July 2024

Summary of Policy

If an applicant or recipient is residing in an interval or transition home for abused women, income support is calculated as if she were living in the community if the applicant/recipient requires assistance for the cost of shelter in order to preserve her right to return to her previous dwelling place as her principal residence.

After three months, budgetary requirements may be reduced to an amount that is not less than $149 for each member of the benefit unit residing in the interval or transition home.

Where the applicant/recipient does not intend to preserve her right to return to her previous dwelling, the budgetary requirements are $149 per member of the benefit unit.

Legislative Authority

Sections 3 3.1 and 45.3(3) of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Regulation

Summary of Directive

This directive applies to all applicants/recipients temporarily residing in an interval or transition home for abused women (hereafter referred to as “interval or transition homes”). If the woman was a member of an ODSP benefit unit and not eligible for ODSP in her own right prior to moving into the interval or transition home, she should be redirected to the local Ontario Works office.

If the applicant/recipient requires assistance to cover the cost of shelter for her previous dwelling place in order to preserve her right to return, income support shall be calculated as if the recipient were still living in the community (as per sections 30 to 33 of the Regulation).

After three months, the budgetary requirements of the recipient may be reduced to an amount that is not less than $149 for each member of the benefit unit residing in the interval or transition home. Consideration should be given to the actual costs of maintaining the community accommodation in order to preserve her right to return.

If the applicant/recipient does not preserve her right to return to the previous dwelling place, budgetary requirements are $149 for each member of the benefit unit residing in the interval or transition home.

Intent of Policy

To ensure that applicant/recipients temporarily residing in an interval or transition home and their dependant children are able to maintain their right to return to their principal residence in the community.

Application of Policy

Applicant/Recipient Wishes to Preserve Her Right to Return to Her Principal Residence in the Community

First three months of residency:

  • Income support should reflect the actual budgetary requirements as if the applicant/recipient were not residing in the interval or transition home. Budgetary requirements are calculated according to sections 30 to 33 of the Regulation, as applicable
  • The first full calendar month that the recipient resides in the interval or transition home will count as the first month of residency. For applicants who were granted while in an interval or transition home, the first month of residency is the month after the month of grant
  • This applies to both board/lodgers and renters/owners

Examples as follows:

Accommodation StatusBudgetary Requirements prior to Admission
July 2024
Months 1 to 3
(per month)
August 2024 to October 2024
Renter - single
(wishes to preserve right to return to principal residence)
$786 (BN)
up to $582 (Shelter)
$786 (BN)
up to $582 (Shelter)
Renter - single
(Gives up right to return to her principal residence in Month 2)
$786 (BN)
up to $582 (Shelter)
Month 1-2 $786 (BN)
up to $582 (Shelter)
Month 3 $149 (PNA)

After three months of residency:

  • The regulation states that the Director may reduce the budgetary requirements of the resident of the interval or transition home after three months of residency
    • The intent of the policy is to ensure that recipients and their dependant children, temporarily residing in an interval or transition home, are able to maintain their right to return to their principal residence in the community by providing an appropriate amount of income support. Therefore, when determining the budgetary requirements of the recipient after three months, consideration should be given to the actual costs of maintaining the community accommodation
  • Income support should not be reduced below $149 per month for each member of the benefit unit residing in the interval or transition home
  • A recipient shall continue to receive all benefits to which she is entitled while in an interval or transition home. Recipients should inform the interval or transition home of receipt of these benefits to eliminate any duplication
  • Where the applicant/recipient’s budgetary requirements are not calculated according to sections 30 to 33 of the Regulations, she is not eligible for the Transition Child Benefit since the basic needs of any dependent children are being met by the facility. (see Directive 9.20 Transition Child Benefit)

Recipient Does Not Wish to Preserve Her Right to Return to Her Principal Residence in the Community

  • For applicants/recipients who do not wish to preserve their right to return to the principal residence while in the interval or transition home, income support is calculated as $149 for each member of the benefit unit residing in the interval or transition home
  • Income support is adjusted the month after they cease to maintain their community residence
  • As the basic needs of the dependent child (ren) are being met by the facility, the applicant/recipient is not eligible for the Transition Child Benefit. (see Directive 9.20 Transition Child Benefit)
  • The first full calendar month that the recipient resides in the interval or transition home will count as the first month of residency. For applicants who were granted while in an interval or transition home, the first month of residency is the month after the month of grant

Discharge Procedures

  • Similar to the policy for recipients temporarily residing in a hospital, in the month of discharge, recipients are eligible for a full month’s income support based on their accommodation costs and basic needs at the time of discharge
  • Recipients who have preserved their right to return to the previous dwelling place and who had their basic needs reduced while in the interval or transition home may require further assistance (e.g. food, clothing, etc.). In these circumstances, they may be eligible for a retroactive budget calculation for the previous month(s). An arrears cheque shall be provided on the date of discharge
  • Recipients who have not preserved their right to return to the previous dwelling place are not eligible for a retroactive budget calculation


Single recipient who is preserving her right to return to the previous dwelling place while in the interval or transition home and receiving a shelter allowance of $582.

July 2024 -
In Interval or Transition Home
August 2024 -
Discharge planned for September 15th
September 2024 -
Community entitlement
Budgetary Requirements:
$582 (shelter)

The budgetary requirements for August

$582 (shelter)

Budgetary requirements = $1,368

The budgetary requirements for August are retroactively recalculated.

August revised:
-$ 731 (provided already)

$637 (To be received at discharge. This represents the arrears for the month of August)

$1,368 (at month’s end)

Related Directives

6.1 Basic Needs Calculation
8.1 Budgetary Requirements for Recipients Who Reside in Institutions
8.2 Treatment of Budgetary Requirements - Temporary Stays in a Hospital or Substance Abuse Recovery Home
9.20 Transition Child Benefit
11.1 Recovery of Overpayments