Completed regulatory amendments for 2010
Completed July 1, 2010: O. Reg. 121/98, Administration and Enforcement of Regulations in Respect of the Raw Milk and Cream Quality under the Milk Act
The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs made amendments to O. Reg. 121/98, Administration and Enforcement of Regulations in Respect of the Raw Milk and Cream Quality under the Milk Act. These amendments correct a previous error in the regulation as well as correct errors in cross-references created due to recent amendments to Regulation 761.
Completed June 18, 2010: O. Reg. 123/04 (Apples – Plan) to ensure adequate producer representation in each of five districts under the governance structure of the Ontario Apple Growers
The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (commission) approved and recommended to the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs that the proposed amendment to O. Reg. 123/04 (Apples – Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act be approved to ensure that in any apple growing district in which there are less than 60 district group members, that such a district would be represented by three delegates on the District Apple Producers’ Committee.
Completed June 1, 2010: Regulation 761, Milk and Milk Products and O. Reg. 143/98, Fees — Administration and Enforcement of Delegated Legislation
The commission amended Regulation 761 and O. Reg. 143/98 of the Milk Act. These amendments, made in part to be responsive to key issues of dairy stakeholders, allow industry more oversight for certain aspects of raw cow milk quality testing that will provide more information for farm-management decisions and authority over testing for producer-processor payment purposes. The amendments do not impact the safety and quality of milk and milk products in Ontario.
Completed May 17, 2010: O. Reg. 433 and O. Reg. 434 under the Farm Products Marketing Act
Fresh nectarines were added to the Ontario Tender Fruit Producers’ Marketing Board’s authorities under O. Reg. 433 (Tender Fruit – Marketing) and O. Reg. 434 (Tender Fruit – Plan) of the Farm Products Marketing Act.
Completed March 23, 2010: R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 415 (Grapes For Processing – Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act regarding governance of the Grape Growers of Ontario
The Grape Growers of Ontario (GGO) requested amendments to R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 415 (Grapes For Processing – Plan) under the Farm Products Marketing Act. GGO members were consulted on this matter, and agreed to the amendments. The amendments include an increase in size of the GGO Board; the inclusion of two regions of the province as separate districts and three-year staggered terms for board members. The commission fully supported these amendments.
Completed January 1, 2010: “Grain (Grain Corn, Soybeans and Wheat) – Plan” (O. Reg. 484/09) under the Farm Products Marketing Act
Formation of a single marketing board for grain corn, soybeans and wheat under the Farm Products Marketing Act to replace marketing boards for soybeans and wheat and to replace an association for corn producers.