We're moving content over from an older government website. We'll align this page with the ontario.ca style guide in future updates.
This Guide has been prepared to provide employers, constructors, owners, workers, health and safety representatives, members of joint health and safety committees, supervisors and occupational health personnel with guidance on the requirements of O. Reg. 278/05 and to increase the awareness of workplace parties of their duties under this Regulation.
The Guide does not prescribe how an employer must develop and implement specific components necessary for asbestos management programs in buildings; however, it answers common questions about the regulatory provisions. The Guide is not intended to replace the Regulation. In any case where the Guide may differ from the Regulation, the regulatory provisions prevail.
This Guide consists of an overview of the Regulation and a discussion of the provisions of the Regulation. The Guide has no legal effect. Reference should be made to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the Act) and O. Reg. 278/05 to ascertain the legal duties and rights of the workplace parties.
For further information on any aspect of this Regulation, contact the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development at the nearest ministry office.