Fisheries Management Zone 13
View Fisheries Management Zone 13 map using Fish ON-Line or a PDF.
- All lakes on Manitoulin Island are a part of Zone 10 except South Bay (Zone 13) and Lake Wolsey (Zone 14). There are some regulatory exceptions in place on Manitoulin Island. Please see Manitoulin Island - inland waters under Exceptions to Zone 10 Regulations.
- St. Mary’s River west of the compensating works gate and the canal lock in Sault Ste. Marie is in Zone 14.
General information
- Refer to general fishing regulations for more information on how to use this summary.
- Two lines may be used when trolling from a boat in open water in Lake Huron (Main Basin).
- The following species are not present in this Zone and are closed to fishing all year:
- brook trout
- splake
- FMZ 13 part of the Great Lakes. Baitfish and leeches that are both dead and preserved can be transported into and out of BMZs and the Great Lakes.
- Baitfish and leeches that are not both dead and preserved may be transported out of:
- an adjacent bait management zone and used in the Great Lakes
- the Great Lakes only to be disposed of immediately more than 30 metres from the water
Zone-wide seasons and limits
Aggregate limits for trout and salmon (including splake)
Limits: S-5 and C-2; total daily catch and possession limit for all trout and salmon species combined
Atlantic salmon
Season: open all year
Limits: S-1 and C-0
Brown trout
Season: open all year
Limits: S-5 and C-2
Channel catfish
Season: open all year
Limits: S-12 and C-6
Season: open all year
Limits: S-30 and C-10
Lake sturgeon
Season: closed all year
Lake trout
Season: January 1 to September 30 and December 1 to December 31
Limits: S-2 and C-1
Lake whitefish
Season: open all year
Limits: S-12 and C-6
Largemouth and smallmouth bass combined
Season: fourth Saturday in June to November 30
Limits: S-6 and C-2
Season: third Saturday in June to December 15
Limits: S-1; must be greater than 102 centimetres, and C-0
Northern pike
Season: open all year
Limits: S-4 and C-2
Pacific salmon
Season: open all year
Limits: S-5 and C-2
Rainbow trout
Season: open all year
Limits: S-2 and C-1
Season: open all year
Limits: S-50 and C-25
Walleye and sauger combined
Season: open all year
Limits: S-6 and C-2
Yellow perch
Season: open all year
Limits: S-50 and C-25