
Ontario raises the most sheep of any Canadian province. Common breeds include:

  • Suffolk
  • Dorset
  • Rideau Arcott

The primary market for sheep is meat, with smaller markets for wool and sheep milk.


Learn about how to start a sheep farm, different production systems, sheep facilities and best practices for animal care.

Breeding and reproduction

Develop an effective reproduction plan and use genetics for flock improvement to create a profitable sheep operation.

Pregnancy and lambing

Proper care during pregnancy and lambing can reduce lamb mortality rates and strengthen the flock.

Learn about rearing, preparing a lambing kit and the signs of complications to ensure a smooth lambing process.

Lamb care

Learn about best practices for lamb care including treating for hypothermia, feeding colostrum, housing solutions and newborn processing.

Feeding and nutrition

Learn about planning a feeding system, on-farm feed mixing, diet supplementation for grazing ewes, nutrition and more.

Facilities and handling

Use appropriate handling facilities and techniques to create a low-stress environment for sheep flocks:


Learn how to manage diseases that commonly impact sheep.

Read the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Sheep for information on sheep tail length and on-farm euthanasia.


Predation is when livestock are preyed upon resulting in injury or death. It can be costly and frustrating. Learn about different techniques to manage this issue.

Business and marketing

Learn how to forecast and plan lamb production to take advantage of marketing opportunities and increase your revenue.


Publication 834: Lambing Diary

Order a free copy of the Lambing Diary, a pocket-size booklet to record lambing activity for a sheep farm business during the busiest time of the production cycle.

It contains charts to record births, deaths, cull animals and health treatments. It also has information on caring for hypothermic lambs and a lambing date calculator.

Publication 846: Sheep Management Journal

Order a free copy of the Sheep Management Journal, a book for sheep producers to record animal management and health information, as well as pasture and feed management details.

It contains pages to record deadstock information, health treatments, cull animals, pasture movements and feed mixing information. Combined with the Lambing Diary, you can record all aspects of sheep management.