Bulletin 240311 — Update on COVID‑19 physician services funding
E409 and E410 for elective procedures will expire on March 31, 2024. COVID-19 vaccine fee code (G593) will continue.
To: All Physicians
Category: Physician Services
Written by: Provider Services Branch, Physician and Provider Services Division
Date issued: March 28, 2024
Bulletin Number: 240311
Temporary physician funding related to COVID-19
As previously communicated in INFOBulletin 230908, specified temporary physician funding initiatives under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) will be ending effective March 31, 2024, as outlined below.
The COVID-19 Vaccine fee code (G593) will continue.
This INFOBulletin is intended to advise of the changes to support health system planning.
Existing initiatives being ended
The ministry is ending the following temporary physician funding initiatives:
After Hours Procedure Premiums during COVID-19
After Hours Procedure Premiums During COVID-19: temporary COVID-19 physician payment premiums for eligible after-hours elective surgeries and procedures.
Effective April 1, 2024, after hours procedure premiums during COVID-19 will no longer be eligible when the service provided is an elective surgery or procedure.
Effective April 1, 2024, E409/E410 will only be eligible when the payment requirements for After Hours Procedure Premiums listed in the Other Premiums section of the General Preamble of the Schedule of Benefits for Physician Services have been met.
Providers will have 3 months from the date of service to submit claims for E409 and E410 for elective services provided on a date up to and including March 31, 2024.
Focused Practice Psychotherapy Premium during COVID-19 and Hospitalist Premium during COVID-19
Focused Practice Psychotherapy Premium During COVID-19 and Hospitalist Premium During COVID-19: temporary premium eligibility which included specified temporary COVID-19 services.
These premiums will be removed from the Schedule of Benefits (schedule) as the underlying temporary COVID-19 services included as eligibility components have now become obsolete (such as temporary virtual care K-codes and hourly sessionals under the Temporary Physician Funding for Hospitals During COVID-19 Funding Program).
Physicians currently eligible for these premiums will continue to receive premium payments for the 12 month period following the date of determination of eligibility (such as until October 31, 2024).
The Focused Practice Psychotherapy Premium and the Hospitalist Premium continue to be available based on the eligibility criteria listed in the Psychotherapy, Psychiatric and Counselling Services and Other Premiums sections of the General Preamble of the schedule.
COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 vaccine fee code (G593) will continue. The fee listing will be moved from the Temporary COVID-19 Services section of the General Preamble of the schedule to the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures section of the schedule to be included in the list of immunization fee codes. The current fee for administration of the COVID-19 vaccine will remain unchanged.
OHIP; Physicians; COVID-19; E409; E410; G593; Focused Practice Psychotherapy Premium During COVID-19; Hospitalist Premium During COVID-19
Contact information
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