Completed regulatory amendments for 2011
Completed August 31, 2011: R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 440 (Vegetables for Processing – Marketing) regarding “green shippers”
The Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers has requested the support of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (commission) to amend Regulation 440 (Vegetables for Processing – Marketing). The proposed amendments would allow “green shippers” of peppers and cucumbers to take part in price negotiations with farmers and processors of these commodities and provide the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers with the regulatory authority to require proof of financial responsibility or security from green shippers.
Completed April 21, 2011: O. Reg. 354/95 (Milk and Farm Separated Cream – Marketing) under the Milk Act
The commission has approved in principle the amending of O. Reg. 354/95 (Milk and Farm Separated Cream – Marketing) to provide additional authority under the Milk Act that would allow Dairy Farmers of Ontario to make regulations concerning the licencing of Ontario dairy producers and the Canadian Quality Milk (CQM) program.
Completed April 20, 2011: R. R. O. 1990 Regulation 402 (Chickens - Marketing) under subsection 8(1)(a) of the Farm Products Marketing Act to allow for additional powers for the Chicken Farmers of Ontario
The commission supports a request by the Chicken Farmers of Ontario (CFO) and the Association of Ontario Chicken Processors (AOCP) to amend Regulation 402 (Chickens – Marketing) to give authority to the CFO to determine the quality of each class, variety, grade and size of the regulated product that shall be marketed by each producer.
Completed January 1, 2011: Regulation 402 of R. R. O. 1990 (Chickens - Marketing) to allow for an industry advisory committee
The commission supports a request by the CFO and the AOCP to amend Regulation 402 (Chickens – Marketing) to allow for the establishment of an industry advisory committee. The committee would include representation from the CFO, the AOCP and the commission and would advise and make recommendations to the CFO on issues related to the production and marketing of chickens.
Completed January 1, 2011: O. Reg. 340/01 (Designation – Ontario Ginseng Growers’ Association) regarding licence fees
At the request of the Ontario Ginseng Growers’ Association (OGGA), the commission is proposing to amend O. Reg. 340/01 to increase the current licence fee paid by ginseng growers to the Association. The proposed regulatory amendment would increase the annual licence fee levied by the OGGA from $50 per acre of ginseng grown to $75 per acre.