Ontario Regulation 183/19 made under the Psychology Act, 1991

O. Reg. 183/19: registration

psychology act, 1991

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 184/19 made under the Traditional Chinese Medicine Act, 2006

O. Reg. 184/19: registration

traditional chinese medicine act, 2006

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 185/19 made under the Occupational Health And Safety Act

O. Reg. 185/19: control of exposure to biological or chemical agents

occupational health and safety act

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 186/19 made under the Occupational Health And Safety Act

O. Reg. 186/19: industrial establishments

occupational health and safety act

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 187/19 made under the Occupational Health And Safety Act

O. Reg. 187/19: mines and mining plants

occupational health and safety act

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 188/19 made under the Occupational Health And Safety Act

O. Reg. 188/19: oil and gas–offshore

occupational health and safety act

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 189/19 made under the Occupational Health And Safety Act

O. Reg. 189/19: designated substances

occupational health and safety act

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 190/19 made under the Occupational Health And Safety Act

O. Reg. 190/19: construction projects

occupational health and safety act

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 191/19 made under the Occupational Health And Safety Act

O. Reg. 191/19: occupational health and safety awareness and training

occupational health and safety act

regulation filed June 10, 2019

Ontario Regulation 192/19 made under the Retail Sales Tax Act

O. Reg. 192/19: rebates for first nations in ontario

retail sales tax act

regulation filed June 11, 2019

Ontario Regulation 193/19 made under the Legal Aid Services Act, 1998

O. Reg. 193/19: general

legal aid services act, 1998

regulation filed June 12, 2019

Ontario Regulation 194/19 made under the Environmental Assessment Act

O. Reg. 194/19: general

environmental assessment act

regulation filed June 12, 2019

Ontario Regulation 195/19 made under the Technical Standards And Safety Act, 2000

O. Reg. 195/19: fuel industry certificates

technical standards and safety act, 2000

regulation filed June 12, 2019

Ontario Regulation 196/19 made under the Electricity Act, 1998

O. Reg. 196/19: licensing of electrical contractors and master electricians

electricity act, 1998

regulation filed June 12, 2019

Ontario Regulation 197/19 made under the Family Responsibility And Support Arrears Enforcement Act, 1996

O. Reg. 197/19: general

family responsibility and support arrears enforcement act, 1996

regulation filed June 12, 2019

Ontario Regulation 198/19 made under the Liquor Licence Act

O. Reg. 198/19: general

liquor licence act

regulation filed June 13, 2019

Ontario Regulation 199/19 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 199/19: grants for student needs–legislative grants for the 2017-2018 school board fiscal year

education act

regulation filed June 13, 2019

Ontario Regulation 200/19 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 200/19: grants for student needs–legislative grants for the 2018-2019 school board fiscal year

education act

regulation filed June 13, 2019

Ontario Regulation 201/19 made under the Electricity Act, 1998

O. Reg. 201/19: energy and water efficiency–appliances and products

electricity act, 1998

regulation filed June 13, 2019

Ontario Regulation 202/19 made under the Milk Act

O. Reg. 202/19: milk and milk products

milk act

regulation filed June 14, 2019

Ontario Regulation 203/19 made under the Livestock Medicines Act

O. Reg. 203/19: general

livestock medicines act

regulation filed June 14, 2019

Ontario Regulation 204/19 made under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002

O. Reg. 204/19: general

nutrient management act, 2002

regulation filed June 14, 2019

Ontario Regulation 205/19 made under the Food Safety And Quality Act, 2001

O. Reg. 205/19: meat

food safety and quality act, 2001

regulation filed June 14, 2019