Component: Autism

Legislation: Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017

Service description

Specialized consultation and assessments are designed to provide advice in the assessment, diagnosis, prognosis and/or treatment of a child or youth with identified mental health needs. Children and youth may only receive a specialized consultation or assessment as a component of a service plan.

People served

The target population is children and youth under 18 years of age with mental health problems that may a service level of three or four on the continuum of needs-based services and supports.

Program/service features

Specialized consultation and assessments are distinguished from standard intake assessments by the level of specialization and expertise required to provide these services. Examples of specialized consultations and assessments include, but are not limited to, psychological and psychiatric consultation/assessments. Specialized consultation and assessments are intended to address the mental health needs of the child or youth. They are not intended to solely address or identify needs or eligibility for non-core services (e.g., educational placement purposes or eligibility for autism services). These psychological and psychiatric consultation/assessments may be delivered in-person or through use of technology such as tele-mental health.

Specific service provided

This program is delivered in accordance with the descriptions provided here or any subsequent updated versions (or any other supporting policy documents provided by the ministry).

Program goals

Specialized consultation and assessments are designed to

  • identify or diagnose mental health problems
  • provide timely, effective information to inform intervention and identify appropriate services
  • enhance awareness and understanding of the presenting problem, intervention strategies and recommended service plans

Ministry expectations

Services are child and family-centered and support the diverse needs of families in a way that is culturally safe, promotes equity, anti-racism, and anti-oppression.

The following are minimum expectations for the delivery of specialized consultation/assessment services

  • specialized consultations and assessments should be prioritized for children and youth who
    • present with complex mental health problems
    • have not responded to other treatment
    • have a history which indicates recurring difficulty in clarifying a diagnosis or determining effective interventions or treatment approaches
  • lead agencies should establish relationships with neighbouring lead agencies or provincial programs to maintain clear pathways to these services if a child or youth requires an assessment service that is not available within their service area
  • where broader needs are identified, information collected is shared with the appropriate provider/access point/service coordinator to inform the approach to service, subject to applicable legislation, regulation, and policy directives, including privacy and consent requirements

Individual planning and goal setting

Each individual will have a current Plan of Care (POC) that reflects an assessment of his/her needs and preferences. The POC will identify the specific services/supports received by the individual, the expected outcomes and be based on the principles of person-centered planning, self-determination, and choice.

Availability of service

Specialized consultations and assessments are available in every service area.

Reporting requirements

The following service data will be reported on at an Interim and Final period. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets,

Service data name Definition

# of individuals: Former CYMH Specialized consultation assessment services

Report the unique/unduplicated number of individuals that received services in the reporting year. An individual is counted only once per year for each service delivered where they received service. The same individual may be counted in more than one service delivered if they are receiving services from more than one service delivered.

CSN: Specialized consultation assessment services: Ministry- funded agency expenditures

Total ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the reporting year (cumulative).

# of individual consultations: Former CYMH Specialized consultation assessment services

The total number of client consultations for whom a record has been created and who were recipients of the approved service(s) at some point during the fiscal year.

# of hours of indirect service: Former CYMH Specialized consultation assessment services

The total number of hours of service provided by staff "on behalf of" clients, such as telephone calls, advocacy, and administrative support to the service.

# of hours of direct service: Former CYMH Specialized consultation assessment services

Number of hours of direct service. The total number of hours of "Direct" service provided by staff to individuals during the fiscal year for a service. "Direct" Hours: The hours spent interacting, whether in a group or individually; face to face (in person or by video) or on the phone. It does not include work done "on behalf of" clients, such as telephone calls, advocacy, etc. Administrative support to the service is not to be included. For group service, one hour of service equals one hour of service for the entire group.
For example: one hour of group service with five participants equals one Hour of Direct Service. (Note: each individual in the group is recorded under ’no. of individuals served’ where there is a record).

# of education sessions: Former CYMH Specialized consultation assessment services

The total number of education sessions provided to agency staff.

# of program consultations: Former CYMH Specialized consultation assessment services

The total number of program consultations provided to agency staff.