Land application schedule
8.1. Land application schedule contents
The land application schedule (LAS) required for each GNF application area by section 35 of the Regulation must include the following:
- The name and contact information of the person who prepared the LAS and, if someone other than a controller or employee prepared the LAS, the certification number on the person's certificate issued pursuant to section 100 of O. Reg. 267/03 and contact information.
- The legal name and contact information of the controller of the agricultural operation(s) where the GNF is being land applied.
- The analytical results of GNF or test solution received from the supplying greenhouse operation(s) or any other relevant results obtained pursuant to sections 60 and 61 of the Regulation.
- The following information for each field that has a GNF application area:
- Legal description of the field (e.g. lot and concession);
- The total tillable area of the GNF application area;
- Areas of the field where the maximum sustained slope measurement exceeds 12% slope;
- The maximum sustained slope of any GNF application area that is within 150 m of surface water;
- Hydrologic soil group of any GNF application area that is within 150 m of surface water; and
- Analytical results for each sample of soil analyzed for the purposes of section 62 of the Regulation.
- For each calendar year in which the LAS is prepared:
- Proposed number of applications of GNF and other nutrients;
- Proposed application date(s) of GNF and other nutrients;
- Proposed application rate and methods for each nutrient application and indicate where the application is within 150 m of top of bank of surface water;
- Proposed timing for incorporation into the soil for each GNF application (if any);
- Proposed maximum volume (m3) of GNF to be applied for the entire calendar year;
- Application setbacks from any sensitive features required by Part VI of the Regulation (if any);
- Date of last crop harvest/dormancy from the previous calendar year;
- Expected crop(s) planted and expected yields; and
- Expected planting and harvest dates/dormancy date (if applicable).
8.2. GNF application rate restrictions
The following calculations must be used to determine the maximum GNF application rates to land for the purposes of the limits set out in the Regulation.
8.2.1. Liquid loading application limits
The LAS must demonstrate that land applied GNF will not exceed the maximum annual rate as required by section 64 of the Regulation. The total concentrations of plant available nitrogen (PAN), plant available phosphate (PAP) and plant available potash (PAK) in GNF to be used for the purposes of the Regulation must be calculated using the equations referenced in section 2.2.2.
The LAS must also demonstrate that land applied GNF will not exceed the 24-hour maximum application rate as specified in section 39 of the Regulation.
8.2.2. The maximum rate of land application for GNF with reference to phosphate
The LAS must demonstrate that land applied nutrients will not exceed the five-year maximum application rate of phosphate as required by section 66 of the Regulation.
8.2.3. The maximum rate of land application for GNF with reference to plant available nitrogen
The LAS must demonstrate that land applied nutrients will not exceed the maximum cropping year application rate of plant available nitrogen (PAN) as required by section 67 of the Regulation.
8.2.4. Regulated metal, sodium and boron application limits
The LAS must demonstrate that land applied GNF will not exceed the maximum annual application rates for boron and sodium as specified in sections 68 and 69 of the Regulation.
The LAS must also demonstrate that land applied GNF will not exceed the five-year period maximum application rates for regulated metals as specified in section 70 of the Regulation.