9.18 — Work-related benefit
May 2018
Summary of policy
A monthly amount of $100 for work-related expenses is provided to each member in months they have income from employment or a training program, or positive net income from the operation of a business.
Legislative authority
Section 44 (1) 6.2 of the ODSP Regulation
Summary of directive
The Directive describes the eligibility criteria for Work-Related Benefit, its purpose and who may receive the benefit.
Intent of policy
The benefit provides an incentive to find work and remain employed by recognizing the costs associated with working.
Application of policy
A person or family must be determined financially eligible, based on their budgetary requirements, income and assets in order to receive the Work-Related Benefit. The Work-Related Benefit is not a component of budgetary requirements.
Each adult member of a benefit unit who earns income from employment, a training program, or has a positive net income from the operation of a business as determined by the Director, is eligible for a monthly amount of $100 for work-related expenses.
The benefit is provided each month the member has income from employment or a training program, or a net positive income from the operation of a business. If there are no earnings in a month, the recipient is not eligible for the benefit in that month.
Recipients with earnings are required to report their earnings from employment and training monthly along with their pay stubs, if required. In situations where no pay stub is available and verification is required, the recipient must provide documentation from his/her employer containing the required information.
The following members are not eligible for the Work-Related Benefit:
- recipients, adult spouses and dependent adults who attend secondary or post-secondary school full time
- members under the age of 18 years of age
Members of a benefit unit with business income
For ODSP members of a benefit unit who operate a business, allowable business expenses are deducted from the gross business income in order to calculate the net income from the operation of the business. (See Directive 5.4 Treatment of self-employment income)
Earnings exemptions, including deductions for child care and disability-related expenses as appropriate, are then applied to the net business income to determine chargeable income. (See Directive 5.3 Deductions from employment and training income)
The amount of monthly income support is calculated based on the projected net annual business income averaged over the year. Members must, at a minimum, provide an annual report to the Director, which identifies business income, assets and expenses. Business income can be reported on a monthly basis if the member requests to do so.
If there is no net positive income in a given month, the member is not eligible for the Work-Related Benefit in that month.
The Work-Related Benefit is payable in a month a member has earnings.
The benefit is not pro-rated based on number of days the member works in a month, or how much he/she earned. For recipients with business income, the benefit is only payable if their net monthly income is a positive amount.
The benefit is included in the monthly income support provided to the benefit unit. The $100 may be used for any purpose, and no receipts are required to account for how the benefit is spent.
The Work-Related Benefit is paid in addition to any other benefits the member is eligible for, and its payment does not affect the payment of other benefits. For example, if a member meets the eligibility benefit criteria for the Work-Related Benefit and the Mandatory Special Necessities medical transportation benefit, the member would be eligible to receive both benefits regardless of the fact that transportation is one of the intended work-related expenses the Work-Related Benefit is intended to cover.
Related directives
5.3 — Deductions from employment and training income
5.4 — Treatment of self-employment income