Completed regulatory amendments for 2017
Completed December 21, 2017: R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 440 (Vegetables for Processing - Marketing) under the Farm Products Marketing Act
Following the completion of consultations and an economic analysis, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission (commission) is proposing amendments to Regulation 440. The changes promote growth, innovation and jobs in the processing vegetable industry by creating opportunities for growers and processors to work together for the benefit of the entire value chain.
Completed November 1, 2017: Regulations establishing the Berry Growers of Ontario as a marketing board for producers of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries under the Farm Products Marketing Act
Berry producers have expressed support for the establishment of a marketing board for blueberries, raspberries and strawberries and have asked the commission to recommend to the Minister that a board be established. The establishment of a board requires the creation of two regulations under the Farm Products Marketing Act - a plan regulation to create the board and a marketing regulation to give the board its powers.
Completed August 11, 2017: R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 441 (Vegetables for Processing - Plan) and minor consequential amendments to R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 400 (By-Laws for Local Boards) under the Farm Products Marketing Act
Amendments to Regulations 441 are being proposed to update the governance structure of the Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers to foster an environment that embraces growth and innovation for the processing vegetable sector.
Completed May 29, 2017: R. R. O. 1990, Regulation 433 (Tender Fruit - Marketing) under the Farm Products Marketing Act
The commission, with the support of the industry is proposing to make amendments to Regulation 433 (Tender Fruit - Marketing), which would exempt small processors from the regulation other than clauses 6 (a), (b) and (c). For the purposes of this regulation a small processor is anyone that purchases less than one ton (907.2 kg) of tender fruit annually.