Cap and trade: register and participate in CITSS
Learn how to register to use the Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS), a tool used to track greenhouse gas allowances and credits in Ontario’s cap and trade program.
CITSS registration is now open for participants.
We have developed a plan to wind down the program.
Contact us if you have any questions.
The Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service is a web-based tool that allows users to track greenhouse gas allowances and credits. CITSS is used by Ontario, California, and Quebec, the three jurisdictions participating in cap and trade programs under the Western Climate Initiative, Inc. (WCI, Inc.).
CITSS is used to:
- register participants in cap and trade programs across all three jurisdictions
- track program participants’ emission allowances and credits
- transfer and record emissions allowances and credits
- track compliance obligations
- support market oversight activities
Deadline for setting up an account
Mandatory participants
The deadline for mandatory participants to register in the program in 2017 and onwards is set-out in the Ontario cap and trade regulation.
Please review section 24 (1) of Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program Regulation for additional information on these deadlines.
To be in compliance with requirements for registration in the cap and trade program, all mandatory participants must have:
- begun the registration process
- submitted their full hard copy registration package to the ministry for review
If you are out of compliance with requirements for program registration you will be contacted by the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change for follow up action, which may include:
- an order
- investigation
- prosecution (if warranted)
Voluntary participants
If you want to become a voluntary participant in the cap and trade program there are strict deadlines you must meet to register for the program.
You must register in CITSS no later than September 1 in order to become a voluntary participant for the following year. For example, if you wish to register with a compliance obligation starting on January 1, 2019, you must register by September 1, 2018.
For more information on who is eligible and how to apply to become a voluntary participant, please visit the voluntary participant webpage.
Market participants
Market participants can apply any time for CITSS registration.
Register and set up an account
To open a CITSS account, you must complete a two-part process.
- part 1 – recognition as an account agent (user registration)
- part 2 - participant registration (the account application)
In part 1 of the CITSS registration process you must register individuals as Account Agents (users) through the recognition as an account agent (RAA) process. Once this is completed, approved users can perform additional actions in CITSS, including starting part 2 – participant registration (PR).
Both mandatory and voluntary participants are required to have:
- one Primary Account Representative (PAR)
- and at least one Alternate Account Representative (AAR)
A market participant - individual is only required to have one PAR.
A market participant - organization is required to have one PAR and at least one AAR.
Account Representatives can be individuals already approved as Account Agents in CITSS (through completion of part 1). Or, a participant can have 2 new individuals register through the RAA process.
Part 1 – recognition as an account agent (user registration)
To register as an Account Agent in CITSS you must enter data electronically in CITSS. You must also submit the following hard copy forms to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change:
- Recognition as an Account Agent registration checklist (printed from CITSS)
- Recognition as an Account Agent registration form (printed from CITSS)
- Proof of identity form (printed from CITSS)
- Identity Verification and Attestation Form including copies of two government-issued identity documents and an optional Letter of Authorization
- A Letter from a Financial Institution located in Canada, confirming that your identity was verified
If you are an approved Account Agent in another jurisdiction’s cap and trade program, please use the CITSS Cross-Jurisdiction User Form. Please note that the Primary Account Representative (PAR) must be a resident of Ontario, in accordance with section 44 (2) of Ontario’s Cap and Trade Program Regulation (O. Reg. 144/16).
Read our step-by-step guidance on how to complete the first part of the registration process.
Part 2 – participant registration (account application)
You cannot complete this step until you are an approved Account Agent (user), through part 1 of the CITSS registration process.
To register as a participant in CITSS you must enter data electronically in CITSS. You must also submit the following hard copy forms to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change:
- Participant Registration checklist (printed from CITSS)
- Participant Registration form (printed from CITSS)
- Voluntary Participant Registration Form (for Voluntary Participants only)
- Business Relationship Disclosure Form
- Letter of Authorization to Designate Account Representatives (if not submitted during Part 1)
Read our step-by-step guidance on how to complete the second part of the registration process.
After you’ve registered and are approved in CITSS
Once you’ve been approved as a Registered Account Agent or a Participant in CITSS, you may need to make changes or update your information from time to time. Below are step-by-step guidance materials to help you:
- update account agent information - learn how to update your account agent profile and password information after registering
update your profile – learn how to update your participant/entity profile after you register
account representatives – learn how to add, remove, change and manage account representatives
business relationships – find information on how to define, disclose and update your business relationships
Learn more about registration
These additional guidance materials will help you with CITSS registration.
- frequently asked questions – find answers to your questions about the two-part registration process
- glossary of terms – learn more about the terms used in CITSS and in Ontario’s cap and trade program
- tips for entering data – get tips and guidance about how to enter data into CITSS