Testing and treating private water wells
Learn about water quality testing, the interpretation of water quality test results and commonly available treatment methods for private water wells. This technical information is for Ontario farmers and rural residents.
ISSN 1198-712X, Published June 2021
All Ontarians play a role in protecting groundwater quality and quantity. This is the seventh fact sheet of seven in a series that will help Ontario’s farmers and rural residents learn more about groundwater. This fact sheet reviews water quality testing, the interpretation of water quality test results and commonly available treatment methods for private water wells.
The OMAFRA fact sheets in the groundwater series are:
- Understanding groundwater
- Managing the quantity of groundwater supplies
- Protecting the quality of groundwater supplies
- Private Rural Water Supplies
- Highly vulnerable water sources
- Disinfecting private water wells
- Testing and treating private water wells
Groundwater is a valuable resource for farm and rural families, farming (livestock watering, irrigation, wash water, etc.) and rural businesses, in some situations it may be the only water source. When living in a rural area, it is important to understand what actions to take to protect your water and ensure that it is suitable for potable use. More information about the presence, movement and why some subsurface materials are a better source of groundwater than others, is presented in the OMAFRA fact sheet, Understanding groundwater.
The terms “highly vulnerable” and “surface water” are used in a generic sense, rather than as defined under the Clean Water Act, 2006.
Some groundwater sources are more vulnerable than others. Factors that influence well water and ground-water quality include:
- shallow depth (less than 3 m (10 ft)) of overlying soil, which serves as a protective layer to the water below
- precipitation, including rain and snowmelt events, which may act to transport surface contaminants to the well
- wells located in areas with shallow fractured rock aquifers with little or no protective overlying soil
- well age
Wells can also be vulnerable where a defective casing allows direct entry of surface water, those located in a low area prone to ponding and/or flooding and those near or downslope (down-gradient) of a potential con-taminant source. Information about more vulnerable groundwater sources is presented in the OMAFRA fact sheet, Highly vulnerable water sources.
In Ontario, Regulation 903 (the Wells Regulation) prescribes requirements for the construction, maintenance and abandonment of private water wells. The Wells Regulation requires that the well owner must maintain the well in a way that prevents the entry of surface water and other foreign materials into the well. Proper construction and maintenance of a well will help prevent it from becoming a pathway for surface water and contaminants to reach the groundwater. If a well is no longer used, it must be properly abandoned (plugged and sealed). The requirements for construction change periodically, and it is recommended that well owners refer to the current requirements under the Wells Regulation.
Surface water
Although groundwater is the main source of water for most farms and rural properties, surface water is used as a water supply in some instances. Surface water sources (such as lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and wetlands) have no natural protective layer to filter out microorganisms or other contaminants. They can be highly vulnerable to contamination from microorganisms (such as bacteria, parasites, viruses) and should be considered unsuitable for human consumption without treatment. Additional information is presented in the OMAFRA fact sheet, Highly vulnerable water sources.
You can determine if your water supply is suitable for potable use (there is no significant evidence of bacterial contamination) by submitting well water samples to Public Health Ontario or to your local public health unit.
Testing your water supply
It is important for well owners to understand how to test their water supply, interpret test results and use effective and available treatment methods for the water supply.
If your drinking water is supplied by a well on your property, you must do all you can to make sure the water is suitable for potable use, now and for years to come. Testing frequently, together with inspecting and maintaining the well, will help ensure the quality of your drinking water. These are proactive steps you can take to make sure the water supply for your home, farm or rural business is suitable for human consumption. Additional information concerning well construction and vulnerability to contamination is provided in the OMAFRA fact sheets, Protecting the quality of groundwater supplies and Private rural water supplies.
Private well water testing is provided free of charge by Public Health Ontario (Figure 1). Public Health Ontario tests for the bacterial indicator organisms E. coli and total coliforms but does not test for other contaminants such as chemicals. This means that even if your results indicate that there is no bacterial contamination of your drinking water, it still may have other contaminants and may be unsafe to drink. More information regarding sample collection, submission and testing is provided to the Public Health Ontario water testing web site. In-formation about testing for other contaminants in groundwater is presented in the OMAFRA fact sheet, Protecting the quality of groundwater supplies.
How often should you test? Regularly test wells to establish a pattern to determine how much your water quality changes and how often you should test (Figure 2). Some wells are fairly stable and won’t have to be tested as often, whereas others will be more variable and should be tested frequently. Properly constructed deeper wells tend to have more stable static water levels than shallower wells. Also, more testing is required when unusual events occur, such as during the spring melt.
When your well produces water that is not potable (water tests indicate evidence of bacterial contamination), contact your local public health unit for information or advice regarding how to address the contamination issue as an alternative to immediately abandoning the well.
Interpreting water sample results
Table 1 provides information on the actions required depending upon the number of organisms identified.
"Total coliform" includes bacteria that are always present in animal waste and sewage but are also found in soil and vegetation. Their presence may indicate that surface water is entering your well. Escherichia coli (E. coli) are bacteria found in the digestive systems of people and animals. The detection of E. coli indicates the potential presence of animal or human waste in your well water.
No significant evidence of bacterial contamination
Indicator organisms | Parts per 100 mL | Action |
Total coliform | 5 or less |
E. coli | 0 |
Significant evidence of bacterial contamination
Indicator organisms | Parts per 100 mL | Action |
Total coliform | more than 5 |
E. coli | 0 |
Unsafe to drink — animal or human waste contamination
Indicator organisms | Parts per 100 mL | Action |
E. coli | more than 0 |
Immediate actions
If the indicator bacteria test result is unacceptable, stop drinking the water immediately.
Consider using alternative water sources such as bottled water or a municipal supply if available and contact your local public health unit for advice. For the most up-to-date information regarding interpreting water test results, see the Public Health Ontario Laboratory Customer Service website.
Longer-term actions
Contact your local public health unit or the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Wells Help Desk for more assistance.
Have the well assessed and inspected to determine reasons for the poor water quality results, such as surface water entering the top of the well or down the side of the well. Contact a licensed well contractor to help you with this task. Information on conducting an inspection of your well, including a well maintenance checklist, is presented in the OMAFRA fact sheet, Protecting the quality of groundwater supplies. Chronic, ongoing problems may mean you need to have your well and plumbing system professionally inspected to identify possible causes of contamination.
Conduct a visual inspection of your well:
- A visual above-ground inspection of a well casing can provide an indication of the state of repair below ground. If you have any concerns, it is recommended you contact a licensed well contractor for assistance.
- If you have an older well, make sure the cap and the sealant around the well casing aren’t cracked or damaged. If they are, fix or replace them right away. Inspect your well regularly, for example, each time you take a water sample.
- The area around the well should be:
- clear of any potential contaminant sources (such as animal droppings, lawn care products and garden)
- mounded up immediately surrounding the outside of the well or well pit
- sloped away from the well to prevent ponding and direct surface water drainage away from the well and prevent ponding of water
Disinfect (shock chlorinate) your well and entire household plumbing system. More information about disinfecting your well is presented in the OMAFRA fact sheet, Disinfecting private water wells.
Evaluate changes in the surrounding area on your and your neighbour’s property.
Consider replacing the existing well with a new well that meets the requirements of the Wells Regulation and possibly move it to a better location. Note that minimum separation distances between new wells and potential contaminant sources are requirements of the Wells Regulation and the Ontario Building Code.
Institute long-term water treatment options, where necessary. These are discussed in the next section.
Groundwater can also contain dissolved chemicals that can make you sick or the water unpalatable. The dissolved chemicals may come from naturally occurring minerals or from spills of manufactured substances. There can also be changes in “aesthetic parameters” (such as taste, colour or odour) that may signal a change in water quality and should prompt you to test your water. More information about naturally occurring chemicals in groundwater is presented in the OMAFRA fact sheet, Protecting the quality of groundwater supplies.
Bacterial testing results do not give any information on the chemical or viral quality of the water supply. If you suspect that there are problems with your water that are chemical or microbiological in nature (nitrate, sulphur solvents or viruses), send a water sample to a private accredited laboratory.
Water treatment options
If disinfecting the well does not solve the problem, and water tests continue to have positive (unsafe) results or there is a chemical concern, water treatment may be necessary if an alternative water source is not available.
There are many treatment systems available. Some of these are referred to as “point-of-use” systems, where the equipment is attached to one faucet. Others are “in-line” and provide treated water for an entire home. These systems are based on different technologies, ranging from chemical treatment to mechanical treatment (such as filters to ultra-violet light).
Each water treatment technology is effective for a different concern, and no single option works for everything. Some technologies make water suitable for potable use, some soften water and some improve taste or smell. Before choosing an option, be sure you understand what each treatment system will do, what the associated costs are (such as initial purchase and installation, replacement filters/bulbs, electricity costs), what ongoing maintenance requirements are and any other considerations.
Each water treatment option also has its benefits and limitations. Heating water to a rolling boil for at least one minute is an effective treatment method for killing harmful organisms. However, it does not remove most dissolved contaminants and it is impractical for treating large quantities of water in the long-term.
Long-term disinfection of a well with chlorine is effective against bacteria and many viruses but cannot be relied on to kill all parasites. Also, disinfection with chlorine cannot be relied on to kill microbes that are embedded inside tiny dirt particles. For water sources that may be contaminated with surface water (highly vulnerable water supplies and improperly constructed and maintained wells), effective filtration and treatment will be required.
Treatment may also be helpful in restoring the quantity of water your well can produce. Disinfection may remove iron bacteria that can plug your well. Additional information about disinfecting your well is presented in the OMAFRA fact sheet, Disinfecting private water wells.
Treatment systems can be used on water from most sources in order to make it suitable for potable use. However, treating highly vulnerable water sources such as surface water is usually expensive and difficult, and will require a great deal of your time to make sure the equipment is looked after properly. For more information, see the OMAFRA fact sheet, Highly vulnerable water sources.
Treatment systems for highly vulnerable water sources need a high level of skill and knowledge to design, construct and operate. Contact your local public health unit and/or a water treatment professional when selecting, installing and operating a treatment system.
Tables 2 and 3 provide a summary of technical information about common water quality problems and various water treatment systems. The information presented in these tables is intended to provide guidance, not recommendations, concerning home water treatment options. It’s also important to realize that each water treatment system, to remain effective, must be installed, operated and maintained as directed by the manufacturer. In water treatment, there are no shortcuts!
This fact sheet is consistent with, but does not reflect the full detail of, the Wells Regulation. For assistance with the Regulation, seek advice from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) through the Wells Help Desk. Call 1-888-396-9355 or e-mail wellshelpdesk@ontario.ca.
This table is intended to provide guidance, not recommendations, concerning home water treatment options.
Concern | Cause | Consequences | Options |
E. coli. bacteria detected |
coliform bacteria (total coliform >5 counts) |
fluoride |
iron |
iron bacteria |
manganese |
pesticides |
fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil) |
nitrate |
arsenic, uranium, radium |
salt |
methane |
hydrogen sulphide |
solvents |
hardness |
Note: Deep well water quality is not constant and can change over time. Iron and manganese concentrations may increase to acceptable or untreatable levels. Similarly, iron bacteria problems can become severe enough to force well abandonment.
Shallow well water quality can change seasonally. Water quality in highly susceptible wells (less than 3 m (10 ft) in depth) may change within hours or several days after rainstorms or thaws. See the OMAFRA fact sheet, Highly vulnerable water sources for more information.
This table is intended to provide guidance, not recommendations, concerning home water treatment options.
Method | Uses | Limitations | Comments |
distillation |
ultra-violet treatment |
chlorination |
ozonation |
activated carbon contactors |
filters |
greensand treatment |
reverse osmosis |
softeners |
Note: Equipment carrying the “NSF certified” trademark has been thoroughly checked for performance, and the manufacturing facility is inspected annually. There are several NSF standards. Check for the appropriate NSF standard number for your treatment needs. Consult your local public health unit and reputable expert companies.
- if you have suspected problems with your well that involve surface water, human or animal waste
- for a water sample bottle for indicator bacteria testing
- for help interpreting your water quality sample results
Public Health Ontario Laboratories
- for a water sample bottle for indicator bacteria testing or interpretation of water sample test results
- to perform water testing in Ontario
- if you have concerns about chemicals in the well such as sulphur or nitrates
- if you are concerned that your well is improperly constructed, or requires upgrading or maintenance
- ensure they are licensed to provide this service
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks:
- Drinking water testing labs: accreditation and licensing
- Licensed Well Contractors
- Water Supply Wells: Requirements and Best Practices, Chapter 8, Well Disinfection
- Technical Bulletin – Well Abandonment: How to Plug and Seal a Well
Public Health Ontario:
- Public Health Unit Contact Information
- Laboratory Services Contact - Provincial: (e-mail customerservicecentre@oahpp.ca or call toll free toll free:
1-877-604-4567 ) Regional (a list of regional laboratories and contact information) - Drinking Water Quality — Indicator Bacteria
- Well Water Testing (Private Drinking Water)
Ontario Soil and Crop Association:
- Information on different actions that can be taken to protect the quality of groundwater and your drinking water supply is provided in the Canada-Ontario Environmental Farm Plan workbook and associated Infosheets.
This fact sheet was written by Dr. Hugh Simpson, program analyst (retired), OMAFRA; Jim Myslik, JPM consulting and Brewster Conant, Jr. It was reviewed by Dr. Anna Majury, clinical microbiologist, Public Health Ontario; John Warbick, engineer, crop systems & environment, OMAFRA. Recommendations were also provided by technical experts at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.