Population growth

Ontario’s population reached 16,124,116 on July 1, 2024, with an increase of 90,553 residents during the second quarter of 2024. This compares to an increase of 144,920 people recorded in the same quarter of 2023.

Over the 12 months to July 1, 2024, the provincial population grew by 500,909 residents, an annual increase of 3.2 per cent. Over the previous 12-month period to July 1, 2023, Ontario’s population had grown by 481,752 people or 3.2 per cent.

Among the provinces, Ontario had the second highest population growth rate during the 12 months to July 1, 2024, after Alberta (4.4%). Canada’s population grew by 1,205,115 (3.0%) over the period.

Components of Demographic Change for Ontario
ComponentQ2 2023Q2 202412 Months to 
July 1, 2023
12 Months to 
July 1, 2024
Natural increase4,4385,4668,01810,162
Natural increase – Births34,19536,173134,690140,718
Natural increase – Deaths29,75730,707126,672130,556
Net migration140,48285,067473,734490,747
Migration – Net international migration150,63394,278503,464516,020
Migration – International migration – Immigration54,95053,828199,332197,657
Migration – International migration – Emigration*5,6165,78323,67424,373
Migration – International migration – Net change in non-permanent residents101,29946,233327,806342,736
Migration – International migration – Non-permanent resident Inflow139,042108,096495,873569,802
Migration – International migration – Non-permanent resident Outflow37,74361,863168,067227,066
Migration – Net interprovincial migration-10,151-9,211-29,730-25,273
Migration – Interprovincial migration – Inflow27,05925,48086,95477,016
Migration – Interprovincial migration – Outflow37,21034,691116,684102,289
Population Growth144,92090,533481,752500,909
Population Growth Rate  3.2%3.2%

Source: Statistics Canada.  *Emigration refers to the net of emigration minus returning emigration.

Natural increase

There were 36,173 births during the second quarter of 2024, up from 34,195 in same quarter of 2023. The number of deaths also increased, reaching 30,707 in the second quarter of 2024, compared to 29,757 over the same period of the previous year.

Natural increase (births minus deaths) was 5,466 in the quarter, up from 4,438 in the same quarter of 2023.

International migration

There were 53,828 new immigrants to Ontario in the second quarter, down from 54,950 in the same quarter of 2023. Over the 12 months to July 1, 2024, 197,657 immigrants settled in the province, down from 199,332 in the previous year. Ontario received 42.6 per cent of all immigrants to Canada over this period, up slightly from 42.5 per cent in the previous year.  

There were 5,783 emigrants in the second quarter, compared to 5,616 in the same quarter of 2023.

The number of non-permanent residents in Ontario increased by 46,233 in the second quarter of 2024. The number of asylum claimants living in the province increased by 18,295 in that quarter. Holders of a work permit rose by 14,314, holders of a study permit declined by 2,684, and the number of those holding both a study and a work permit increased by 15,224.

There were 1,377,531 non-permanent residents living in Ontario on July 1, 2024, an increase of 342,736, or 33.1 per cent, over the previous 12 months.

Net Change in the Number of Non-Permanent Residents in Ontario
Net Change by CategoryQ2 2023Q2 202412 Months to 
July 1, 2023
12 Months to 
July 1, 2024
Asylum Claimants8,29718,29532,07370,462
Holders of Work Permit Only53,32214,314168,842159,811
Holders of Study Permit Only14,672-2,68460,81138,502
Holders of Both Work & Study Permit20,78315,22451,47349,996
Total Net Change101,29946,233327,806342,736
Non-Permanent Residents Living in Ontario
Number of People as of:July 1, 2022July 1, 2023July 1, 2024
Asylum Claimants88,036120,109190,571
Holders of Work Permit Only258,887427,729587,540
Holders of Study Permit Only225,636286,447324,949
Holders of Both Work & Study Permit108,842160,315210,311
Change from Previous Year+17.8%+46.4%+33.1%

Source: Statistics Canada.

Overall, there was a net international migration gain of 94,278 in the second quarter, down from a net gain of 150,633 in the same quarter of 2023. Net international migration is the sum of all new immigrants during the quarter, minus the number of emigrants, plus the net change in non-permanent residents.

Interprovincial migration

In the second quarter of 2024, Ontario saw a net interprovincial migration loss of 9,211 people to the rest of Canada, compared to a net loss of 10,151 people in the same quarter of 2023. Ontario experienced net losses in its exchanges with 8 of the other 12 provinces and territories. The largest net gains were from Quebec (+530) and Saskatchewan (+428). The largest net losses were to Alberta (-5,184) and British Columbia (-1,881). Over the 12 months to July 1, 2024, Ontario’s total net interprovincial migration loss was 25,273, compared to a net loss of 29,730 during the previous year.

Ontario Demographic Factsheet

Population (000s) - Estimatesfootnote 1
Ontario as % of Canada38.638.438.838.939.039.1
Ontario average annual growth rate (Over previous year shown)
Population (000s) - MOF Projections footnote 2
Ontario as % of Canada39.839.539.940.441.041.8
Ontario average annual growth rate (Over previous year shown)
Age distribution (%) - Estimatesfootnote 1
Age group201120162021202220232024
Age distribution (%) - MOF Projectionsfootnote 2
Age group202620312036204120462051
Selected age groups (%) - Estimatesfootnote 1
Age group201120162021202220232024
Selected age groups (%) - MOF Projectionsfootnote 2
Age group202620312036204120462051
Other characteristics - Estimatesfootnote 1
Other characteristic201120162021202220232024
Total dependency ratio (%)footnote 360.362.664.264.563.763.0
Median age (years)39.840.740.740.439.939.6
Age span of baby boom (years)46-6551-7056-7557-7658-7759-78
Total fertility ratefootnote 41.571.521.371.271.22n.a.
Female life expectancy at birth (years)footnote 484.184.484.484.1n.a.n.a.
Male life expectancy at birth (years)footnote 479.980.479.679.6n.a.n.a.
Families (000s)3,7223,8324,1054,170n.a.n.a.
Households (000s)footnote 54,8885,1695,491n.a.n.a.n.a.
Other characteristics - MOF Projectionsfootnote 2
Other characteristic202620312036204120462051
Total dependency ratio (%)footnote 364.267.767.566.766.066.1
Median age (years)39.540.541.341.942.342.6
Age span of baby boom (years)61-8066-8571-9076-9581-10086-105
Total fertility ratefootnote
Female life expectancy at birth (years)footnote 484.685.486.186.787.488.0
Male life expectancy at birth (years)footnote 480.481.382.283.083.984.6
Families (000s)n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.
Households (000s)footnote 5n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.
Regional distribution (%) - Estimatesfootnote 1
Greater Toronto Area47.247.847.247.047.1n.a.
Regional distribution (%) - MOF Projectionsfootnote 2
Greater Toronto Area46.846.646.646.746.947.0
Components of change (000s)footnote 6 — year beginning July 1
beginning of period
Total changeBirthsDeathsNatural increase
Five-Year: 2001–0611,897764666418249
Five-Year: 2006–1112,662600709442268
Five-Year: 2011–1613,262614706471234
Five-Year: 2016–2113,877966701543157
Annual: 2021–2214,84229913812018
Annual: 2022–2315,1414821351278
Annual: 2023–2415,62350114113110
Components of change (000s)footnote 6 — year beginning July 1  
International migration
PeriodImmigrantsNet emigrantsNet NPRsNet
Five-Year: 2001–0665312544573
Five-Year: 2006–1155810458512
Five-Year: 2011–1651912387484
Five-Year: 2016–2160575221751
Annual: 2021–2222722107312
Annual: 2022–2319924328503
Annual: 2023–2419824343516
Components of change (000s)footnote 6 — year beginning July 1  
Interprovincial migration
Five-Year: 2001–06307336-30
Five-Year: 2006–11296355-59
Five-Year: 2011–16307346-39
Five-Year: 2016–2134032614
Annual: 2021–2277108-31
Annual: 2022–2377106-30
Annual: 2023–248792-25

Note: All population figures are for July 1st.

Sources: Ontario Ministry of Finance and Statistics Canada.

Other Demographics Reports