3.1 — Reviewing eligibility
October 2024
Summary of policy
To determine ongoing eligibility, a recipient is required to provide information regarding new or changed circumstances which may affect eligibility or the amount of income support received. Some examples include changes in disability or membership in a prescribed class, the receipt or disposition of assets, and the receipt or expected receipt of income or other financial resources, a change of address, shelter costs, utilities, living arrangements, family composition, assets, income and hospitalization.
The Director may require a member of a benefit unit to provide monthly reports respecting income, annual reports respecting business assets and income from the operation or interest in a business, and any other conditions relevant to determining eligibility.
The Director may request a visit to the home of a person receiving income support in order to verify ongoing eligibility for income support.
Legislative authority
Summary of directive
Information update reports include the:
- Employment Training and Income Report (ETIR)
Required documentation must be verified and noted on the Social Assistance Management System (SAMS), and where indicated, a copy added to the electronic file.
Failure to provide required information may result in a decision of ineligibility or cancellation of income support, provided that staff have followed all policy conditions
Intent of policy
To ensure that a recipient provides information required to determine ongoing eligibility for income support.
Application of policy
Eligibility for ODSP income support is based on individual circumstances. Changes in financial or other circumstances which may affect eligibility or the amount of income support received must be reported by a recipient or trustee.
Monthly reporting requirements: earnings and changes in circumstances
Earnings from employment or training
Earnings from employment or a training program are to be reported on a monthly basis by all members of the benefit unit with reporting requirements.
The income reporting period for earnings from employment or training is from the first day to the last day of a calendar month. Earnings received during this period are used to calculate income support for the following month.
Earnings are reported through MyBenefits or by using the Employment/Training Income Report (ETIR). Earnings which must be reported include wages, salaries, vacation pay, commissions, tips, gratuities, casual earnings and training allowance income. Child care and disability-related employment expenses may be deducted from earnings from employment or training (see Directive 5.3 Deductions from employment and training income). Earnings must be reported to the local ODSP office by no later than the 7th day of the month following the income reporting period.
In unusual or special circumstances, alternative reporting arrangements may be appropriate. For example, a recipient with a visual impairment could report earnings information over the phone with verification to follow, or earnings could be submitted by the employer with the recipient's consent. Direct deposit statements and/or a signed declaration could also be considered as acceptable verification of earnings. However, it is essential that earnings are accurately entered into SAMS on a monthly basis.
Exceptions to monthly reporting of earnings from employment or training
The following are not required to submit an ETIR each month:
- Self-employed persons as they have annual reporting requirements (see Directive 5.4 Self-Employment Income, Directive 5.6 Private Home Day Care Providers, and Directive 5.7 Farm Income).
- Recipients who only receive Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD) as this program has its own specific requirements.
- Recipients participating in supported employment programs whose earnings are unchanged from month-to-month. (Note: appropriate verification of the monthly earnings must be on file for audit purposes.)
- There is no requirement to report earnings of dependent children.
Reporting changes
Recipients are required to report all changes in circumstances. A recipient is responsible for reporting changes in circumstances which may affect eligibility or the amount of income support received. A change in circumstance includes a change of address, shelter costs, utilities, living arrangements, family composition, assets, income and hospitalization.
Verification of the change is required to confirm ongoing eligibility and to ensure that the correct amount of income support is provided. Information can be reported through MyBenefits, email, in person, mail, etc.
Financial eligibility reviews
Eligibility verification process
The Eligibility Verification Process uses a risk-based approach to review ODSP recipients’ ongoing eligibility for income support.
The Eligibility Verification Model (EVM) will identify cases in which there is a high likelihood that there has been a change in the recipient’s financial eligibility, which has not been reflected in the amount of assistance issued. Each month, a percentage of the cases (3%) identified as high risk will be assigned to staff for review.
Caseworkers will analyze third-party consumer credit and EVM output information against information on the recipient’s file to determine if the recipient continues to meet eligibility requirements. The Caseworker will also determine whether the amount of income support being issued is correct and will make the appropriate adjustments.
Application for assistance (part 1) updates
The Application for Assistance under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, Part 1, is used as both an Application form and an Update Report. It is a financial assessment tool used to determine initial and ongoing eligibility.
Any changes in financial or other circumstances, which may affect eligibility or the amount of income support received, are to be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure ongoing eligibility.
Caseworkers may determine if a complete file review and update report is necessary based on their knowledge of the case file and assessment of eligibility risk factors such as duration since last complete review, duration since date of grant and previous eligibility-related issues.
The review and update report can be completed:
- in person, which can take place in the office, community, or in the recipient's home, based on the recipient's needs and the office's capacity
- over the phone and then signed and commissioned during a follow-up interview, which can take place in the office, community, or in the recipient's home, based on the recipient's needs and the office's capacity
- over the phone, reviewed verbally and then sent to the recipient with instructions to sign and return them
The purpose of the file review is to become familiar with issues related to eligibility and entitlement and to identify issues that require follow up.
- The file review will focus on confirming current eligibility and current entitlement
- Only documentation/verification related directly to determining eligibility and/or the accurate amount of income support is required
- If the review of current eligibility raises concerns about previous eligibility and/or entitlement, additional verification can be requested on an “as needed” basis only
- Appropriate third-party checks are completed for each review as required
- The electronic files are reviewed with third-party information
- Outstanding information requirements are requested by sending the Advance List to the recipient or a letter outlining what is required to assess eligibility for the period under review
- Each section of the update report must be reviewed and updated. Any changes must be verified with the required documentation (as applicable)
- Confirm the eligibility for a Special Diet Allowance, where it is in pay, if the EVP review precedes the expiry date of the Special Diet Allowance. A Special Diet Allowance that has been approved as indefinite is reviewed at the time of the recipient’s EVP review.
- If completed during an in-person interview, the update report is commissioned by reading each section of the statutory declaration and witnessing signatures. The Caseworker then signs the update report and affixes their commissioner stamp by their signature.
- The Consent to Disclose and Verify Personal Information – General, and Consent to Disclose and Verify Information - Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) are completed and signed
- The Rights and Responsibilities form (Form 2865) is reviewed. A signed copy is retained on the electronic file, and a copy given to the recipient.
- Other forms are completed as required such as an Assignment and Direction Form if the recipient has applied for certain incomes, a Declaration of Support/Maintenance (Form 2212) if there are issues related to support obligations, and a Declaration (Form 0311) if a written declaration is required etc.
- For telephone interviews where there is no follow-up interview with the recipient, the update report cannot be commissioned after it is returned as the Caseworker has not reviewed the statutory declaration with the recipient in person and witnessed their signature
- For these cases, a line should be drawn through the commissioner’s signature section before the form is mailed to the recipient. The consent forms and Rights and Responsibilities form should be reviewed verbally and then sent to the recipient with instructions to sign and return them.
Note: Where the Declaration of Support/Maintenance (Form 2212) is completed over the telephone and mailed to the recipient, a line should be drawn through the commissioner’s signature section before the form is mailed. A Declaration (Form 0311) cannot be completed by mail.
Third-party verification
Eligibility reviews include third-party checks which are completed to verify eligibility-related information provided by a recipient or any other adult member of the benefit unit.
The following third-party checks are mandatory:
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA): Verifies income and other eligibility-related details
- Equifax Canada: Verifies personal and financial information
Additional requests:
- Other third-party checks may be made as needed to verify eligibility-related information for the applicant or any other benefit unit member, including:
- Employment Insurance: where there has been recent history of employment and potential eligibility for Employment Insurance benefits
- Ministry of Transportation: where there has been a history of vehicle ownership or changes in address
- Family Responsibility Office: where there is spousal support payment information
Home visits should be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines:
- For purposes of completing an update report, the recipient is notified in advance of the visit to facilitate information gathering prior to the update interview
- Home visits are to be conducted during normal business hours
- While in the home, only objects in plain view can be noted. There is no authority to look in places or areas that are not in plain view (i.e. cupboards or drawers)
- Plain view includes assets such as vehicles, confirming residency and accommodation arrangements, etc.
- The right to protection against inappropriate search of the person extends to one's home. Entry into a person's home for the purposes of investigating the person or their home would require a search warrant
- If the recipient refuses entry to the home, the reason for the refusal must be obtained. Valid reasons for refusing entry may include an illness in the home, mourning, religious observance and/or visitors in the home where privacy is of concern to the recipient.
Verification requirements
While discretion may be applied on how verification is completed, staff must ensure all information required to determine ongoing eligibility for income support has been appropriately verified.
The following chart outlines:
- information that must be verified (as applicable) and recorded in SAMS to determine ongoing eligibility
- documents required to be added to the electronic file
Information to be verified | Verify and record in SAMS | Copy of document added to electronic file |
Social Insurance Number | ✓ | |
Health Number | ✓ | |
Proof of all Members Identity and Date of Birth | ✓ | ✓ |
Verification of Income | ✓* | |
Verification of Assets | ✓ | |
Verification of Shelter Costs | ✓ | |
Verification of Ontario Residency | ✓ | |
Participation Agreement for Non-Disabled Spouse and Dependent Adult | ✓ | |
Verification of Person's Status in Canada | ✓ | |
Information Regarding Debts | ✓ |
* Exceptions include spousal support provisions where a copy of the document verification of support or waivers for the pursuit of support, must be added to the electronic file. For child support, visual verification is not required.
Note: when information is received and verified it should be recorded in the Notes section of the SAMS
Social Insurance Number (SIN) or other official documentation of the SIN (tax form) must be verified and noted in the SAMS. Once the SIN is verified and input electronically, copies are not to be added to the electronic file.
Health Number (HN) can be collected and recorded for the purpose of providing provincially funded health services. The HN must be verified and noted in the SAMS for all members of the benefit unit. Other official documentation of the HN includes a letter from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Once the HN(s) is verified and input electronically, copies are not to be added to the electronic file.
Proof of the identity and date of birth of all members of the benefit unit must be photocopied and added to the electronic file and the information recorded in the SAMS. Identity and date of birth can be verified with one of the following:
- Birth certificate
- Religious Records (Baptismal and/or Confirmation certificate on church stationary, Bible Record, etc.)
- Naturalization certificate
- Hospital record of birth
- Statement of live birth
- Confirmation by Registrar General of Notice of Registration of Birth
- Passport (i.e., Canadian or foreign)
- Landing Record
- Marriage certificate
- Military record
- School record
- National Registration File of 1940 held by Statistics Canada
- Indigenous membership records (e.g., Indian band records, band membership cards, Huadenosaunee/Iroquois Passport, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) issued membership, etc.)
- Secure Certificate of Indian Status (secure status card) or Certificate of Indian Status (status card)
- Immigration documents (e.g., Record of Landing, Canadian Citizenship Card, Confirmation of Permanent Residence)
- Ontario Driver’s Licence
- Ontario Photo Card
- Provincial or Territorial Identity Card
In the case of a child who is adopted, verification of the adoption as proof of identity is not generally required. However, in some circumstances, the adoption order may assist in providing further support regarding the person’s identity. For example, where the adopted child’s surname is different than the parents’ surname. In these cases, a copy of the adoption order with the identifying information related to the birth parents removed can be requested.
A Ministry of Health (MOH) issued photo health card is acceptable documentation to verify identity and date of birth for adults for the purposes of social assistance. A MOH issued photo or non-photo health card may be used to verify the identity and date of birth of dependent children. In these cases, the identity and date of birth should be verified, and a note added to SAMS that verification was made. No copy of the health card should be added to the electronic file.
For a variety of systemic reasons, some Indigenous people may not have access to birth certificates or other forms of identification listed in the directive. In these relatively limited cases, there may be other documentation that is acceptable to verify an applicant’s identity based on individual circumstances.
Verification of Income: Other income is taken into account in determining eligibility for income support. All sources of income are reviewed and recorded in the SAMS.
- Income tax information is used to verify total income reported for any period under review through EVP as well as the source of the income. It may also be used to verify additional information such as reported marital status and address. Please note that a mandatory third-party check is obtained from CRA, however, a recipient may be requested to provide additional income tax information, such as the original Notice of Assessment or a printout of the electronic version, copy of income tax return, T4s, etc.
- Earned income is verified and recorded in the SAMS through the monthly income reporting process. Any change in the amount of the income is recorded in the SAMS. The amount of income support is adjusted accordingly.
- Other income sources such as Old Age Security, GAINS, Canada Pension Plan benefits and annuities etc. are input into the SAMS. Any change in the amount of the income is recorded in the SAMS. The amount of income support is adjusted accordingly.
Although child support is exempt as income effective January 1, 2017, it is still reported. Verification is not required. However, if the client does provide verification, it should be verified. Where child support is in pay and the applicant/recipient reports the amount of support, this information should be input into SAMS.
Information regarding spousal support must be verified. Copies of verification must be added to the electronic file. Verification of spousal support includes a support court order, a private agreement, and or a divorce settlement. At each review, a Declaration of Support and Maintenance (Form 2212) must be completed on each absent person who may have an obligation to provide spousal support to the recipient and added to the electronic file. Waivers for the pursuit of spousal support including police reports, medical reports, or confirmation that the spouse is receiving social assistance are noted on the SAMS and added to the electronic file. See Directive 5.15 Spousal and Child Support. Where spousal support is in pay, the amount of support must be input into the SAMS. Any change in the amount of support is recorded in the SAMS. The amount of income support is adjusted accordingly.
Information regarding sponsorship support must be verified. Information regarding length of the sponsorship undertaking and the name of the sponsor must also be verified. Copies of verification must be added to the electronic file. Verification can include a private agreement for sponsorship support, and/or an electronic verification from IRCC. A Declaration of Support and Maintenance (Form 2212) must be completed on the sponsor and co-sponsor, if applicable, and added to the electronic file. See Directive 2.5 Tourists, Immigrants, Refugees and Deportees. Where sponsorship support is in pay, the amount of support must be input into the SAMS. Any change in the amount of support is recorded in the SAMS. The amount of income support is adjusted accordingly.
Verification of Assets: Assets are taken into account in determining eligibility for income support. All assets are reviewed and recorded in SAMS. For update purposes, bankbooks or statements for one month prior to the date of review should be verified to identify any unreported income sources. If there is reason to require additional information, any additional statements/bankbooks available to the recipient without incurring fees or charges will be requested. Where payment is required and the person is unable to cover the cost, alternate methods of verification should be explored, such as obtaining the information directly using the Consent to Disclose and Verify Information Form.
The reloadable payment card (RPC) is not a bank account and only social assistance funds can be loaded onto the card. Any remaining balance on an RPC should be treated as a cash asset. The balance should be confirmed at the time of update (i.e., bank machine receipt). Statements for previous periods are not required.
It is important to review bank balances in combination with other assets such as life insurance policies, funds held in trust and savings plans to ensure asset levels are within the prescribed amount. Once assets are verified and noted in the SAMS, a copy of the record is not required to be added to the electronic file.
Verification of Shelter Costs: Accommodation costs for a dwelling in Ontario are used to establish budgetary requirements and the amount of income support that the recipient will receive. Verification and electronic input of documentation related to shelter costs is limited to the minimum necessary to verify shelter costs up to the maximum. For example, if a single recipient pays rent of $500 per month plus utilities, only verification of the rent is required as it exceeds the maximum shelter allowance for a single person.
Once the information has been verified, and input into the SAMS, verification of the shelter costs is not required to be added to the electronic file. The following are acceptable sources of verification:
- Letter from landlord
- Rent receipt with landlord’s name and number
- Lease or rental agreement
- Mortgage statement or agreement for payments of principal and interest
- Loans for purchase of principal residence or necessary repairs of residence
- Property tax assessment or proof of property tax payment
- Premiums paid for dwelling and content insurance
- Common expenses for condominiums or cooperative housing units
- Statements or receipts for the payment of utilities, water, sewage and the rental of a furnace or hot water heater
- Statements or receipts for the cost of heat.
In a situation where a recipient does not use the income support amount provided for shelter toward their accommodation costs, an overpayment is not established. Rather, pay direct or trusteeship may be options to investigate to ensure the recipient retains their lodgings. See Directives 6.2 Shelter Calculation, 10.1 Pay Direct and 10.2 Trustees.
Verification of Ontario Residency: Ontario residency for all members of the benefit unit must be verified and noted in SAMS. A copy of the record is not required to be added to the electronic file.
Acceptable documentation will include the recipient’s current address and may be similar to documents used to verify shelter costs.
Participation requirements for non-disabled spouses and dependent adults: Unless they meet the criteria for a waiver, non-disabled adult members of an ODSP benefit unit must complete an Ontario Works Participation Agreement and comply with the employment assistance provisions in the Ontario Works Regulation as a condition of eligibility for ODSP. Non-disabled adults include:
- a dependent adult; and
- a spouse other than a spouse who has been adjudicated and found to be a person with a disability under section 4 of the ODSP Act, or who is a member of a prescribed class under section 4 of the ODSP Regulation.
A non-disabled adult can have their referral to Ontario Works employment assistance waived under some circumstances. In order to have their referral to Ontario Works waived, the person is required to provide appropriate documentation to verify their circumstances. See Directive 2.8 Participation Requirements for Non-disabled Adults.
Verification of status in Canada: Documentation regarding status in Canada must be on file for all members of the benefit unit. This information should be recorded in the SAMS. If documentation is not on file, or if there has been a change of status in Canada, it must be provided at the time of the EVP review. Acceptable documentation includes one of the following:
- Canadian Birth Certificate;
- Certificate of Canadian Citizenship;
- Indian status card (formerly known as Certificate of Indian Status);
- Temporary Confirmation of Registration Document;
- valid Canadian passport;
- Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or 5509);
- Permanent Resident Card;
- letter issued by IRCC verifying permanent residence status;
- proof of application for permanent residence status;
- Determination of Eligibility for refugee status (IRCC form IMM 1442 or IMM 5292);
- Refugee Protection Claimant Document (IMM 1442);
- Acknowledgement of Claim and Notice to Return for Interview Form;
- Entry for Further Examination or Admissibility Hearing Form;
- Acknowledgement of Conditions Form (IMM 1262);
- Temporary resident document (IMM 1442 or IMM 1263); or
- other acceptable document that confirms status in Canada status in Canada such as the sponsorship undertaking or electronic verification from IRCC.
Ontario has an information sharing agreement with IRCC. The agreement permits ODSP staff to provide information to IRCC to administer and enforce federal immigration legislation.
Note: where the member of the benefit unit is a sponsored immigrant, verification of the length of the sponsorship undertaking and the name of the sponsor must be on file (sponsorship undertaking, record of landed status, electronic verification from IRCC, etc.)
Information regarding debts: Information regarding debts owed by the recipient is recorded in the Notes section in the SAMS. The information may be used to verify a recipient’s debts and repayment requirements. Information sources of debts include the following:
- Credit Card statements
- Loan agreements and outstanding balances
- Letters of promise to pay individuals who have loaned the recipient money on the condition of repayment
- Letter from credit counselling agency
Once the amount has been verified and the information recorded in the Notes section regarding the origin, date and amount of the debt, ensure that this Note is printed on the Application for Assistance, Part 1. A copy of the debt is not to be added to the electronic file.
Note: Information related to an amount owed by a recipient may assist in determining eligibility at a future date if a situation arises regarding disposition of assets where the debt is paid using assets or income received by the recipient.
Suspension of income support
Where required information and documentation continue to be outstanding without reason, income support may be suspended. Suspension of a recipient’s income support may only be imposed after all of the following conditions are met:
- the information and/or documentation requested is essential for the determination of eligibility or the accuracy of the entitlement
- the recipient has been given notice of what information and/or required documentation is outstanding
- the information and/or documentation is within the ability and power of the recipient to obtain
Persons with disabilities may require additional time to obtain or access the necessary information required to verify eligibility for ODSP. Wherever possible, requests for additional time to obtain information should be granted. A test of reasonableness should be applied to determine the amount of additional time allowed to obtain the necessary information.
Where a recipient encounters barriers to obtaining the required documentation or is required to pay to get documentation and is unable to cover the costs, alternate methods of verification should be explored. Alternate methods could include obtaining the information directly from the source using the Consent to Disclose and Verify Personal Information Form.
If a recipient whose income support has been suspended has made reasonable efforts to obtain the necessary information/documentation, they have met eligibility requirements and income support should be released.
The following scenarios outline when it is appropriate/inappropriate to suspend/cancel income support:
Scenario #1
Recipient notifies the Caseworker that their rent has increased and is asked to provide verification of the new rental amount. Recipient is already receiving the maximum shelter allowed under ODSP and rent was previously verified and noted in the SAMS.
Before income support can be suspended/cancelled all three conditions of eligibility must be met.
Is the information and/or documentation requested essential for the determination of eligibility or the accuracy of the entitlement?
No. In the above example, the recipient is already receiving the maximum shelter allowed under ODSP and therefore the shelter allowance would not be increased. The information is not essential for determining eligibility or the accuracy of the entitlement.
Has notice been provided?
Not applicable. As the recipient is receiving the maximum shelter and no increase would be provided, it would not be appropriate to send notice to the recipient requesting this information.
- Is the information and/or documentation within the ability and power of the recipient to obtain?
Not applicable. The information is within the ability/power of the recipient to obtain; however, it is not essential for the determination of eligibility/accuracy of entitlement.
Condition 1 cannot be met and therefore income support should not be suspended/cancelled.
Scenario #2
A recipient reports that their wife has just given birth to their third child. A review of the file indicates that no previous information was provided that the spouse was pregnant. The recipient is asked to provide birth verification for the additional dependant. The information is not provided.
Before income support can be suspended/cancelled all three conditions of eligibility must be met.
Is the information and/or documentation requested essential for the determination of eligibility or the accuracy of the entitlement?
The information requested is essential for the determination of the accuracy of the entitlement. However, the information is not necessary to determine the eligibility of the rest of the benefit unit.
Has notice been provided?
Written notification is sent to the recipient informing him what information is required (e.g. hospital record of birth or a confirmation by the Registrar General of the notice of birth registration) and the impact of not providing the information.
Is the information and/or documentation within the ability and power of the recipient to obtain?
The recipient advises the worker that they have applied to the Registrar General to obtain birth registration; however, they have been informed that the waiting period is three months. Recipient provides the hospital bracelet for the child and agrees to provide the notice of birth registration once it has been received.
Although conditions 1 and 2 have been met, the information is not in the power of the recipient to obtain and in the interim they have provided an alternative proof of birth. Therefore, condition three cannot be met and income support should not be suspended/cancelled. The dependent child should be added to the ODSP benefit unit.
Scenario #3
A file review was completed for a recipient who has been in receipt of income support for 15 years. The recipient’s file was missing verification of landing records, however a birth certificate is provided showing he was born in England. The recipient was asked to provide a copy of his landing records. The recipient provided verification that he had contacted IRCC’s Case Processing Centre and that record of his landing papers were not on file. The letter from IRCC was provided to the office as verification of his efforts to obtain the required information.
Before income support can be suspended/cancelled all three conditions of eligibility must be met.
Is the information and/or documentation requested essential for the determination of eligibility or the accuracy of the entitlement?
The information requested is essential for the determination of eligibility.
Has notice been provided?
As part of the file review, written notice was sent to the recipient requesting his landing records.
Is the information and/or documentation within the ability and power of the recipient to obtain?
The recipient made reasonable efforts to obtain the required information; however, it was not within his ability and power to obtain the documentation. Verification and audit requirements would be met by documenting that the required information was requested and that the recipient was unable to obtain the information. The letter from IRCC would be placed on file to substantiate that reasonable efforts were made to obtain the required information. This verification would not be brought forward or required at the next file review.
Although condition one and two were met, condition three was not and as a result, income support would not be suspended or cancelled.
Scenario #4
Recipient is in receipt of the Extended Health Benefit. He receives a notice to provide copies, for the past 12 months of all prescription costs, dental costs and bank statements. The letter states that the information must be provided within 10 days or the income support will be suspended.
Before income support can be suspended/cancelled all three conditions of eligibility must be met.
Is the information and/or documentation requested essential for the determination of eligibility or the accuracy of the entitlement?
The documentation requested is essential for determining eligibility for the Extended Health Benefit.
Has notice been provided?
A written notice was sent to the recipient outlining the information that was required.
Is the information and/or documentation within the ability and power of the recipient to obtain?
The documentation is within the ability and power of the recipient to obtain, however, it is unreasonable to request him to obtain this information within ten days.
In this example, income support should not be cancelled. The recipient should be provided with a reasonable time period to obtain the documentation.
Scenario #5
It is winter when a recipient attends a EVP interview and provides all the documentation requested on the advance list. During the interview, a review of the third-party checks indicates that she has a second property in another province that may be worth more than the allowable asset limit. The recipient is given a letter requesting documentation of the property, along with its value. According to EVP standards, two weeks is provided to the recipient to submit the information.
The recipient has limited mobility making it difficult for her to go outside, particularly during bad weather months, to get to her bank and/or lawyer to pick up the documentation.
Before income support can be suspended/cancelled all three conditions of eligibility must be met.
Is the information and/or documentation requested essential for the determination of eligibility or the accuracy of the entitlement?
The documentation requested is essential for determining eligibility for the ongoing income support.
Has notice been provided?
A written notice was given to the recipient outlining the information that was required.
Is the information and/or documentation within the ability and power of the recipient to obtain?
The documentation is within the ability and power of the recipient to obtain, however, it is unreasonable to request her to obtain this information within two weeks taking into consideration her physical limitations compounded by the difficulties related to the seasonal weather.
In this example, income support should not be cancelled. The recipient should be provided with a reasonable time period to obtain the documentation.
Related directives
- 2.5 — Tourists, immigrants, refugees and deportees
- 2.8 — Participation requirements for non-disabled adult dependents
- 4.4 — Transfer of assets for inadequate consideration
- 4.7 — Funds held in trust
- 4.8 — Life insurance policies
- 5.4 — Self-employment income
- 5.6 — Private home day care provider
- 5.7 — Farm income
- 5.15 — Spousal and child support
- 6.2 — Shelter calculation
- 10.1 — Pay direct
- 10.2 — Trustees