Services delivered: Student Nutrition
Component: Student Nutrition
Legislation: Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017
Service description
The Student Nutrition Program (SNP) helps provide school-aged children and youth across Ontario with access to nutritious meals and/or snacks in schools and community locations so that they are engaged in their learning, experience a sense of belonging at school, and develop healthy eating habits.
People served
The Student Nutrition Program serves school-age children and youth; this includes children and youth enrolled in Full Day Kindergarten through the completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Program/service features
Where a school or community location has been identified by the local lead agency for delivery of SNP, the program offers breakfast or morning meals, lunches, and/or snacks in schools and community locations across Ontario in accordance the Student Nutrition Program – Nutrition Guidelines.
Specific service provided
The following program components must be delivered in accordance with the Student Nutrition Program Guidelines
- meal types must follow the defined parameters in the guidelines and in accordance with the Student Nutrition Program – Nutrition Guidelines
- program models that meet the needs, infrastructure, and capacity of program providers
- support the delivery of nutritious program foods in accordance with the Student Nutrition Program – Nutrition Guidelines inclusive of food safety and food procurement practices
Services are child and family-centred and support the diverse needs of families in a way that is culturally safe, promotes equity, anti-racism, and anti-oppression.
Program goals
The goals of the SNP are to
- support children and youth to learn, develop healthy eating habits, and feel a sense of belonging at school
- promote community participation in the implementation of programs at the local level
- maximize the proportion of provincial funding allocated to healthy food
Ministry expectations
SNP is managed in accordance with the Student Nutrition Program Guidelines, 2018 and the Student Nutrition Program - Nutrition Guidelines, 2020 (or any
subsequent updated versions and any additional supporting documents provided by the ministry).
Reporting requirements
The following service data will be reported on at an Interim and Final period. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.
Service data name | Definition |
Ministry-funded agency expenditures: SNP | Total ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver this service in the Funding Year (cumulative). |
# of students enrolled: SNP | The total enrollment for all provincially funded schools with Student Nutrition Programs. Value reported at Interim represents current school year. |
# of schools: SNP | The total number of provincially funded schools that receive funding for a Student Nutrition Program. Exclude community program locations, federally funded schools and privately funded schools. |
# of programs: SNP | The total number of provincially funded Student Nutrition Programs. Include community program locations, private schools and federally funded schools in this count. |
# of discontinued schools: SNP | The number of provincially funded schools that have chosen to discontinue program delivery. Exclude: a) school closures, b) school amalgamations, c) schools that have more than one program and discontinued one Student Nutrition Program. |
# of individuals served (average daily): SNP | Average number of participants that accessed the Student Nutrition Program daily. Calculated by dividing the number of meals served by the number of program operating days for all provincially funded Student Nutrition Programs. Participants served outside of program locations (e.g., gift cards, community meal pick up, meal distribution) must be included in this count. |
# of meals/snacks served (total): SNP | The total number of meals (i.e., breakfast or lunch) and snacks served in all participating provincially funded SNPs. Total is based on the estimated number of daily meals prepared from each program location. |
- Additional Student Nutrition Program data reporting that may be requested
- nutritional quality of food served in programs
- SNPs offered at school sites: the school name, identification number, and address including the address of an alternate school location if applicable
- SNPs offered at community sites: identify the school communities served with verification of the names, identification numbers and addresses of the schools that are served by the community site;
The type(s) of program offered and/or program model at each site
- A supplementary report providing additional information about these services may be required (reporting template and dates to be provided separately).