Species at risk guides and resources
Standards, guidelines, reference materials and technical resources related to the Endangered Species Act and its regulations.
This page does not reflect the current state of the law.
We will be updating this page based on changes made to O. Reg. 242/08 and O. Reg. 830/21 in December 2021.
To determine your legal obligations, consult the Endangered Species Act, 2007, O. Reg. 242/08 and O. Reg. 830/21.
Policies under the ESA
Documents providing information and interpretation of the Endangered Species Act for land owners, contractors, and the general public. Outlines the broad requirements of the act, roles and responsibilities, and policy guidance
- Categorizing and Protecting Habitat under the ESA
- Endangered Species Act Submission Standards for Activity Review and 17(2)c Overall Benefit Permits
- Policy Guidance on Harm and Harass under the Endangered Species Act
Permits and agreements
Documents outlining Endangered Species Act permitting requirements, checklists, and application forms for landowners, researchers, contractors, and consultants that are undertaking projects that may impact species at risk and their habitats
- Application for an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)c of the Endangered Species Act
- Avoidance Alternatives Form for activities that may require an overall benefit permit under clause 17(2)c of the Endangered Species Act
- Endangered Species Act Permit Pre-Assessment Checklist (PDF)
- Endangered Species Act Permit Process - Understanding the Activity Review and Overall Benefit Permitting Process (PDF)
- Endangered Species Act Submission Standards for Activity Review and 17(2)c Overall Benefit Permits (PDF)
- Information Gathering Form for activities that may affect species or habitat protected under the Endangered Species Act
- Ontario Species at Risk Handling Manual: For Endangered Species Act Authorization Holders (PDF)
- Policy Guidance on Harm and Harass under the Endangered Species Act
Guidance documents
Information to help proponents make the right decisions when planning or implementing projects that may impact species at risk or their habitat. Activities may include building and road construction, wind power projects, bat exclusion, and species monitoring
- A Guide to Road Ecology in Ontario (PDF)
- A synthesis of operational mitigation studies to reduce bat fatalities at wind energy facilities in North America (PDF)
- Advisory Practice Bulletin. White Nose Syndrome (PDF)
- Agency Guide to Cave and Mine Gates (PDF)
- Bats and bat habitats: guidelines for wind power projects (PDF)
- Bats: enjoy them from a distance (PDF)
- Bats in buildings: a guide to safe and humane exclusions (PDF)
- Birds and Bird Habitats: Guidelines for Wind Power Projects
- Black Ash assessment guidelines
- Butternut assessment guideline
- Environmental Guide for Erosion and Sediment Control during Construction of Highway Projects (PDF)
- Erosion and Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction (PDF)
- Guidance for Development Activities in Redside Dace Protected Habitat
- Planting the Seed: A Guide to Establishing Prairie and Meadow Communities in Southern Ontario (PDF)
- Protocol for the detection and relocation of freshwater mussel species at risk in Ontario-Great Lakes Area
- Provincial List of Authorized Wildlife Custodians (Rehabilitators) in Ontario
- Southern Ontario Tree Seed Zone Atlas (PDF)
- Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program - An Environmental Cost-Share Funding Opportunity for Farmers 2012-2013 (PDF)
- Survey Protocol for Blanding’s Turtle in Ontario
- Survey Protocol for Ontario’s Species at Risk Snakes
- Survey Protocol for Queensnake in Ontario
- Survey Protocol for Species at Risk Unionid Mussels in Wetlands in Ontario
- Survey Protocol for Spotted Turtle in Ontario
- Survey Protocol for Wood Turtle in Ontario
- Things you can do to promote bat conservation (PDF)
Best Management Practices
MNRF published documents outlining best practices for various projects and situations, such as waterpower, mineral exploration, and tourism activities
- Best Management Practices for Excluding Barn Swallows and Chimney Swifts from Buildings and Structures (PDF)
- Best Management Practices: Guide for American Eel and Waterpower in Ontario (associated cost)
- Best Management Practices: Guide for Channel Darter and Waterpower Operation and Development in Ontario (associated cost)
- Best Management Practices for Mitigating the Effects of Roads on Amphibian and Reptile Species at Risk in Ontario (PDF)
- Best management Practices for the Protection, Creation and Maintenance of Bank Swallow Habitat in Ontario (PDF)
- Best Management Practices for Tourism Activities and Woodland Caribou in Ontario
- Best Management Practices for Mineral Exploration and Development Activities and Woodland Caribou in Ontario
- Best Management Practices for Renewable Energy, Energy Infrastructure and Energy Transmission Activities and Woodland Caribou in Ontario
- Best Practices Technical Note: Creating Nesting Habitat for Barn Swallows (PDF)
- Reptile and Amphibian Exclusion Fencing: Best Practices