Employer Job Offer Streams: Employer Checklist
If you are an employer and an applicant is applying on your behalf for the approval of an employment position under the OINP Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream, the Employer Job Offer: International Student Stream, or the Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills Stream, you must provide the following documents:
- Application for Approval of an Employment Position (Employer Form)
- Job offer signed by you and the applicant
Important: When we assess the application, we may request additional supporting documents from you to validate information included in the Application for Approval of an Employment Position (Employer Form). Please note that these documents are not required up front and will only be requested post submission if needed. Please refer to the list of possible documents that may be requested in additional documents.
Employer Form
You must fill out and sign an Application for Approval of an Employment Position (Employer Form) and give it to the applicant to scan and upload with their application.
Please note: If you are appointing a representative, make sure that you and your representative complete and sign section A in the Application for Approval of an Employment Position (Employer Form).
Job offer
You must give the applicant the original job offer that is signed and dated by you and the applicant to upload with their application.
The job offer must:
- be less than six months old
- be printed on business letterhead that shows your business address, telephone/fax numbers, email and website addresses
- identify the responsible officer/supervisor and include their signature
- be stamped with the business corporate seal (if applicable)
- include the following information:
- job title
- NOC code
- wage for the position being offered
- duties and responsibilities
- number of hours per week and number of weeks of work per year
- number of days/weeks of vacation
- workplace location
- employment start date
- an indication that the offer being made is for a full-time position of an indeterminate duration (no end date)
- confirmation that the terms and conditions of the job offer are effective as of the date of nomination if the nominee is already working for you in the approved employment position, or if the nominee is not, on the date that the nominee obtains a work permit and begins working for you in the approved employment position
Note: If the applicant is currently working for you in the same position as the job offer, they can submit the original job offer signed by you and the applicant (it must include the information listed above). You must also give the applicant a letter confirming they are still employed by your company, the conditions of the job and any changes to the position being offered.
Other documents (if applicable)
If applicable, you may also need to provide copies of the following documents to the applicant to scan and upload with their application:
- a copy of your job advertisements, if you are required to demonstrate reasonable recruitment efforts (see Recruitment efforts documentation for more information)
- a copy of your Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), if you have one for the same NOC code as the position being offered to the applicant
- a copy of the applicable section in your collective agreement that outlines wages, if the wage of the position offered to the applicant does not meet the low or median wage requirement but adheres to the wage requirements outlined in the collective agreement.
Transport truck driver positions
Please note, if you are seeking an approval of a NOC 73300 – Transport truck driver or NOC 73301 Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators employment position, you must also demonstrate that your business has both:
- a valid CVOR certificate, as defined in subsection 1 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act
- a safety rating under that act of Excellent, Satisfactory or Satisfactory Unaudited
Additional documents (if requested after application submission)
We may ask for additional documents after application submission if we think it necessary to assess an application.
We may request documents to confirm or prove:
- you have a business that has been in continuous operation for at least three years
- you maintain a place of business in Ontario where the applicant will work
- your business meets the minimum gross annual revenue required
- your business has at least three or five full-time employees (depending on the business location) who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents where the applicant will work or report to work
- your business has enough full-time employees to submit one or more applications to the OINP in the same calendar year
- you made efforts to hire a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, if required (not applicable for the International Student Stream)
Active business documents
Your business must have been active for at least three years before you apply. We may ask you for more information depending on whether:
- your business has been active in Canada or outside Canada within the last three years
- your business amalgamated within the last three years
- you purchased your business within the last three years
Your business was active in Canada within in the last three years
We may ask for a copy of either:
- Canada Revenue Agency Schedules 125 (Income Statement Information) and 141 (Accounting Practitioner Information) for (at least one of) the predecessor business(es) each corporation covering the three years prior to the application submission date or
- the business’s financial statements signed by a chartered professional accountant (CPA) for (at least one of) the predecessor business(es) each corporation covering the three years prior to the application submission date
Your business was active outside Canada within the last three years
If your business operated outside Canada within the last three years, you may be required to demonstrate that your business was active. We may ask you to provide copies of:
- foreign corporate or other business tax returns for the past three years prior to the application submission date and
- incorporation or other constituting documents for the foreign business and the Canadian business and
- any other documentation that demonstrates that your business in Ontario is affiliated with the business outside Canada and been active for at least three years prior to the application submission date
Your business was amalgamated within the last three years
If your business has gone through an amalgamation in the past three years, you may be required to submit documents for the predecessor business(es). We may ask for a copy of either:
- Canada Revenue Agency Schedules 125 (Income Statement Information) and 141 (Accounting Practitioner Information) for (at least one of) the predecessor business(es) each corporation covering the three years prior to the application submission date
- the business’s financial statements signed by a CPA for (at least one of) the predecessor business(es) each corporation covering the three years prior to the application submission date
You purchased your business within the last three years
If you have purchased your business in the past three years, you may be required to submit documentation to demonstrate that the business was in continuous operation prior to you purchasing it and that the purpose of the business remained the same following the purchase. We may ask for copies of:
- the business’s financial statements signed by a CPA covering the three years prior to the application submission date and
- the purchase agreement (or franchise agreement, if applicable) that shows you purchased the business and
- any other documentation that demonstrates that the business you purchased had been active for at least three years prior to the application submission date and that the same products and services continued to be provided after the purchase
Business premise documents
To prove you have a business premise in Ontario, you may be asked to submit either a copy of:
- a deed to the property, which shows the employer as owner
- a valid lease, offer of lease, license, or valid notice of license registered on title with landlord/licensor’s name, address and telephone number
Gross annual revenue documents
To prove your business’s gross annual revenue, you may be asked to submit copies of either:
- Canada Revenue Agency Schedules 125 (Income Statement Information) and 141 (Accounting Practitioner Information) for the most recently completed fiscal year or
- The business’s financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year, signed by a chartered professional accountant (CPA)
Number of full-time employees documents
To show how many full-time employees work for you at the time of application submission, and to show that your business has enough full-time employees to submit one or more applications in the same calendar year, you may be asked to submit a copy of:
- a completed full-time employee chart
- your business’s organizational chart
- individual T4 statements and pay slips to demonstrate that you employ at least three or five (depending on the location of your business) full-time employees who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents at the time of application.
Important: Only Canadian citizens or permanent residents can be considered part of the employer’s full-time staff.
Note: Social insurance numbers (SIN) that begin with the number nine are issued to temporary residents who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Recruitment efforts documentation (Foreign Worker or In-Demand Skills streams only)
Some employers have to demonstrate that they made enough effort to recruit a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident for the position being offered to the applicant.
You may be asked to provide proof of recruitment efforts if the OINP applicant is:
- currently living abroad
- visiting Canada
- working in a province or territory other than Ontario
You will not have to provide proof of recruitment if the applicant is currently authorized to work in Ontario, or you have a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) for the same NOC code and position being offered to the applicant. If you do have a LMIA, you may be asked to provide a copy.
Proof of recruitment efforts
To prove you tried to recruit a Canadian citizen or permanent resident prior to offering the position to the applicant, you may be asked to submit additional documents to demonstrate your advertising or recruitment methods after application submission, above and beyond the job advertisements that you must give the applicant to scan and upload with their application.
You should use a minimum of two advertising or recruitment methods, including:
- a job bank advertisement with the Government of Canada’s Job Bank
- print media (national or provincial/territorial newspapers, national journals, magazines with national coverage, specialized journals, professional association magazines, newsletters, etc.)
- advertisement on general employment websites (workopolis.com, monster.ca, indeed.ca, LinkedIn Jobs, CareerBuilder.ca, Glassdoor.ca, Eluta.ca etc.)
- advertisement on specialist websites dedicated to specific occupation profiles (accounting, marketing, biotechnology, education, engineering etc.)
- posting on employer’s career website for internal and external candidates
- demonstrated participation at job fairs
Your advertisement should be posted for at least four weeks prior to offering the position to the applicant, be accessible to the general public and include:
- business operating name
- business address
- position title and duties
- skill requirements which include education and/or work experience
- wage (where a wage is posted, the median wage must be within the range)
- location where the employee will work (city or town)
- contact information: name, address, telephone number, email address
- date posted and date advertisement will close (dd/mm/yyyy – dd/mm/yyyy)
Do not submit personal information about candidates to the OINP, such as resumes containing names, addresses, dates of birth, etc.
How to submit your documentation
The following documents must be given to the applicant to upload with their application
- Application for Approval of an Employment Position (Employer Form)
- Signed job offer
- If applicable:
- Job advertisements
- Collective agreement
- Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR) certificate
If other supporting documents are needed, we will contact you after the application has been initially reviewed.
Contact us
Ask us a question via webform or by phone from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at:
Tel: 416-327-0374 Toll-free: 1-866-214-6820 (toll-free within North America only)TTY: 416-325-0866 Toll-free TTY: 1-866-853-2137