in an asbestos waste container as soon as practicable after paragraph 6 section 15 has been complied with. [section 15 paragraph 8]
- Barriers and enclosures must not be reused unless they are rigid and can be cleaned thoroughly [section 15 paragraph 10]
- After the work is completed, barriers and enclosures that will be reused must be cleaned by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming as soon as practicable after paragraphs 6 and 8 section 15 have been complied with [section 15 paragraph 9]
Glove bag operations – notifications
- Before beginning a glove bag removal of one square metre or more of insulation the constructor (in the case of a project) or employer (in any other case) must notify an inspector at the office of the Ministry of Labour nearest the workplace orally and in writing [subsection 11(2)]
Glove bag operations – preparation of the work area
Please note that S.15 and 16 apply to glove bag operations as well
- The work area must be separated from the rest of the workplace by walls, barricades, fencing or other suitable means [section 17 paragraph 1]
- The spread of ACM from the work area must be prevented by disabling the mechanical ventilation system serving the work area [section 17 paragraph 2]
- The spread of ACM from the work area must be prevented by sealing all openings or voids, including ventilation ducts to and from the work area [section 17 paragraph 2]
- Surfaces below the work area must be covered with drop sheets made of polyethylene or other material that is impervious to asbestos [section 17 paragraph 3]
Glove bag operations – glove bag requirements
- Glove bags must be made of material that is impervious to asbestos and strong enough to support the weight of material that the bag will hold [section 17 paragraph 4]
- Glove bags must have sleeves and gloves permanently sealed to the body of the bag to allow the worker to access and deal with the insulation [section 17 subparagraph 5i]
- Glove bags must maintain a sealed enclosure throughout the work and allow the worker access to deal with the insulation [section 17 subparagraph 5i]
- Glove bags must be equipped with valves or openings to allow insertion of a vacuum hose and the nozzle of a water sprayer while maintaining the seal to the pipe or other structure that is being worked on [section 17 subparagraph 5ii]
- Glove bags must be equipped with a tool pouch with a drain [section 17 subparagraph 5 iii]
- Glove bags must have a seamless bottom and a means of sealing off the lower portion of the bag [section 17 subparagraph 5iv]
- Glove bags must have a high strength double throw zipper and removable straps if the bag is to be moved during the operation [section 17 subparagraph 5v]
Glove bag operations – restrictions on use
- Glove bags must not be used to remove insulation from a pipe, duct or similar structure if it may not be possible to maintain a proper seal for any reason [section 17 subparagraph 6i]
- Glove bags must not be used if the glove bag could be damaged for any reason [subsection 17 subparagraph 6ii]
Glove bag operations – work practices
- The insulation jacketing or coating must be inspected for damage or defects just before the glove bag is attached [section 17 paragraph 7]
- Damage or defects in insulation jacketing or coatings must be repaired before the glove bag is attached [section 17 paragraph 7]
- Glove bags must be inspected for damage or defects immediately before it is attached to the pipe, duct or other structure [section 17 subparagraph 8i]
- Glove bags must be inspected for damage or defects at regular intervals while it is in use [section 17 subparagraph 8ii]
- Upon inspection glove bags that are found to be damaged before being attached to the pipe or other structure must not be used and must be disposed of [section 17 paragraph 9]
- If a glove bag is found to be damaged during use, the use of the glove bag must be stopped [section 17 subparagraph 10i]
- If a glove bag is found to be damaged during use the inner surface of the glove bag and its contents must be wetted [section 17 paragraph 10ii]
- Once the inner surface and the contents of the damaged or defective glove bag have been wetted the bag and its contents must be removed and placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container section 15 paragraph 5, [section 17 subparagraph 10 iii]
- Once the damaged or defective glove bag has been removed and discarded the work area must be cleaned by HEPA vacuuming before the removal work continues [section 17 subparagraph 10iv]
- When the removal has been completed the inner surface of the glove bag and the waste inside must be thoroughly wetted [section 17 subparagraph 11i]
- When the inner surface of the glove bag and the waste have been thoroughly wetted the air inside the bag must be removed through an elasticized valve using a HEPA vacuum [section 17 subparagraph 11i]
- When the air has been removed from the glove bag the pipe, duct or other structure must be wiped down and sealed with a suitable encapsulant [section 17 subparagraph 11ii]
- Once the duct or other structure has been wiped down and sealed the glove bag with the waste inside must be placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container [section (17) subparagraph 11 iii]
- Once the glove bag has been removed and discarded the work area must be cleaned by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming [section 17 subparagraph 11iv]
Protective clothing and equipment
- Only persons wearing protective clothing and equipment may enter a work area where there is an asbestos dust hazard [section 15 paragraph 14]
- Protective clothing must be provided by the employer and worn by every worker who enters the work area [section 15 paragraph 12]
- The protective clothing shall be made of a material that does not readily retain or permit penetration of asbestos fibres [section 15 subparagraph 12i]
- The protective clothing must consist of head covering and full body covering that fits snugly at the ankles, wrists and neck to prevent asbestos fibres from reaching the garments and skin under the protective clothing [section 15 subparagraph 12ii]
- The protective clothing must include suitable footwear [section 15 subparagraph 12 iii]
- The protective clothing must be repaired or replaced if torn [section 15 sub paragraph 12iv]
- Protective clothing must be decontaminated by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming before leaving the work area [section 16 subparagraph 6i]
- Protective clothing that will not be reused must be decontaminated, placed in a prescribed container [section 16 subparagraph 6ii]
- The employer must provide every worker who will enter the work area with a NIOSH approved respirator in accordance with Table 2 of the Regulation [section 15 paragraph 11]
- The worker must wear and use the respirator provided by the employer [section 15 paragraph 11]
- The employer must establish written procedures for the selection, care and use of respirators [subsection 13(3) clause (a)]
- A copy of the procedures must be given to and reviewed with each worker who is required to wear a respirator [subsection 13(3) clause (b)]
- A worker must not be assigned to do work requiring the use of a respirator unless the worker is physically able to do the work while wearing the respirator [subsection 13(4)]
- Respirators must be fitted so that there is an effective seal between the respirator and the worker's face, unless the respirator is a hood or helmet type [subsection 13(1) clause (a)]
- Respirators must be assigned to a worker for his or her exclusive use, if practicable [subsection 13(1) clause (b)]
- Respirators must be used and maintained in accordance with written procedures that are consistent with the manufacturer's specifications [subsection 13(1) clause (c)]
- Respirators that are assigned to one worker must be cleaned, disinfected and inspected at least after use on each shift [subsection 13(1) clause (d).]
- Respirators that are used by more than one worker must be cleaned, disinfected and inspected after each use [subsection 13(1) clause (d)]
- Damaged or deteriorated respirator parts must be replaced before the respirator is used by a worker [subsection 13(1) clause (e)]
- Respirators must be stored in a convenient, clean and sanitary location when not in use [subsection 13(1) clause (f)]
- Workers must receive training in the use, cleaning and disposal of respirators and protective clothing [subsection 19(1) paragraph 3]
- The respirator training must include the limitations of the equipment, inspection and maintenance, proper fitting and cleaning and disinfection [subsection 19(3)]
Other measures and procedures applicable to all types of operations
- The employer must ensure that every worker who works on a Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 operation receives training and instruction on the hazards of asbestos exposure, personal hygiene and work practices and the use, cleaning and disposal of respirators and protective clothing [subsection 19(1)]
- The JHSC or health and safety representative must be advised of the time and place of the training [subsection 19(2)]
- The employer must complete an asbestos work report (Form 1) for each worker working in a Type 2 or 3 operation at least once in each 12 month period and upon termination of the worker's employment [subsection 21(1)]
- The employer must give a copy of the asbestos work report to the worker and to the Provincial Physician, Ministry of Labour [subsection 21(2)]
- A constructor for a project or employer may vary a measure or procedure if the varied measure or procedure affords protection for the health and safety of workers that is at least equal to the protection that would be provided by complying with the measure or procedure specified in the Regulation; [section 23 paragraph 1]
if the constructor or employer gives advance written notice of the varied measure or procedure to the joint health and safety committee or the health and safety representative for the workplace [section 23 paragraph 2] - Any written notice required by the Regulation may be given to the Ministry inspector by delivering it to the office in person [subsection 24(1) clause a]
- Written notice may be given to the Ministry inspector by sending it by ordinary mail, by courier or by fax [subsection 24(1) clause b]
- Written notice may be given to the Ministry inspector by electronic means that are acceptable to the Ministry [subsection 24(1) clause c]
- Required oral notice to the Ministry inspector may be given in person [subsection 24(2) clause a]
- Required oral notice to the Ministry inspector may be given by telephoning the inspector [subsection 24(2) clause b]
- Oral notice to the Ministry inspector may be given by electronic means that are acceptable to the Ministry [subsection 24(2) clause c]
Type 3 Operations
- Before starting a Type 3 operation the constructor (on a project) or the employer (in any other case) must notify a Ministry of Labour inspector orally and in writing at the Ministry office nearest to the workplace of the operation [subsection 11(1)]
Preparation of the work area
- Clearly visible signs warning of an asbestos dust hazard must be posted and must be in sufficient numbers to warn of the hazard [section 15 paragraphs 1&2]
- Signs must also say that access to the work area is restricted to persons wearing protective clothing and equipment and that there is an asbestos dust hazard [section 15 subparagraphs 2i and 2ii]
- The work area must be separated from rest of workplace by walls, barricades, fencing or other suitable means [Subsection 18(1)]
Note: The following 3 items apply to Type 3 operations mentioned subsection 12(4) paragraph 5, work with non-friable ACM using power tools that are not attached to dust collecting devices equipped with HEPA filters.
- The spread of asbestos dust from work area controlled by walls or an enclosure of polyethylene or other suitable material that is impervious to asbestos if work area not enclosed by walls [subsection 18(2) subparagraph 1i]
- If the enclosure material is opaque the enclosure must be equipped with one or more transparent windows to allow observation of the entire enclosure [subsection 18(2) subparagraph 1i]
- Each entrance or exit from the work area must be fitted with curtains of polyethylene sheeting or other suitable material that is impervious to asbestos [subsection 18(2) subparagraph 1ii]
Note: The following 7 items apply to Type 3 operations mentioned subsection 12(4) paragraphs 1, 2, 3 or 4, when the work is done outdoors.
- Temporary electrical power distribution systems for tools and equipment involved in wet removals must have ground fault circuit interrupters [subsection 18(3) paragraph 4]
- A decontamination facility must be located as close as practicable to the work area [subsection 18(3) paragraph 5]
- The decontamination facility must include a room for changing into protective clothing and for storing contaminated protective clothing and equipment [subsection 18(3) subparagraph 5 i]
- The decontamination facility must include a shower room as prescribed subsection 18(4) paragraph 7 subsection 18(3) paragraph 5ii and [subsection 18(4) paragraph 7]
- The decontamination facility must include a room suitable for changing into street clothes and for storing clean clothing and equipment [subsection 18(3) subparagraph 5iii]
- The three rooms that make up the decontamination facility must be arranged in sequence and constructed so that any person entering or leaving the work area must pass through each room [subsection 18(3) paragraph 6]
- When leaving the work area, the worker must follow specified procedures for decontaminating clothing and equipment [subsection 18(3) Paragraph 7]
Note: The following 10 items apply to indoor Type 3 operations mentioned subsection 12(4) paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
- The spread of dust from the work area must be prevented by walls or by an enclosure of polyethylene or other suitable material that is impervious to asbestos if the work area is not enclosed by walls [subsection 18(4) paragraph 2]
- The spread of dust from the work area must also be prevented by a decontamination facility consisting of a series of interconnecting rooms [subsection 18(4) paragraph 2]
- The decontamination facility must include a room suitable for changing into protective clothing and for storing contaminated protective clothing [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 2i]
- The decontamination facility must include a prescribed shower room [subsection 18(4) paragraph 2ii paragraph 7]
- The decontamination facility must include a room suitable for changing into street clothes and for storing clean clothing and equipment [subsection 18(4) paragraph 2iii]
- The decontamination facility must have curtains made of polyethylene or other suitable material that is impervious to asbestos fitted to each side of the entrance or exit to each room [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 2 iv]
- The rooms that make up the decontamination facility must be arranged in sequence [subsection 18(4) paragraph 3]
- The rooms that make up the decontamination facility must be constructed so that any person entering or leaving the work area must pass through each room [subsection 18(4) paragraph 3]
- The mechanical ventilation system serving the work area must be disabled [subsection 18(4) paragraph 4]
- All openings or voids, including ventilation ducts to or from the work area, must be sealed by tape or other appropriate means [subsection 18(4) paragraph 4]
- Temporary electrical power distribution systems for tools and equipment involved in wet removals must be equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters [subsection 18(4) paragraph 10]
Work practices
- A wetting agent must be added to water used to control the spread of dust and fibres [section 15 paragraph 3]
- Eating, drinking, chewing or smoking must not be permitted in the work area [section 15 paragraph 4]
- Compressed air must not be used to clean up and remove dust from any surface [section 15 paragraph 13]
- Containers for dust and waste must be dust tight, suitable for the type of waste, impervious to asbestos and identified as asbestos waste [section 15 paragraph 5]
- Frequently and at regular intervals during the work and immediately upon completion of the work dust and waste must be cleaned up and removed by damp mopping, wet sweeping or HEPA vacuuming and placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container [section 15 subparagraph 6i]
- Containers for asbestos waste must be cleaned with a damp cloth or by HEPA vacuuming immediately before being removed from the work area [section 15 paragraph 5]
- Containers for asbestos waste must be removed from the workplace frequently and at regular intervals [section 15 subparagraph 5vi]
- When asbestos dust and waste has been cleaned up at regular intervals and removed upon completion of the work, drop sheets must be wetted and placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container as soon as practicable after paragraph 6 subsection 18(4) has been complied with [section 15 subparagraph 6ii]
- Drop sheets must not be reused [section 15 paragraph 7]
- After the completion of the work polyethylene sheeting and similar materials used for barriers and enclosures shall not be reused and shall be wetted and placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container as soon as practicable after paragraph 6 of 18(4) has been complied with [section 15 paragraph 8]
- Barriers and enclosures must not be reused unless they are rigid and can be cleaned thoroughly [section 15 paragraph 10]
- After the work is completed, barriers and enclosures that will be reused must be cleaned by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming as soon as practicable after dust and waste has been cleaned up and drop sheets have been wetted and placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container after paragraphs 6 and 8 have been complied with [section 15 paragraph 9]
- Only persons wearing protective clothing can enter work area where there is an asbestos dust hazard [section 15 paragraph 14]
- Employers and workers must follow the prescribed procedures for protective clothing and equipment [section 15 paragraph 12]
Note: The following items apply to Type 3 operations referred to subsection 18(1) paragraph 2, work on non-friable ACM done with power tools not attached to dust collection devices equipped with HEPA filters.
- Unless the work is carried on outdoors or inside a building that will be demolished and that will not be entered by anyone other than workers involved in the operation or demolition, the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented by creating and maintaining inside the enclosed area a negative air pressure of 0.02 inches of water relative to the area outside the enclosed area, by installing a ventilation system equipped with a HEPA filtered exhaust unit [subsection 18(2) subparagraph 2i]
- Unless the work is carried on outdoors or inside a building that will be demolished and that will not be entered by anyone other than workers involved in the operation, the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented by ensuring that replacement air taken from outside the enclosed area is free from contamination by any hazardous material [subsection 18(2) subparagraph 2ii]
- Unless the work is carried on outdoors or inside a building that will be demolished and that will not be entered by anyone other than workers involved in the operation, the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented by using a device to measure the difference in air pressure between the enclosed area and the area outside it [subsection 18(2) subparagraph 2iii]
- The ventilation system used to maintain negative pressure inside the enclosed area must be inspected and maintained by a "competent worker" before each use to ensure that there is no air leakage [subsection 18(2) paragraph 3]
- If the ventilation system filter is found to be damaged or defective it must be replaced before the ventilation system is used [subsection 18(2) paragraph 3]
- Before leaving the work area the worker must decontaminate his or her protective clothing by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming before removing the protective clothing [subsection 18(2) subparagraph 4i]
- Protective clothing that will not be reused must be placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container as described section 15 paragraph 5 [subsection 18(2) subparagraph ii]
- Facilities for washing the hands and face must be made available to workers [subsection 18(2) paragraph 5]
- Every worker must wash his or her hands and face when leaving the work area [subsection 18(2) paragraph 5
Note: The following items apply to outdoor operations mentioned subsection 12(4) paragraphs 1, 2, 3 or 4,
- If practicable, any ACM to be removed must be thoroughly wetted before and during removal unless wetting would create a hazard or cause damage [subsection 18(3) paragraph 1]
- Dust and waste must not be permitted to fall freely from one work level to another [subsection 18(3) paragraph 2]
- If practicable, the work area shall be washed down with water after completion of the clean-up and removal described section 15 paragraph 6 [subsection 18(3) paragraph 3]
- When leaving the work area the worker must enter the decontamination facility and must decontaminate his or her protective clothing by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming before removing the protective clothing [subsection 18(3) subparagraph 7i]
- Protective clothing that will not be reused must be placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container as described section 15 paragraph 5 [subsection 18(3) paragraph 7ii]
- After removing and disposing of the protective clothing the worker must shower [subsection 18(3) subparagraph 7iii]
- After showering the worker must remove and clean the respirator [subsection 18(3) subparagraph 7iv]
- Equip temporary electrical power distribution systems with ground fault circuit interrupters [subsection 18(3) paragraph 4
Note: The following items refer to indoor Type 3 operations mentioned subsection 12(4) paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
- Friable ACM that is crumbled, pulverized or powdered and is lying on any surface in the work area must be cleaned up and removed by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming [subsection 18(4) paragraph 1]
- Everything must be removed from the work area or covered with polyethylene sheeting or other suitable material that is impervious to asbestos [subsection 18(4) paragraph 1]
- Friable ACM must be thoroughly wetted before and during removal unless wetting would create a hazard or cause damage [subsection 18(4) paragraph 11]
- Unless the work is carried on inside a building that will be demolished and that will not be entered by anyone other than workers involved in the operation, the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented by creating and maintaining inside the enclosed area a negative air pressure of 0.02 inches of water relative to the area outside the enclosed area, by installing a ventilation system equipped with a HEPA filtered exhaust unit [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 5i]
- Unless the work is carried on inside a building that will be demolished and that will not be entered by anyone other than workers involved in the operation, the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented by ensuring that replacement air taken from outside the enclosed area is free from contamination by any hazardous material [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 5ii]
- Unless the work is carried on inside a building that will be demolished and that will not be entered by anyone other than workers involved in the operation, the spread of dust from the work area must be prevented by using a device to measure the difference in air pressure between the enclosed area and the area outside it at regular intervals [subsection 18(4) paragraph 5iii]
- The ventilation system used to maintain negative pressure inside the enclosed area must be inspected and maintained by a competent worker before each use to ensure that there is no air leakage [subsection 18(4) paragraph 6]
- If the ventilation system filter is found to be damaged or defective it must be replaced before the ventilation system is used [subsection 18(4) paragraph 6]
- When leaving the work area the worker must enter the decontamination facility and must decontaminate his or her protective clothing by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming before removing the protective clothing [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 8i]
- Protective clothing that will not be reused must be placed in a prescribed asbestos waste container as described section 15 paragraph 5 [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 8ii]
- After removing and disposing of the protective clothing the worker must shower in a prescribed shower room [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 8iii]
- After showering the worker must remove and clean the respirator [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 8iv]
- The work area must be inspected by a competent worker for defects in the enclosure, barriers and decontamination facility at the beginning of each shift [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 12i]
- The work area must be inspected by a competent worker for defects in the enclosure, barriers and decontamination facility at the end of a shift if there is no shift that begins immediately after the first shift [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 12ii]
- The work area must be inspected by a competent worker for defects in the enclosure, barriers and decontamination facility at least once on days when there are no shifts [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 12iii]
- Defects observed during an inspection required by subsection 18(12) must be repaired immediately and no other work may be done until the repairs have been completed [subsection 18(4) paragraph 13]
- Dust and waste must be kept wet if practicable [subsection 18(4) paragraph 14]
- On completion of the work negative air pressure must be maintained if it was required by subsection 18(4) subparagraph 5(i) [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 15 i]
- On completion of the work the inner surface of the enclosure and the work area must be cleaned by a thorough washing or by HEPA vacuuming [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 15 ii]
- On completion of the work equipment, tools and other items used in the work must be cleaned with a damp cloth or by HEPA vacuuming or must be placed in an asbestos waste container (section 15 paragraph 5) before being removed from the enclosure [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 15 iii]
- On completion of the work a visual inspection must be done by a competent worker to ensure that the enclosure and the work area inside the enclosure are free from visible dust, debris or residue that may contain asbestos [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 15 iv]
- When the work area inside the enclosure is dry after the steps set out in subparagraphs 15 ii, iii and iv have been completed, clearance air testing must be done by a competent worker, unless the work is done inside a building that is to be demolished and will not be entered by any person except the workers involved in the operation and workers involved in the demolition [subsection 18(4) paragraph 16]
- Barriers, enclosure and decontamination facility must not be removed or dismantled until cleaning has been done as described in paragraph 15 [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 17 i]
- Barriers, enclosure and decontamination facility must not be removed or dismantled until clearance testing has been completed, if required, and the work area inside the enclosure has passed the clearance air test [subsection 18(4) subparagraph 17 ii]
Clearance air testing
- Sample collection and analysis must be done using phase contrast microscopy method, or using transmission electron microscopy [subsection 18(5) subparagraphs 1i and ii]
- If the work area inside the enclosure fails the clearance air test the steps prescribed in sub-paragraphs 15 ii, iii, iv subsection 4 shall be repeated and the work area allowed to dry before a further test is carried out unless the first test using phase contrast microscopy has failed and the samples are subjected to a second analysis using transmission electron microscopy [subsection 18(6) paragraph 6]
- Clearance air testing using phase contrast microscopy must be done using NIOSH Method 7400 using the fibre counting rules [subsection 18(6)]
- Testing must be based on samples taken inside the enclosure [subsection 18(6) paragraph 1]
- Forced air must be used before and during the sampling process to ensure that fibres are dislodged from all surfaces and remain airborne during sampling [subsection 18(6) paragraph 2]
- At least 2,400 litres of air must be drawn through each sample filter [subsection 18(6) paragraph 3]
- The number of samples taken must be as set out in Table 3 of the Regulation [subsection 18(6) paragraph 4]
- The work area inside the enclosure passes the clearance test only if every air sample has a collection of fibres that does not exceed 0.01 fibres per cubic centimetre of air [subsection 18(6) paragraph 5]
- When a second analysis is done as described subsection 18(6) paragraph 6 the work area inside the enclosure passes the clearance air test only if every sample collected has a concentration of asbestos fibres that does not exceed 0.01 fibres per cubic centimetre of air [subsection 18(6) paragraph 7]
- Clearance air testing using transmission electron microscopy must be done in accordance with NIOSH Method 7402 [subsection 18(7)]
- Testing must be based on samples taken inside the enclosure and samples taken outside the enclosure but inside the building [subsection 18(7) paragraph 1]
- Forced air must be used inside the enclosure before and during the sampling process to ensure that fibres are dislodged from all surfaces before sampling begins and are kept airborne during the sampling process [subsection 18(7) paragraph 2]
- At least 2,400 litres of air must be drawn through each sample filter [subsection 18(7) paragraph 3]
- At least five air samples must be taken inside each enclosure [subsection 18(7) paragraph 4]
- At least five air samples must be taken outside the enclosure but inside the building [subsection 18(7) paragraph 4]
- Concurrent sampling must be done inside and outside the enclosure [subsection 18(7) paragraph 5]
- The work area inside the enclosure passes the clearance air test if the average concentration of asbestos fibres in the samples collected inside the enclosure is statistically less than the average concentration of asbestos fibres in the samples collected outside the enclosure, or if there is no statistical difference between the two average concentrations [subsection 18(7) paragraph 6]
- Within 24 hours after the clearance air testing results are received the owner and the employer must post a copy of the result in a conspicuous place or places at the workplace [subsection 18(8)(a) subclause (i)]
- Within 24 hours after the clearance air testing results are received the owner and the employer must post a copy of the result in a conspicuous place or places in the common area of the building if the building contains other workplaces [subsection 18(8)(a) subclause (ii)]
- A copy of the results must be provided to the joint health and safety committee or the health and safety representative, if any, for the workplace and for the building [subsection 18(8) clause (b)]
- The owner of the building must keep a copy of the clearance air testing results for at least one year after receiving them [subsection 18(9)]
Protective clothing and equipment
- Only persons wearing protective clothing and equipment may enter a work area where there is an asbestos dust hazard TYPE 2 AND 3 OPS [section 15 paragraph 14]
- Protective clothing must be provided by the employer and worn by every worker who enters the work area TYPE 2 AND 3 OPS [section 15 paragraph 12]
- The protective clothing shall be made of a material that does not readily retain or permit penetration of asbestos fibres TYPE 2 AND 3 OPS [section 15 subparagraph 12i]
- The protective clothing must consist of head covering and full body covering that fits snugly at the ankles, wrists and neck to prevent asbestos fibres from reaching the garments and skin under the protective clothing TYPE 2 AND 3 OPS [section 15 subparagraph 12ii]
- The protective clothing must include suitable footwear TYPE 2 AND 3 OPS [section 15 subparagraph 12iii]
- The protective clothing must be repaired or replaced if torn TYPE 2 AND 3 OPS [section 15 subparagraph 12iv]
- Protective clothing must be decontaminated by damp wiping or HEPA vacuuming before leaving the work area RESTRICTED TO SPECIFIED TYPE 2 OPS. [section 16 subparagraph 6i]
- Protective clothing that will not be reused must be decontaminated and disposed of in a prescribed asbestos waste container RESTRICTED TO SPECIFIED TYPE 2 OPS [section 16 subparagraph 6ii]
- The employer must provide every worker who will enter the work area with a NIOSH approved respirator in accordance with Table 2 of the Regulation TYPE 2 AND 3 OPS [section 15 paragraph 11]
- The worker must wear and use the respirator provided by the employer TYPE 2 AND 3 OPS [section 15 paragraph 11]
- The employer must establish written procedures for the selection, care and use of respirators all type ops [subsection 13(3) clause (a)]
- A copy of the procedures must be given to and reviewed with each worker who is required to wear a respirator all type ops [subsection 13(3) clause (b)]
- A worker shall not be assigned to an operation requiring the use of a respirator unless the worker is physically able to do the work while wearing the respirator all type ops [subsection 13(4)]
- Respirators must be fittd so that there is an effective seal between the respirator and the worker's face, unless the respirator is a hood or helmet type all type ops [subsection 13(1) clause (a)]
- Respirators must be assigned to a worker for his or her exclusive use, if practicable all type ops [subsection 13(1) clause (b)]
- Respirators must be used and maintained in accordance with written procedures that are consistent with the manufacturer's specifications all type ops [subsection 13(1) clause (c).]
- Respirators that are assigned to one worker must be cleaned, disinfected and inspected at least after use on each shift all type ops [subsection 13(1) clause (d)]
- Respirators that are used by more than one worker must be cleaned, disinfected and inspected after each use all type ops [subsection 13(1) clause (d)]
- Damaged or deteriorated respirator parts must be replaced before the respirator is used by a worker all type ops [subsection 13(1) clause (e)]
- Respirators must be stored in a convenient, clean and sanitary location when not in use all type ops [subsection 13(1) (f)]
- Workers must receive training in the use, cleaning and disposal of respirators and protective clothing all type ops [subsections 19(1) to (3)]
- The respirator training must include the limitations of the equipment, inspection and maintenance, proper fitting and cleaning and disinfection all type ops [subsection 19(3) clauses (a) to (d) ]
Other measures and procedures applicable to all types of operations
Training and certification
- The employer must ensure that instruction and training in the hazards of asbestos exposure is provided, by a competent person, to every worker working in Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 operations [subsection 19(1) paragraph 1]
- The employer must ensure that instruction and training in personal hygiene and work practices is provided, by a competent person, to every worker working in Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 operations [subsection 19(1) paragraph 2]
- The employer must ensure that instruction and training in the use, cleaning and disposal of respirators and protective clothing is provided, by a competent person, to every worker working in Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 operations [subsection 19(1) paragraph 3]
- The joint health and safety committee or health and safety representative for the workplace must be told where and when the prescribed instruction and training will be given [subsection 19(2)]
- The instruction and training related to respirators must include instruction and training related to the limitations of the equipment (subsection 19 (3) clause (a).The instruction and training related to respirators must include inspection and maintenance of the equipment [subsection 19(3) clauses (a) and (b) Training and Certification]
- The instruction and training related to respirators must include proper fitting of a respirator [subsection 19(3) clause (c)]
- The instruction and training related to respirators must include respirator cleaning and disinfection [subsection 19(3) clause (d)]
- The employer must ensure that every worker involved in a Type 3 operation has successfully completed the Asbestos Abatement Worker Training Program approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities [subsection 20(1) clause (a)]
- The employer must ensure that every supervisor involved in a Type 3 operation has successfully completed the Asbestos Abatement Supervisor Training Program approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities [subsection 20(1) clause (b)]
- The employer must ensure that every worker and supervisor of a worker successfully completes the program required by subsection 20(1) before doing or supervising the work that the program relates to [subsection 20(2)]
- A document issued by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities showing that a worker has successfully completed a program mentioned subsection 20(1) is proof of the worker's successful completion of the program [subsection 20(3)]
- A worker who has completed equivalent training in another province or territory shall be deemed to hold a document showing successful completion of the program as determined by the Director [subsection 20(4)]
Asbestos work report
- The employer of a worker working in a Type 2 or Type 3 operation must complete an asbestos work report in a form obtained from the Ministry for each worker at least once every 12 months [subsection 21(1) clause (a)]
- The employer of a worker working in a Type 2 or Type 3 operation must complete an asbestos work report in a form obtained from the Ministry immediately on the termination of the employment of a worker [subsection 21(1) clause (b)]
- As soon as the asbestos work report is completed the employer must send a copy to the Provincial Physician, Ministry of Labour [subsection 21(2) clause (a)]
- As soon as the asbestos work report is completed the employer must give a copy to the worker [subsection 21(2) clause (b)]
- A constructor or employer may vary a measure or procedure if the varied measure or procedure affords protection for the health and safety of workers that is at least equal to the protection that would be provided by complying by the Regulation[section 23 paragraph 1]
if the constructor or employer gives written notice of the varied measure or procedure to the joint health and safety committee or the health and safety representative (section 23 paragraph 2) [subsection 24(1) clause a]
- Written notice may be given to a Ministry inspector by sending it by ordinary mail, by courier or by fax [subsection 24(1) clause b]
- Written notice may be given to the Ministry inspector by electronic means that are acceptable to the Ministry [subsection 24(1) clause c]
- Oral notice to the Ministry inspector may be given in person [subsection 24(2) clause a]
- Oral notice to the Ministry may be given by telephoning the inspector [subsection 24(2) clause b]
- Oral notice to the Ministry may be given by electronic means that are acceptable to the Ministry [subsection 24(2) clause c]