GNF document and GNF record
Pursuant to subsection 17(1) of the Regulation the following information must be included in a GNF Document and GNF Record:
5.1. Information required for GNF document
The sketch of the farm unit may be a photograph or a map (either hand-drawn or computer-generated). A controller(s) of the greenhouse operation(s) may choose to do more than one sketch if it is not possible to show the land belonging to the farm unit on one map or if there is too much information for one. Every sketch must be neat and readable.
- A description of the greenhouse operation(s) that must include:
- crops grown in the greenhouse(s); and
- a description of how often GNF is reasonably expected to be generated and received.
- A sketch of the farm unit property(ies) on which the greenhouse operations are located that includes the following:
- location(s) of land that makes up the farm unit (i.e. lot and concession);
- road names and/or municipal boundaries that are adjacent to or contained within the farm unit;
- location of all agricultural operations subject to the Regulation on the farm unit and the name of the controller of each agricultural operation;
- location of greenhouse(s) generating GNF;
- location of existing and proposed permanent GNF storage facilities on the farm unit with the capacity of each shown;
- location of known wells within 30 m of any greenhouse or permanent GNF storage facility;
- location of municipal wells within 100 m of any greenhouse or permanent GNF storage facility;
- location of known tile inlets and outlets within 50 m of any greenhouse or permanent GNF storage facility; and
- location of all surface waters within 150 m of any greenhouse or permanent GNF storage facility.
- Location, volume and controller contact information for each permanent GNF storage facility located outside of the farm unit.
- Name and business address of controller(s) located outside of the farm unit that will receive GNF generated.
5.2. Information required for GNF record
- Volume (in m3) and month of transfer for each shipment of GNF off the farm unit with the receiver identified for each shipment.
Updated: June 09, 2022
Published: June 09, 2022